More underwater skills

More underwater skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avatar Rage.4369

Avatar Rage.4369

Before Guild Wars 2 came out the nice people of a-net really bigged up the underwater combat.

The combat itself is really fun, but I feel that the amount of skills that get blocked out by going underwater gets a little bit silly. I mean look at the necro, they get all of their well moves blocked, and only one close range elite for UW combat. This is only one example but it is something that has been bothering me across all classes I have played (with the exception of my Warrior, he seems fine underwater).

It would just be nice to have equivalent skills for UW combat instead of just locking them out, especially with the Elite skills. How hard would it be if Flesh Golem was replaced with an animated Giant Armour Fish, still with a charge ability, nothing really has changed just the skin. This is just one example though off the top of my head.

I often find myself avoiding combat underwater because of how I am often not speced for my elite skill (or even some others) UW.

What do you guys think, more UW equivalent skills good or bad?

More underwater skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maligne.6182


Oh, gods, yes. As a necromancer, it’s eye-gougingly frustrating that so many abilities are locked underwater.

On a side note, I *DO* like how Mantra of Agony has no verbal component underwater. I don’t use mantras, otherwise, specifically because I can’t stand listening to my character repeat himself like a broken record.

More underwater skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avatar Rage.4369

Avatar Rage.4369

Oh, gods, yes. As a necromancer, it’s eye-gougingly frustrating that so many abilities are locked underwater.

On a side note, I DO like how Mantra of Agony has no verbal component underwater. I don’t use mantras, otherwise, specifically because I can’t stand listening to my character repeat himself like a broken record.

It is not just a necro problem but I feel the seem to be hit the hardest. I mean the Ele gets an under water elite so why not other classes. We should not be limted to one elite underwater.

More underwater skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adelas.6598


My main is an ele, and so she has plenty of underwater skills. I was really aggravated to switch to guard and thief and be stuck with so few – on those guys, no F1, F2, F3, and I can’t even swap weapons to increase my number of skills.

The underwater areas are actually my favorite, but on non-ele characters the combat loses a lot of appeal. More skills would help.

More underwater skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


More underwater WEAPONS and some skills (as in 6-0) that are water only.

More underwater skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stratzvyda.3921


They seem to have a whole lot of skills that are blocked from underwater that have no reason being so. Most notably signets, why the balls are there signets that don’t work underwater with active effects that affect your target? Unless a skill targets an area(and even then you could make them auto cast a sphere on your target or yourself depending on the skill) there’s no reason to disable it.

More underwater skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avatar Rage.4369

Avatar Rage.4369

They seem to have a whole lot of skills that are blocked from underwater that have no reason being so. Most notably signets, why the balls are there signets that don’t work underwater with active effects that affect your target? Unless a skill targets an area(and even then you could make them auto cast a sphere on your target or yourself depending on the skill) there’s no reason to disable it.

I agree completely. A-net did put a lot of emphasis on UW combat but a lot of classes get skills locked out, while others receive virtually no penalty. Seems a little imbalanced.