More Skills

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zelulose.8695



Playing Guild Wars 2 has been allot of fun. However, gameplay is starting to become less fun due to players copying each others builds. The real issue is variety. We need more so our characters can be unique. The builds get so similar that I refer to elementalists as dagger/dagger elementalists or scepter elementalists and there are not even more than a few weapon combinations.

My suggestions are as Follows:

-Add more version of a weapon to add skill variety (example: instead of just 3 sword skills; you have 3 skills for a crooked sword, 3 skills for a flame sword, 3 skills for the bronze sword). Already 9 more skills are added with one weapon using this method.

-Add more healing skills (I Don’t just mean more healing skills alone. we also need to be able to use utility slots for healing adding more variety to healing skills. One slot and 3 healing skills is fairly easy to copy.) It would be a good idea to make one utility skill slot a special utility kill /healing skill slot to achieve this.

- Add more utility skills. (we really just need more)

- Add more elite skills. ( Elite skills change the flow of the battle and will be even more effective if we don’t guarantee they will use one of 3 Elite skill choices). Fore example: I can guarantee a thief will use the thief summoning elite skill because they all do.

-Allow PvE skills to be used in Heart of the Mists PvP (It would add more variety and would diminish the disappointment of having an awesome build in PvE while being unable to test them out In Heart of the Mists PvP).

Any method will do. Guildwars2 players just need more skills because we are using them all up. I believe that the implantation of even one or two of the suggestions mentioned will keep Guildwars2 gamer’s playing the game for years while they recombine skills to make new interesting skill combinations.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: piitb.7635


Plus there is also the idea to customize weapon skills.

Not meaning changing weapon skills entirely, but allowing players to take the weapon skills they have and personalize them to a playstyle.

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


Yes any idea to add more skills without altering Guildwars2 will be helpfull. We just need more.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jenvas.7209


well the weaponskills really get boring, you have this amount of utility skills (not enough) you can pick from. but after learning the 3 or 5 skills on a weapon, thats it.
so if we could learn new weaponskills from trainers, or other ways, like a different version of the standard skill, that would be neat. in GW1 it was fun to hunt for skills, so GW2 could have special trainers, that are hard to find or unlock, that teach you this unusual way to use your weapon. the stats dont need to be dramatically different, but the usage should be different.

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jenvas.7209


More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


We need to wait for them to balance what we already have before asking them to add more.

[SFD] – Maguuma

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: E Tan.7385

E Tan.7385

“we leave the grind to other MMOs.”
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


They have 500 skills, and from what we have gathered only 2 people working on balancing them and or fixing them. So my solution is to hire more people for that so wants that all done, they can work on new weapons and skills for players. I did not expect gw2 to have over 2000 skills like gw1 had over 7 years time but I do want the skills to grow.

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: E Tan.7385

E Tan.7385

You cant sympathize with Anet because they said they are only 2 ppl to manage the skill balance.

Seriously. Gw1 and logicaly GW2 are game based ON skill usage, i guess everyone will agree.

How can they seriously ( they are supposed to be professional, and since 2005 have the knowledge because of GW1 ) have only TWO people to manage that ?
+ they look to be totaly incompetent ( see mesmer update or ranger update )

For me they should have one people per classa and this personn should have a good knowledge of the class ( in GW1 and GW2 )

Actualy GW2 have a huge problem gameplay side.

Its a bit like a fighting game ( soul calibur / street fighter / tekken, or whatever )
Play a such game when each char have 100 differents combo will make each fight nearly unique and interesting since there will be always something new or learn to make biggest combo. You never get bored.

Play a fighting game with only 5 differents combo per character, you get bored by this game pretty fast because there is nothing new to try out, no suprise, no experimentation.
GW2 is like that for the moment.

For me they should definitely change how the skills are managed, and definitely add quiet a lot new skills.

But yeah first make more people work on the skill update to do a correct job :/

“we leave the grind to other MMOs.”
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I love threads like this cause people are failing to notice that Anet is taking your money throwing it in the bank and collecting interest which is how they are able to keep the game free to play.

Personally I would not want to higher 15 people to work on one field until I am sure that the game is going to last. ( not saying the game wont but I am not a person that can predict the future)

Although I am sure Anet would be more than happy to hire people that are competent enough to program and work on games if your willing to work for free.

People just need to give them time the game has only been out for what 2 months now if this was the 5th year of being out and there was still no new skills I would be more inclined to side with you folks. I would love to see more skills be put into the game but that is probably going to happen in expansions like GW1 did.

As far as players copying others builds I think that is silly. I use builds on my characters that fit the way I play, skills I think are going to benefit the build I play. I don’t go to web sites or ask players I just play around with it until I am satisfied.

My Guardian uses a sword and shield to do “Tanking” with where most players use Mace and shield. Does that make me wrong or a bad player? Well depending on how you look at it maybe so but to the people that have run with me and actually played with me I do a superb job.

