Make Leveling Worth It [Explained]

Make Leveling Worth It [Explained]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


Disclaimer: I played GW1 back when it was in E3 for Everyone and then released. I never played any of the expansions. (Max lvl was 1-20, unsure if its changed now).

I know back when GW1 first launched, it gave you two options during character creation. a PvE character or a PvP one.

The PvP one made you insta level 20, and mediocre gear. The PvE one made you level 1, and you had to earn everything. However, upon leveling to 20, you were enabled to use player crafted gear and items which gave you a slight edge over someone who ‘instant leveled’.

I know that ANet is wanting to prevent REQUIRING people to level to enjoy the end game, and i’m good with that. HOWEVER, It seems leveling in this game provides little to no benefit for doing so. Sure, you get money, to adventure through the lands.

But lets be honest, shouldn’t my character be slightly better than someone who did not take the time to level up to 80?

I know in WvW you get the benefits of the various gear + skill traights and i’m good with that. But, not all of us like WvW as it’s a constant zerg.

Could we possibly have something SIMILAR to that in PvP?

My suggestions are as follows:

‘Cap’ the skill points to that of 40 for anyone lvl 1-49. That will be the equivalent of lvl 50. This will allow people who are 80 to have more skill points to spend than someone whos level 1.

In PvP you get predetermined weapons/armor, and the only change is of the appearance of such. I do not approve of this, as I would be willing to sacrifice some Precision with some Power and/or Vitality. Let me play the stats I want.

In PvP you can not use rings/necklaces and whatnot. If i’m of level, let me.

Let the lvl 1-49 guys keep the premade stuff with the limitations… Let the 50-80 guys bask in a slight boost of stats/abilities.

I know some of you will complain and say “NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! HORRIBLE IDEA!” and hey, that’s your right. But lets be honest with each other for a minute… Shouldn’t someone whos lvl 80 be stronger/smarter/quicker than someone whos level 20? (Minus the Insta level 80 buff). I mean, they earned it by spending their time playing the other side of the game.

Just a suggestion, love it or hate it, that’s your right.

Make Leveling Worth It [Explained]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Greyfeld.7104


But lets be honest, shouldn’t my character be slightly better than someone who did not take the time to level up to 80?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: sPVP is built to emphasize skill, not gear. There are plenty of games that grant players an edge based on the gear they’ve acquired through hours upon hours of gameplay. This is not one of those games.

Make Leveling Worth It [Explained]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elle.8064


PvE and PvP are meant to be, more or less, completely separate. The game focuses on skills and builds instead of your gear… and to me, this is how games should work.

Also, I’m not sure what you were referring to about GW1. Players didn’t craft gear, unless you mean you gathered the materials, took them to the npc and paid to have them crafted, because that is how it worked. Also, as far as PvE vs PvP character, the PvP-only characters always had full access to all abilities and upgrades for armor and weapons when you went to outfit your character (I may have purchased stuff from the store, but it was a long time ago). PvP in this game is meant to provide you with everything at your disposal, and then you create what you want for that type of combat. PvE takes time and you need to work for the gear, while PvP makes you work the glory, honor and rank. Also, the level range was 1-20, but it works the same here when you hit 80 and you continue to gain skill points.

Keep the two separate, it works really well.

Make Leveling Worth It [Explained]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gennadios.8407


Hum, if someone spent their time playing the other side of the game, shouldn’t they have become faster/smarter/better by honing their dodge ability and getting to know their skills, and by default become better players without hiding behind stats?

Make Leveling Worth It [Explained]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


As I said, this is completely debatable.

You guys are ok with the way it works in WvW but not in PvP? I don’t understand the logic here at all by that. Only difference is, WvW is a zerg, PvP is not. I prefer to not run around and turn a corner into 50 enemies.

Make Leveling Worth It [Explained]

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


As I said, this is completely debatable.

You guys are ok with the way it works in WvW but not in PvP? I don’t understand the logic here at all by that. Only difference is, WvW is a zerg, PvP is not. I prefer to not run around and turn a corner into 50 enemies.

Don’t go alone or don’t do WvW. Also, WvW isn’t just a zerg. If you start WvW building up defenses against the initial zerg (StarCraft anyone) then the zergers are in a bad way after their initial push fails. WvW is not a 20 min PvP game. If you don’t use a long game strategy then the other teams are just going to dominate.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

Make Leveling Worth It [Explained]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Temariah.9372


Firstly, you can customize your stats. You can give up your precision boosts and instead choose to have power based traits and amulets.

The amulet incorporates the other accessories in a way, that’s why they’re so strong.

As someone mentioned, playing to 80 gives you the know-how that will automatically make you better than someone who just poofs to 80 for sPvP.

You should not have to PvE to PvP. That is the entire crux of the decision made here. Anet did not want you to have to level up to sPvP at the top level.

Temariah Dawnsong – “A new dawn is coming; sieze the day.”
Leader of The Harbingers of Serendipity [LIFE] : Fort Aspenwood