Make the Host Immune to Votekick
Logically speaking, OP is right.
Until they make it so that the dungeon doesn’t kick everyone when the host leaves the party, making the host unkickable would be a decent workaround.
Trolling/griefing by vote kicking is a problem for the other 4 players in the party as well, not just the host, so that won’t solve anything.
- The instance should not be cancelled in the first place, whether the “host” gets kicked / leaves / DCs or not
- /party chat logs need to be preserved when you leave a party, so when you get an unfair/unrightful kick, so can prove it and report the players
But these two things have been suggested a number of times already.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Until they make it so that the dungeon doesn’t kick everyone when the host leaves the party, making the host unkickable would be a decent workaround.
Establishing workarounds usually leads to the core issue never getting fixed. Source: working in IT support for most of my work life
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Trolling/griefing by vote kicking is a problem for the other 4 players in the party as well, not just the host, so that won’t solve anything.
- The instance should not be cancelled in the first place, whether the “host” gets kicked / leaves / DCs or not
- /party chat logs need to be preserved when you leave a party, so when you get an unfair/unrightful kick, so can prove it and report the players
But these two things have been suggested a number of times already.
Those 2 suggestions wouldn’t fix the issue of being host, opening party to the LFG tool, then having 2 people (buddies) join and immediately kicking the host. In fact those suggestions would allow the buddies to hijack the dungeon.
Until they make it so that the dungeon doesn’t kick everyone when the host leaves the party, making the host unkickable would be a decent workaround.
Establishing workarounds usually leads to the core issue never getting fixed. Source: working in IT support for most of my work life
I can second this. Source: years in game design (oh if you could see the horrors I’ve seen…)
Why do they even assign a Host?
It might be different if they had tools that made being a Party Leader or Host more useful…
We are not rolling for loot so no need there.
We are not assigning tags to enemies(something I have made a suggestion for)( )
Do we really need a person to be the host?
The host is basically the party leader. IMO, no two people should ever have the authority to kick the host. Three or four people perhaps (if the host is being a real jerk). But TWO people just makes it too easy to grief / troll party leaders (and hence the whole party).
Trolling/griefing by vote kicking is a problem for the other 4 players in the party as well, not just the host, so that won’t solve anything.
- The instance should not be cancelled in the first place, whether the “host” gets kicked / leaves / DCs or not
- /party chat logs need to be preserved when you leave a party, so when you get an unfair/unrightful kick, so can prove it and report the players
But these two things have been suggested a number of times already.
Those 2 suggestions wouldn’t fix the issue of being host, opening party to the LFG tool, then having 2 people (buddies) join and immediately kicking the host. In fact those suggestions would allow the buddies to hijack the dungeon.
Personally, I like the way the system is right now, with the host leaves everyone does, compared to other suggestions I’ve seen. What I suggest to help clear up the issue instead is it have an icon by the player’s name who is the leader/starter. That way it is very clear who is the one you shouldn’t kick if you want to stay in the dungeon/instance.
Since it would be easier and faster to just see an icon compared to checking all the “talking scenes” to see which player is the leader, and more reliable then asking who started the thing. Sure it’s not the answer/solution people want, but it would be nice if Anet never does decide to change how it works.
Trolling/griefing by vote kicking is a problem for the other 4 players in the party as well, not just the host, so that won’t solve anything.
- The instance should not be cancelled in the first place, whether the “host” gets kicked / leaves / DCs or not
- /party chat logs need to be preserved when you leave a party, so when you get an unfair/unrightful kick, so can prove it and report the players
But these two things have been suggested a number of times already.
Those 2 suggestions wouldn’t fix the issue of being host, opening party to the LFG tool, then having 2 people (buddies) join and immediately kicking the host. In fact those suggestions would allow the buddies to hijack the dungeon.
Personally, I like the way the system is right now, with the host leaves everyone does, compared to other suggestions I’ve seen. What I suggest to help clear up the issue instead is it have an icon by the player’s name who is the leader/starter. That way it is very clear who is the one you shouldn’t kick if you want to stay in the dungeon/instance.
Since it would be easier and faster to just see an icon compared to checking all the “talking scenes” to see which player is the leader, and more reliable then asking who started the thing. Sure it’s not the answer/solution people want, but it would be nice if Anet never does decide to change how it works.
you’re not getting my point. There are people who just wants to troll and grief by kicking the host. I’ve had it happen to myself 3 times. I would post an LFG near the end of a dungeon, and 2 guys would join and proceed to kick the host.
Under the current system, I suppose its true the host shouldn’t be kicked under any circumstances; however, it should be possible to kick the host if the host were a troll. In the current system, you’re at the mercy of the host, which is actually a seriously flawed system when you have parties composed of people you don’t know. The host could be a troll, or just a flat out jerk like the host of a dungeon i just ran today. They decided they’d had enough and their time was much more valuable than any of ours, and just erased the instance.
Quite frankly this is a terrible system, only for the fact that the dungeon resets, if it didn’t reset, then you should be allowed to kick the host if you wanted to, because nothing says the host can’t be a troll.
Under the current system I feel like there should be a possibility to report players, but you shouldn’t feel the need to in the first place under a proper party system.
As far as saving party chat from an erased instance… I feel that would be a bad idea, because if it had been saved today, you can be sure I’d have cussed to the party leader until they were forced to block me, so whether that was intentionally implemented or not, it should probably stay the same.
this might be close to impossible but what about this idea, we simply get along and work things out along the way.
if you have a jerk in the party, ask your self why (s)he is even in the party to begin with.
really, after playing GW1 for 8 years now i never had anyone being a jerk because i always talk to them, get to know my team before heading out in a dungeon.
is it really so difficult to simply talk to the team for 2 minutes or are we so anti-social that we expect everyone to get in line without even discussing strategy?
How do you talk someone out of being a troll? Okay, I agree the host can also be a troll. In that case, I suggest increasing the # of votes required to kick the HOST from 2 to 3, while keeping that # the same for everyone else. This allows the host to be kicked if he’s truly being a jerk, and at the same time it preserves the host’s power to kick someone out of his party (I mean it’s his party; he should have that power).
For this reason I always always open FotM 48.
If I roll a couple of kittens I’m still calm and relaxed: if I’m grief-kicked EVERYONE IS GRIEF-KICKED!