Make Mini Mr. Sparkles a MF'able item

Make Mini Mr. Sparkles a MF'able item

in Suggestions

Posted by: Andrew.4506


Similar to how there is a unique recipe for the twisted minis. When I found that out my first thought was, "Oh, Sparkles must be a mystic forge recipe obtained from combining the 3 golems you get from guild commendations + something else. It all made sense logically until I found that you couldn’t forge those.

I think most people can agree that exclusive in game items for attending real world events isn’t fair. I think a mystic forge recipe for sparkles requiring the 3 commendation golems and maybe the inquest golemcaster would be a great idea and one I think most people would really enjoy.

Make Mini Mr. Sparkles a MF'able item

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I do not agree with this idea. I would prefer paying 800 gems for it.

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Make Mini Mr. Sparkles a MF'able item

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


Well, as long as it is made available in SOME shape or form.

I’d probably prefer MF in this case, myself.

Make Mini Mr. Sparkles a MF'able item

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceadon.9618


I am surprised there are not more responses to this. Is there another thread filled with mini-collector outrage? Personally I take collecting minis to be the only long-term goal I have in GW2.

If we can’t acquire one…why get any?

Make Mini Mr. Sparkles a MF'able item

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


I’m in that same boat, I really want one, but **** paying $400+ for one. I’d gladly shell out $20 to Anet’s pockets, even if it’s put towards Wildstar or something, ’cause this current situation is a great big ripoff.

Make Mini Mr. Sparkles a MF'able item

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sharkinu.8096


Is not first time this happens.

And I’m sure they will release more codes for those who didn’t attend at gamescom/pax. the Dragon T-shirt was also distributed at PAX but later they made code giveways on various community fansites like reddit or guildwars2guru etc.

Make Mini Mr. Sparkles a MF'able item

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falkor.7932


When nobody knew where it came from I suggested someone try to MF the 3 golems and Zojja, which made an utter amount of sense. It might be time-gated, but at least it would be possible to get. The problem with releasing more codes (especially to the internet), is that it’s essentially the same as giving it away at promotional events, only a few people who happen to be lucky, get one. Since mini collecting is a huge industry of GW2, it seems unfair to make such an item limited.

“One time! I slightly blew some of us up one time, and you won’t let it go.”
- Explorer Bekk

Make Mini Mr. Sparkles a MF'able item

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sawnic.6795


This is a reward for doing something in real life. I strongly believe it should only be obtainable out of game.

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Borlis Pass’ official male cheerleader
Commander by title: Sawnec the Mesmer

Make Mini Mr. Sparkles a MF'able item

in Suggestions

Posted by: thefinnster.7105


the real problem is simpley that it is part of the colection tab it needs to be removed from there if we cant all obtain it that way we can stall maintain a complete colection of minis and not give it a second thought
but i compleatly agree with ceadon.9618 if we cant get one why get any i am considering abandoning my mini pet colecting in the future coz of thise poor decision by arenanet