New Guild Upgrades

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Few idea’s I feel are very much needed:

1) Guild halls. Self explanatory, a place for the guild to hang out.
2) Guild arena. Simple again, a place where you can setup duels within your own guild, and dictate the numbers. 1v1, 2v2, 10v10 and so on.
3) Guilds having the ability to see the last time someone was online/representing the guild.
4) Guild commanders. A commander icon only guild members can see.
5) Guild logo’s with more customization.

That’s just a few idea’s that IMO are sorely needed in this game.

Aurora Glade [EU]

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Yes to all of it. Though, it would be better just to post your ideas on some of the existing threads. There are so many threads about guids out there.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hellgaunt.1734


I don’t think Guild commander icon is a good idea. I’m coming from a big WvW guild myself and yes sometimes it’s annoying when strangers and non-associates join the group but that’s why it’s turned off.

Instead we use voice chat.

I’d much prefer if they would work on guild challenges and making it more sensible for guilds to claim ownership of forts/fortresses, etc. Like adding karma vendors that sell items only for members of the guild that claimed the keep/fort.

This game really needs to make guilds more special than they are now. Today it’s John Doe’s War and not Guild Wars.

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


^Hell: the commander tag would only show for the guild member. So imo it’s a good idea, cause it allows guilds to work as a unit in wvw.
And yes please! Some rewards for the guilds who claim objectives would be cool.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hellgaunt.1734


Yea I realised that and I still don’t think it’s a particular good idea. The commander icon really only serves the purpose to draw non-guildies toward the commander and to give purpose to people not in guilds or in smaller guilds.

It would be self-defeating to change the commander icon into the suggested – and I don’t see why you’d particularly want to anyway.

I much prefer they would add larger size groups (fx. 30) so you can more naturally split a zerg and increase the level of complex tactics available. Essentially add an extra chat to the existing:

Ideally WvWvW maps should have the following chat channels:

Commander chat (for active commanders only)
‘Army/Raid’ chat
Group chat
Map chat

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Erm, I don’t think you grasp the full idea. There would still be normal commanders, visible for everyone. But there would also be “guild commanders” only visible for their guild. That’s all. Those tags would only become active if there are like 5+ people of one guild in WvW.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hellgaunt.1734


I did get it since the topic of the thread is Guild Upgrades and I don’t think it’s a good idea the way you describe it (server load wise and data traffic wise).

I imagined that icon was always visible to guild members and changed to the commander icon if that was active. I guess you want it to tie itself to a guild rank.

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


I did get it since the topic of the thread is Guild Upgrades and I don’t think it’s a good idea the way you describe it (server load wise and data traffic wise).

I imagined that icon was always visible to guild members and changed to the commander icon if that was active. I guess you want it to tie itself to a guild rank.

No not always visible. The idea was that it worked much like the current commander icon, activated for example via a ‘create guild squad’ option in the party menu. It’d be essentially a yellow commander icon on the map that only guildies can see when it’s activated. Not by the way, linked to the existing commander icon.

Not sure why it’d be a bad thing to be honest, if a guild mate logs in late and wants to contribute to a guild WvW effort or something, it’s helpful to have something to rally to without interrupting conversation at a key moment.

Aurora Glade [EU]

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Few idea’s I feel are very much needed:

1) Guild halls. Self explanatory, a place for the guild to hang out.
2) Guild arena. Simple again, a place where you can setup duels within your own guild, and dictate the numbers. 1v1, 2v2, 10v10 and so on.
3) Guilds having the ability to see the last time someone was online/representing the guild.
4) Guild commanders. A commander icon only guild members can see.
5) Guild logo’s with more customization.

That’s just a few idea’s that IMO are sorely needed in this game.

Like the ideas, and I would like to add something I would like to see implanted

1a) guild finisher flag, shows the guild emblem, like a upgrade that replaces your current “ugly” to that one
1b) maybe not for guild only, but can affect guilds and normal finisher flags, different from each race:

  • Norn – Ice spear like finisher flag
  • Asura – some magical finisher flag
  • Sylvari – Finisher flag is like a small tree or something that will grow on finished enemy
  • Charr – something with charr style, like depending on “legion choise”, Flame legion has a flaming finisher flag, iron legion has iron spear… could be some more different, and ash legion has a burnt finisher flag, that turns into ash after finishing enemy
  • human – like a Iron/steel spear(war banner like)( the look of warriors elite banner)

2) guild upgrade that makes like 5% cheaper prices from vendors so you can get a upgrade so instead of 100 gold for commander icon, 95, would be nice

3) buyable mount or something that makes waypoint travel some what cheeper like 5% waypoint discount

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dark FQ.1038

Dark FQ.1038

I copy and pasted this part of my own forum post:

Guild Halls + Player Housing
I start with the guild halls.
Guild halls were in gw1 but not in gw2. Arenanet said guild halls won’t be availble at the official release.
My idea is to buy a Guild Hall from influence. You can than choose a map, that will be your guild hall. Than you can buy NPC’s from influence too.
-You can design these NPC’s like you did with your gw2 character.
-You can give the NPC’s a copy of your armor/weapons in your inventory.
-You can place free NPC’s that won’t do anything (But there must be a limit for free NPC’s).
-Behind your Guild Hall is a big area, were the players who represent your guild can get a house.
-This housing area is based on the map you chose.
-You can see the freelance Asura lab working in your Guild Hall.
-You can make private battles in your guild.
-You get more materials and stuff to place in your Guild Hall and House.
-All the Guild Halls are accessible for the players in the guild, but the players who won’t represent can’t come in the Player Housing area.

Dark Fq (Desolation and Gandara)all classes condi.

New Guild Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


I don’t think Guild commander icon is a good idea. I’m coming from a big WvW guild myself and yes sometimes it’s annoying when strangers and non-associates join the group but that’s why it’s turned off.

Instead we use voice chat.

I disagree. I feel it’s a great idea and sorely needed… coming from someone who often runs multiple guild groups. Voice chat works to a point, but its not NEARLY as effective as running voice chat AND having a visual pin in the game. Visual pin for multiple groups to rally, dedicated chat channel for those not in VoIP, waypoints all groups can see and /supply info. These are all things that are currently in a commander and squad system…

The problem is sometimes you DON’T want to have a “blue zerg magnet” up attracting an extra 30 people to your guild event/groups. Sometimes you are not prepared to lead a zerg/zone and are simply trying to coordinate multiple groups for specific purposes. It’s very difficult to create a fast moving, sneaky tactic havoc force with the commander pin summoning people in flocks. It’s also hard to ambush when those extra 30 people are running around gathering, killing NPC’s on main roadways. You currently have to turn off the commander pin to avoid this and run with VoIP only. Turning off the pin also dissolves the squad.

There is certainly no reason we can’t have some kind of “guild commander upgrade” or a way to flag the current commander & squad system as “private” or “guild” only. Keeping the benefits of the Commander & Squad system but allowing ONLY people in the squad to see the pin. This would also avoid multiple commander pins all over the map.

There is simply no way to have over 5+ group unless you include the whole server to join you. This doesn’t make sense to me as players and guilds have different playstyles and different ideas of what is “Fun”.

Why don’t we have a grouping system to support these different playstyles?

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

(edited by Ahmrill.7512)