

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kyocciola.2518



Why don’t add it? It could be quite funny for ppl like me that have a boyfriend and play always with him to share things “account bound”!

Cause, for example, he have some crafting boost that he’ll never use again and could be a great thing if he can send to me

What do you think about? I know of other couples that plays gw2 and it could be fun Yeah, of course it will change a lot of things, but I just want to know what’s your idea on that

Make 2 accounts being one, so lovely, ahahah (we also bought GW2 at St. Valentine… so neeerdish)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Bevillian.1260


I guess they would have to add in game prenups and divorces as well then. “if we split I get all the Ecto” an so forth. Hah.

Guild Wars 2 Needs Hall of Heroes


in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

You 2 are cute, and I’d love to be able to send my useless account bound stuff (ascended rings say hi) to my girlfriend who might actually use it, but sadly this would be too open to abuse. Account bound items are account bound for a reason.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

I guess they would have to add in game prenups and divorces as well then. “if we split I get all the Ecto” an so forth. Hah.

“Fine but I’m keeping custody of your warrior!”


in Suggestions

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


“Account bound” is a weird concept for roleplayers. My character has close relationships to other players’ characters (such as my boyfriend’s main…) but no relationship at all to any of my alts. How could she? She can never even exist in the same room as them.

Yet my characters share all their account-bound possessions.

By the way, my boyfriend and I have a mutual guild/guild bank where we share a good deal of our mats, gold etc. – I think that is currently as close as you can get in GW2.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Euthymia.4807


It’s a neat idea when done right. Most of the time I’ve seen it done gays and lesbians where discriminated against.

Two accounts being one. No. Having a special title, emotes (hugs and kisses), and maybe a special icon on the map and color in chat would be cool.

PS: Why do people keep using that “Q/A” option when their thread isn’t one that requires that type of thing? Kinda annoying.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Kyocciola.2518


PS: Why do people keep using that “Q/A” option when their thread isn’t one that requires that type of thing? Kinda annoying.

Cuz i’m noob, sorry >3>"


in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightarch.2943


Bloody hell, I hope they don’t add it. I don’t need a constant reminder that I will always be on the solo. That and it’s just absurd.

Guild Wars 2 is not a sequel to the original Guild Wars but merely an alternative story setting.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

no, thing sounds stupid, its a video game go marry elsewhere… add content instead of more mini games

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Mathog.3157


“Hmm, I need new greatsword”


in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


as already stated i agree with this but only if there is no gay/lesbian/transgender/whatever discrimination^^

Looking for a gay friendly guild?
Join the Rainbow Pride


in Suggestions

Posted by: Meluna.1764


Naa, either it will be useful, then it will be a random feature everyone just does for the boni, or it will be entirely pointless, in which case you can already just roleplay a wedding.
There is no real way to pull this off with any kind of meaning or offending anyone in the process. Better to just leave it out.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


This is probably never going to happen, because it all comes down to the same problems as to why account sharing is not allowed… While you may trust your partner, if something happens, ANet cannot be responsible for stolen/lost items because you decided to share your account with another player (but you know that people will complain, regardless of taking that risk).

As much as I would actually really enjoy this, I think it would be too great of a liability for the company.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Kyocciola.2518


This is probably never going to happen, because it all comes down to the same problems as to why account sharing is not allowed… While you may trust your partner, if something happens, ANet cannot be responsible for stolen/lost items because you decided to share your account with another player (but you know that people will complain, regardless of taking that risk).

As much as I would actually really enjoy this, I think it would be too great of a liability for the company.

Yeah, that’s true, I didn’t thought about it :/


in Suggestions

Posted by: gooseman.6182


as already stated i agree with this but only if there is no gay/lesbian/transgender/whatever discrimination^^

Have you read Sylvari lore? They love based on personality.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

Just make it a cash shop item. Have some added extras like wedding clothes as town clothes, and a little wedding ring icon that shows on the mini-map so you can always find your love. If you really want to make a big deal out of it then there could be a little in-game display that kicks off when the items are used.

