(edited by Krude.7495)
New Weapon Skills + Capes
I agree that the current weapon skills need improvement. Currently for my warrior its hit 2, 4, or 5 when cooldown is up and not interrupt your 1 chain ability. I like the GW’s concept of limiting what skills you can use at one time to 5 weapon and 5 utility but we need to be able to change which five weapon skills we are using more than equiping a different weapon.
I like this suggestion.
Perhaps each button on the weapon can serve a similar purpose, but in a different way? To use one of the better know weapons, Warrior Greatsword:
Alternate to #2 Hundred blades (Purpose: Damage) – A flurry of attacks that inflicts less damage, but allows movement during the skill.
Alternate to #4 Bladetrail (Purpose: Cripple/Gap Closer) – Throws your sword at the enemy with a chain attached. The first target stuck is reeled in, pulled to melee range with the warrior.
Alternate to #5 Rush (Purpose: Gap closer) – A shorter range, but quicker more responsive leap attack
I think we need more weapon skill customization as well, however i’d prefer them be open for every one. Slot one, since it’s auto attack, should have like 4-5 alternations but only bound to slot 1. the 2,3,4,5 should be customized by player from pool of let’s say 20 skills per weapon. Of course to keep it balanced, each individual skill should have their own cost.
Supporting you. Using the same skills gets boring and takes away from the actual diversity from classes. As for capes, without them GW is not the same place. Hope they will work on that and actually progressing with them.