(edited by Moderator)
More Guild Member Information
/petition signed – fully agree.
Last logged in or bust.
the current system makes it hard for guild leaders to keep on top of things. We could also really really really really (I can’t stress how much) do with
1/ officer chat (desperately needed )
2/ message of the day actually announcing in guild chat. ATM it’s kinda pointless.
3/ an option to announce people logging into and out of the guild
4/ to be able to make notes, in my guild we use real life names and it’s hard to keep track of who’s who.
5/ an option to see how much of the time people are representing the guild. If someones only represented once, then they might as well not be in it. Or if someone represented us 100% since joining they should be rewarded.
6/ a guild calendar or some way for members to sign up for guild/ group events
(edited by shiandi.5064)
Definitely agree with the message of the day. It’s amazing how many people never even glance at the guild menu. Same with the logging in and out, no one ever knows when someone logs in or even when a new person joins.
There also needs to be something done about character names. It’s hard to remember who is who in guild chat because people will log on with many different characters. An option to use player tags instead of character names in guild chat would be nice.
+1 to this
I have a small guild (only 18 members) but it’s nice to know if I’ve just missed playing with someone cause they just logged off or if they haven’t actually played in 2 weeks.
Also the percentage of time spent representing is an awesome idea.
It is really difficult to run a guild without some of the above options.
Officer chat is desperately needed.
Last logged in is really essential for any guild of more than about 50, GW1 had it so GW2 should have had it.
I’d also add a revamp of the roster screen to make it look it less like an excel spreadsheet and more like a guild roster.
The guild roster is in serious need of revamping to be anything other than barely functional, and I would argue its not even that.
I would have it laid out as such
MyGuild:nnn/guildcap, xx online, yy representing:
Leader 1/1
Shanaeri Rynale
Senior officers 5/10
ZZZ Last logged in 2 hours ago
Members 145/260
hfhf Last logged in 4 hours ago
wewq Last Logged in 2 days ago.
So and so last logged in 10 days ago.
Tbh stuff like crafting level and achievement points mean nothing to me as a guild leader.
While i’m at it. Adding the option to see when guildies login and logout in guild chat would also be fantastic.
(edited by Shanaeri Rynale.6897)
Seriously I never look at the crafting section of the roster haha. Even the level option is kind of useless since every character from one account is technically in a guild.
Yes we really need this. Guilds keep growing and growing in size, but a majority of the players aren’t even playing or aren’t even representing.
I’d also advocate only show people in the guild window that are currently representing. Countless times I’ve tried to talk to someone through guild chat only to learn that they aren’t even representing.
If the % of time a player spends representing a guild is difficult, could you just list the total influence that player has contributed to the guild? It would have to be total influence, not just influence on the server you are currently sitting on.
The influence per server is a separate annoyance altogether.
the current system makes it hard for guild leaders to keep on top of things. We could also really really really really (I can’t stress how much) do with
1/ officer chat (desperately needed )
2/ message of the day actually announcing in guild chat. ATM it’s kinda pointless.
3/ an option to announce people logging into and out of the guild
4/ to be able to make notes, in my guild we use real life names and it’s hard to keep track of who’s who.
5/ an option to see how much of the time people are representing the guild. If someones only represented once, then they might as well not be in it. Or if someone represented us 100% since joining they should be rewarded.
6/ a guild calendar or some way for members to sign up for guild/ group events
Best list of guild system suggestions yet. /signed
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]
the current system makes it hard for guild leaders to keep on top of things. We could also really really really really (I can’t stress how much) do with
1/ officer chat (desperately needed )
2/ message of the day actually announcing in guild chat. ATM it’s kinda pointless.
3/ an option to announce people logging into and out of the guild
4/ to be able to make notes, in my guild we use real life names and it’s hard to keep track of who’s who.
5/ an option to see how much of the time people are representing the guild. If someones only represented once, then they might as well not be in it. Or if someone represented us 100% since joining they should be rewarded.
6/ a guild calendar or some way for members to sign up for guild/ group events
I agree we definitely need all of these things. Running a guild right now is kinda difficult.
I agree completely. The guild needs more functionality. Officer chat is handy, but not entirely necessary (use VOIP programs and save time). Announcements in-game are a huge help. Last login is a MUST! And if you’re going to allow people to represent via GW ID, allow us to see ALL alts via mouseover or click menu so we can check levels, crafting levels, etc for ease of access.
Maybe it’s already been mentioned but the guild information I would like
For Each Member, the ability to Drill down on the characters they have that are representing the guild
That shows Character Level, All Crafting Levels, the last time the Character was logged in, and Total Influence earned toward guild.
We desperately need more guild member information. I agree with all the suggestions in this thread.
I very much agree with this. It would make my life sooo much easier as a guild leader.
Also I think it would be nice to have a guild mailing option. So if i want to host an event I can send out a mass mail to everyone in my guild. ^-^
Sactum of Rall
Guild Wars community member since Aug 2006
We also need a buff indicator on the UI for when things like +10% to magic find are active as of right now there is no way to even tell it’s active unless you happen to look at the upgrades tab.
I agree. More guild info is a must! especially the last logged in and something to show level of representing.
A must have in a guild menu!
We also need a buff indicator on the UI for when things like +10% to magic find are active as of right now there is no way to even tell it’s active unless you happen to look at the upgrades tab.
This would be really great as well.