Guild Wars 2 is a PvE game, with some pvp as a bonus. Just the way I like it. But I can understand the frustration for pvp/wvw players, the game could use some more pvp/wvw content.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Guild Wars 2 is a PvE game, with some pvp as a bonus. Just the way I like it. But I can understand the frustration for pvp/wvw players, the game could use some more pvp/wvw content.
The game could use actual Guild Wars. GvG and HA were the top 2 features in GW and they are nonexistent in GW2.
I thought that ANet makes it clear on their website that this game has a stronger PvE presence than PvP. Of course, you’d actually have to look this sort of thing up before purchase, but I guess some people are incapable of doing that.
Guild Wars 2 is a PvE game, with some pvp as a bonus. Just the way I like it. But I can understand the frustration for pvp/wvw players, the game could use some more pvp/wvw content.
The game could use actual Guild Wars. GvG and HA were the top 2 features in GW and they are nonexistent in GW2.
Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 aren’t the same game. Expecting it to be is a waist of energy, to be honest.
Guild Wars 2 is a PvE game, with some pvp as a bonus. Just the way I like it. But I can understand the frustration for pvp/wvw players, the game could use some more pvp/wvw content.
The game could use actual Guild Wars. GvG and HA were the top 2 features in GW and they are nonexistent in GW2.
Which you knew or should have known didn’t exist in GW2
The name Guild Wars is based on lore not on mechanics
everyone that participated in the beta flooded the WvWvW..
everyone that participated in the beta flooded the WvWvW..
Just like the PvE world, almost every map had like 2 overflows back then.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Furthermore, if there was a hardcore pvp server I would re-level from 1-80 just to participate in this type of server. I believe a lot of other players would as well.
Furthermore, if there was a hardcore pvp server I would re-level from 1-80 just to participate in this type of server. I believe a lot of other players would as well.
This could be a nice solution. It would give hardcore pvp players something to do without harming pve players (like me), since they can just stay in the normal servers. Unfortunately, it has been suggested many times already, I don’t see it coming anytime soon.
~Sincerely, Scissors
why not? i think it would be awesome
Guild Wars 2 is a PvE game, with some pvp as a bonus. Just the way I like it. But I can understand the frustration for pvp/wvw players, the game could use some more pvp/wvw content.
The game could use actual Guild Wars. GvG and HA were the top 2 features in GW and they are nonexistent in GW2.
Which you knew or should have known didn’t exist in GW2
The name Guild Wars is based on lore not on mechanics
The fact that Guild Wars is related to the lore does not mean there should not be more guild-related stuff like GvG, guild halls and raid instances.
So nobody should have known that.
Fractions would also not be bad. It would add an extra level to the game where you have have an open-world housing system and castles you build and defent with the guild / server / fraction.
(edited by Devata.6589)
AMEN to that ^^