As to binding two accounts, simple really. Rather than actually combining the accounts just give each person an item, like a transmutation stone, that shifts any account bound item used with it to the other person’s account, and automatically mails it to them. This way you don’t end up with “this is mine. No it’s MINE!” disputes, but you can give and receive account bound items between you.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Furesy.6935


as already stated i agree with this but only if there is no gay/lesbian/transgender/whatever discrimination^^

Have you read Sylvari lore? They love based on personality.


Anyway, weddings could be nice! And the idea of being able to share account bound items is also nice, but an extreme liability as someone already mentioned.

The one thing I can think of that could be a nice bonus to getting married (apart from the RPing aspect of it) is the ability to teleport to your husband/wife with the click of a button (the precise location, at the cost of say 2 silver or so). Of course both have to be online for this to work and it will only work in PvE (excluding dungeons). I don’t think something like this would be much of a problem unless I am forgetting something…


in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I think it would be cool if marriage enables special emotes, dance, town clothes, and a few functions such as a permanent icon visible on map and maybe a unique transformation with special skills.

What I loved from another MMO was the fact that men could pick up woman in their hands. It was really useful to help for jumpings and such. It could be integrated into GW2 in such a way that it is only between the married (without the gender restriction). That’d be cool.

No need for shared stash or w/e.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

What I loved from another MMO was the fact that men could pick up woman in their hands. It was really useful to help for jumpings and such. It could be integrated into GW2 in such a way that it is only between the married (without the gender restriction). That’d be cool.

Forsaken World. I remember that one; my wife called me her “mount” because I just carried her everywhere. Good times.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Nuvat.6431


Just make it a cash shop item. Have some added extras like wedding clothes as town clothes, and a little wedding ring icon that shows on the mini-map so you can always find your love. If you really want to make a big deal out of it then there could be a little in-game display that kicks off when the items are used.

As to binding two accounts, simple really. Rather than actually combining the accounts just give each person an item, like a transmutation stone, that shifts any account bound item used with it to the other person’s account, and automatically mails it to them. This way you don’t end up with “this is mine. No it’s MINE!” disputes, but you can give and receive account bound items between you.

Or they could make a special marriage account, so if one of the players wants to give an item to their “spouse” they could shift that item to the marriage account, and the “spouse” could maybe get a notification that an item(s) is in that account. No item stealing, no “It’s MINE!” after they fall out. I do like your idea too! Just no sharing accounts. :|


in Suggestions

Posted by: sinzer.4018


No thank you as my partner keeps accidentally salvaging stuff. I’ll be bankrupt!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood


in Suggestions

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


i ll blame mainly the underaged kids or teens for the lack of cool stuff ingame altho marriage would= opportunities for scammers and sexual predators etc etc etc

heres how it would go :

next day or 2 days after marriege is implemented

most guys playing girl →LF rich husband or master hell as far i know girls would do it too

all we would see if people goin all over gimme this or we break up or gimme this and i ll marry you

or sinc everything was shared partners emptying other partner’s bank and removing them


in Suggestions

Posted by: Euthymia.4807


i ll blame mainly the underaged kids or teens for the lack of cool stuff ingame altho marriage would= opportunities for scammers and sexual predators etc etc etc

heres how it would go :

next day or 2 days after marriege is implemented

most guys playing girl ->LF rich husband or master hell as far i know girls would do it too

all we would see if people goin all over gimme this or we break up or gimme this and i ll marry you

or sinc everything was shared partners emptying other partner’s bank and removing them

The shared account thing would never happen, and was a dumb idea. There’s nothing wrong the the marriage idea though. At least for RPers. Why not give them a little something from time to time?

It could be nothing more than a special title saying “Married to [Whatever the character’s name is]” and people would probably be happen.

Both people go to some NPC, they agree and pay a small feel. Then there’s a cutscene of the two getting married, and then they each get a title with the other person’s name on it.

As a bonus they could give married people a few special emotes.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Okiru.7635


Would love this for me and my wife!