Necromancer minion ideas

Necromancer minion ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: namethatimade.6108


My first lvl 80 character was a necromancer, and I loved using the MinionMaster setup,
unaware of how outperformed it was by pretty much anything else.

Now, IMHO anets done a good job with necromancers so far as minions seem to be the only completely none viable skill set in their arsenal from personal experiance sPvP wise.

So, having not touched minions since the games first month I came up with some ideas to make them balanced and intresting, none Im too sure would be perfect, but bear with me, and please add some of your own personal insight.

1. Have the Minion stats scale with Necromancer stats.
Obviously in a way where they wouldnt have the exact same stats.

For example: 21 precision at level 80 for players = 1% critical chance.

84 Precision for level 80 minions = 1%

This would add diversity in Minion builds.

2. Minion command and placement
Basically the same deal as ranger pets, but with a “stop” command which roots a minion, for ambushes, build tests etc.

(This one being an idea that I simply thought would be neat) 3. Minion: the mechanic
The idea here is that with you would be able to redistribute your stats between them in a way similiar to ranger spirits, I.E you and your minions would only steal stats from minions you control that are alive and close by, meaning you could make it so while in proximity with them, Bone Minions take 2% of your precision each while Flesh Wurms get 10% of your power and you get 100% of their toughness.

(Another personal idea that i just thought sounded nice) 4. Minion Control
Being able to take control of and see from the perspective of placed minions.
“Divined” Minions would have higher capabilities then the average minion,
but you would be left vulnerable and the penalty for divined minions dying would be 15 seconds added to its cooldown + knockdown and health loss.

Feedback and new ideas are, of course and as previously stated, accepted.

Necromancer minion ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yamedo.2561


Hey how’s it goin, just here to check out other’s ideas for minions. It seems as though any attempt at a suggestion for a MM is just passed off as trash, I tried making one myself last month. As you can see, no replies as well, I just recently looked it up to change a few things however.

Necromancer minion ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


@OP: I support idea 1, and like idea 4, but ideas 2 – 4 would require a fair bit of coding work and UI changes, so I doubt we’ll see it happen.

The following are my ideas to beef up minions and make the MM role more attractive:

Minion Buffs:
1. Increase the base health of minions by 25% and their base damage by 10%.
2. Allow minions to regenerate their health in between battles.
3. Bone Fiends have a 25% chance to cause 1 stack of Bleeding with each of their attacks.
4. Shadow Fiends have a 25% chance to cause Blind with each of their attacks. Their Haunt special ability now inflicts Blind to its main target and all enemies adjacent to that target.
5. Flesh Wurms have a 25% chance to cause 1 stack of Poison with each of their attacks.
6. Flesh Golems have a 25% chance to knock down a foe for 1s with each of their attacks. This replaces their Crippling special ability (which to be honest, is so short that it basically does nothing in your average combat).

Death Shroud Powers Minions:
A Necromancer can summon more than one of a type of minion at a time, but at a cost of reserving a portion of your Death Shroud. For example, say a Necromancer has a small army of minions out:

- 1 Blood Fiend
- 1 Bone Fiend
- 2 Bone Minions
- 1 Flesh Wurm
- 1 Flesh Golem

He could summon an additional Blood Fiend by reserving 25% of his Death Shroud bar, leaving him with 75% of the normal duration. His army is now:

- 2 Blood Fiends
- 1 Bone Fiend
- 2 Bone Minions
- 1 Flesh Wurm
- 1 Flesh Golem

Next, he wants more explodey minions and chooses to summon another 2 Bone Minions, leaving him with 50% of his Death Shroud bar. His army is now:

- 2 Blood Fiends
- 1 Bone Fiend
- 4 Bone Minions
- 1 Flesh Wurm
- 1 Flesh Golem

He could continue in this fashion twice more, perhaps having up to 4 Blood Fiends out, or summoning an extra Bone Fiend and Flesh Wurm. (Flesh Golems may only be summoned once; due to the extra buff they got above with the knockdowns, I think having 5 Flesh Golems out would make them basically be able to perma-KD any opponent in the game.) However, if he summoned 4 more minions above his normal limit, he basically can’t even enter Death Shroud at all (his bar is completely reserved, leaving him at 0%).