Necromancer minion ideas
Hey how’s it goin, just here to check out other’s ideas for minions. It seems as though any attempt at a suggestion for a MM is just passed off as trash, I tried making one myself last month. As you can see, no replies as well, I just recently looked it up to change a few things however.
@OP: I support idea 1, and like idea 4, but ideas 2 – 4 would require a fair bit of coding work and UI changes, so I doubt we’ll see it happen.
The following are my ideas to beef up minions and make the MM role more attractive:
Minion Buffs:
1. Increase the base health of minions by 25% and their base damage by 10%.
2. Allow minions to regenerate their health in between battles.
3. Bone Fiends have a 25% chance to cause 1 stack of Bleeding with each of their attacks.
4. Shadow Fiends have a 25% chance to cause Blind with each of their attacks. Their Haunt special ability now inflicts Blind to its main target and all enemies adjacent to that target.
5. Flesh Wurms have a 25% chance to cause 1 stack of Poison with each of their attacks.
6. Flesh Golems have a 25% chance to knock down a foe for 1s with each of their attacks. This replaces their Crippling special ability (which to be honest, is so short that it basically does nothing in your average combat).
Death Shroud Powers Minions:
A Necromancer can summon more than one of a type of minion at a time, but at a cost of reserving a portion of your Death Shroud. For example, say a Necromancer has a small army of minions out:
- 1 Blood Fiend
- 1 Bone Fiend
- 2 Bone Minions
- 1 Flesh Wurm
- 1 Flesh Golem
He could summon an additional Blood Fiend by reserving 25% of his Death Shroud bar, leaving him with 75% of the normal duration. His army is now:
- 2 Blood Fiends
- 1 Bone Fiend
- 2 Bone Minions
- 1 Flesh Wurm
- 1 Flesh Golem
Next, he wants more explodey minions and chooses to summon another 2 Bone Minions, leaving him with 50% of his Death Shroud bar. His army is now:
- 2 Blood Fiends
- 1 Bone Fiend
- 4 Bone Minions
- 1 Flesh Wurm
- 1 Flesh Golem
He could continue in this fashion twice more, perhaps having up to 4 Blood Fiends out, or summoning an extra Bone Fiend and Flesh Wurm. (Flesh Golems may only be summoned once; due to the extra buff they got above with the knockdowns, I think having 5 Flesh Golems out would make them basically be able to perma-KD any opponent in the game.) However, if he summoned 4 more minions above his normal limit, he basically can’t even enter Death Shroud at all (his bar is completely reserved, leaving him at 0%).