I guess I say Give the Dev Team time to work on other things more crucial like bugs that keep repeating or glitches or holiday events. The game just released I am sure in time we will see more skills. The give me give me now demeanor is tiresome and ridiculous

till then folks happy gaming and relax enjoy your selves it is just a game

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soloist.4120


I agree with the post . We do need more skills , and the ability to choose the weapon skills we want to use . Anet should have known this would happen from the 7 years of GW1 . I’m a big Anet fan , but to see them release a game with so few skills , i have no sympathy for them. They should have known we as GW players would expect to have alot of flexibility and choices . They play other games .. so they know . At this point , it’s not their first rodeo making a game , so they should know what players expect from them.

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Storms Fury.9307

Storms Fury.9307

Apparently the thread I made earlier is a “sister” thread to this.

I’ll post the URL for your viewing:

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: motionape.3607


Vigil/Order/Priory special skill. yay!

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zahld.4956


Balancing skills then adding more skills would require more balancing afterwards. The cycle continues.

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: E Tan.7385

E Tan.7385

I love threads like this cause people are failing to notice that Anet is taking your money throwing it in the bank and collecting interest which is how they are able to keep the game free to play.

Personally I would not want to higher 15 people to work on one field until I am sure that the game is going to last. ( not saying the game wont but I am not a person that can predict the future)

yep, but they are taking a lot of money from the cash shop.
Also, they can do a effort to make the game last longer, the “i’am doing the minimum to see if its ok” can be totaly permissive.
Because if the minimum “work” why would they bother to improve something ?

+ only 2 failed people to work on skill, who do just wrong skill “balance” is really take the piss out the players since GW2 is a game based on skill, giving the ability to make serval builds, change how you play your char like you want.. etc.

Also your way to see it, its pretty outrageous, if they do the minimum ( pretty much like actualy ) and the game work ? why would they even start to bother one day to improove the game ?
Following your way to think, i would never improove something if the minimum is enough for most of the player.


Balancing skills then adding more skills would require more balancing afterwards. The cycle continues.

So what ? magic the gathering is doing that since 1993, did this game didnt work anymore ? not at all.
Did they fail at balance “skills” no since they create T1 / T2 and other format to forbid OP combos.

GW1 did that with the extension, or somes update adding pve skills. Did that didnt work ? not at all, the game passionate a lot of players since 2005, why ? because of the ability to create tons of differents build.

In GW1 even if they made a lot of epic fail skill balance, they most of the time remove ability of somes totaly OP combo, and it was fine.
Also GW2 dont have Curse + enchant + mana system to manage, its way more easy for them.
But yeah using 2 totaly incompetent person for that dont help at all

Not improving the core gameplay will, without any doubt make the game more boring everydays.

Or maybe gear treadmill will be enough to make play the majority during years with the same build over and over and over again. ( at see the poor GW2 choice offered by GW2 )

“we leave the grind to other MMOs.”
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke

(edited by E Tan.7385)

More Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I love threads like this cause people are failing to notice that Anet is taking your money throwing it in the bank and collecting interest which is how they are able to keep the game free to play.

Personally I would not want to higher 15 people to work on one field until I am sure that the game is going to last. ( not saying the game wont but I am not a person that can predict the future)

yep, but they are taking a lot of money from the cash shop.
Also, they can do a effort to make the game last longer, the “i’am doing the minimum to see if its ok” can be totaly permissive.
Because if the minimum “work” why would they bother to improve something ?

+ only 2 failed people to work on skill, who do just wrong skill “balance” is really take the piss out the players since GW2 is a game based on skill, giving the ability to make serval builds, change how you play your char like you want.. etc.

Also your way to see it, its pretty outrageous, if they do the minimum ( pretty much like actualy ) and the game work ? why would they even start to bother one day to improove the game ?
Following your way to think, i would never improove something if the minimum is enough for most of the player.


Balancing skills then adding more skills would require more balancing afterwards. The cycle continues.

So what ? magic the gathering is doing that since 1993, did this game didnt work anymore ? not at all.
Did they fail at balance “skills” no since they create T1 / T2 and other format to forbid OP combos.

GW1 did that with the extension, or somes update adding pve skills. Did that didnt work ? not at all, the game passionate a lot of players since 2005, why ? because of the ability to create tons of differents build.

In GW1 even if they made a lot of epic fail skill balance, they most of the time remove ability of somes totaly OP combo, and it was fine.
Also GW2 dont have Curse + enchant + mana system to manage, its way more easy for them.
But yeah using 2 totaly incompetent person for that dont help at all

Not improving the core gameplay will, without any doubt make the game more boring everydays.

Or maybe gear treadmill will be enough to make play the majority during years with the same build over and over and over again. ( at see the poor GW2 choice offered by GW2 )

Thanks for taking what I said out of context and not citing the other things I said. I agreed that I would love to see more skills.


I also said that people need to just chill out, the game has only been up for 2 Months. For the amount of skills they have 2 people working on them is fine. I am sure once more skills are added more people will be sent to work on them accordingly.


that is all I was saying.