New way see lvs

New way see lvs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saturn.1246


Warning this is very long sorry.

lately i have been trying to do AC exp and well I get removed from some groups because i’m not lv 80, even though i do mention that my charterer is an alt meaning i have a lv 80 and that i’m experienced

now i know that the easy solution would be for me to just sit on my lv 80 and wait till i get accepted and tell them i wanna do the dungeon with my non-80 and hopefully they will be okay with it. but why should i have to tell them and work hard to make them believe i’m experienced do i have to go on a mini interview all the time i wanna join a group for a low lv dungeon like ac exp?

now here is what i think would help why not make a personal ranking lv for everyone, one that is constantly scaling based on actions done during combat like umm apm actions per min.

it will be effected by many factors like how well you use your main weapon skills/2nd weapon skills, how often you dodge a attack, how often you help others get back up and being a supportive member of the group, if you use boons or skills that remove group conditions or apply conditions and how often you make combos with fields placed by allies and viseversa even perhaps how often you come to the defense of an group member, you know more synergy

like lets say it goes from rank 1 to rank 5 and only way to make your rank go up is by being an active member of the group while in combat and it will scale down if you arn’t being so active or just compelty inactive also perhaps allow it to be disabled when the person says he is going afk and by typing in /afk so his rank won’t be hurt cuz people can’t or dont’ wanna wait for him.

(or if you don’t wanna name them ranks name them bronze,silver,gold,crystal,diamond or w/e something gw2ish)

the idea behind is that it scales based on that players actions more of a personal thing i’m sure some people might like the idea of having a good rank cuz it makes them look good and feel good for being a good player for groups and for newbies that are getting in to a dungon they wont’ have to feel bad for not knowing the fights cuz people around them would already know that they are inexperienced/newb and hopefully those people will be kind enough to them to help them out and guide them on the right path

rankings can go something like this
-Rank 0 Newbie/rookie *the ranking can’t revert back to 0 after you reached rank 1 simply cause you aren’t that newb anymore
-Rank 1 mild activity/mostly idol/chatting to much not enough pew pew
-Rank 2 mild supportive skills/some creative or proper use of weapon
-Rank 3 good use of weapons/ good use of secondary skills/ supportive/ attentive to environmental factors/ mild damage output
-Rank 4 excellent use of weapons/ excellent use of secondary skills/quick response to aiding group/short chat entries while in combat/good damage output
-Rank 5 Seasoned Player/ Highly supportive of group/ good leading/ impeccable timing/ Always active/ excellent damage output

perhaps this could also be used in wvw but i dunno i like to believe that’s why the rank commander is there for

basically this whole personal ranking for groups is so people can stop judging you for your current lv and the reason why i think it should scale is to show the present moment of your skills/knowledge of the dungeon

what is the point of being lv cap at 80 when you are still inexperienced or they are i’ve been in serveral lv 80 groups that just utterly fail at ac exp and i been in a few full lv 35 groups where we are done with the dungeon in about 30 mins i’m not saying all lv 80s suck and that they are just newbs with high lvs and extoics but least with some sort of ranking people will step up their game and everyone can be more organized in joining the group that is right for them

perhaps this personal ranking can also scale up while out in the open to help but i would rather it be for dungons only

Thank you for your time for reading this =)

~sincerely a passionate gamer that just wants to play the freaking game! and do dungeons =)

PS: sorry for my bad English and grammar.

New way see lvs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gytis.1637


Nice idea, love it :o

New way see lvs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saturn.1246


Woot someone read my post thank you!! ^^ was afraid it was to much to read

you know what they say “the brain can only absorb what the rear end can endure.”

New way see lvs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Electro.4173


I don’t really think this would solve anything in the long run. There would still be people getting excluded for being “noobs”, it just would be based on a rank and not a level. Perhaps a little more accurate, but in the end people still get screwed.

Also, having a system in place to track all of this would be extremely difficult to program. How does a tracker determine what a “good” use of an environmental item is, and differentiate it from someone just grabbing a random rock to throw for no reason? What determines “proper” use of a weapon? What about the difference between a player who dodges almost every minor attack but regularly gets nailed by the “big hits” that really need to be dodged vs someone who facetanks hits they can easily survive and yet dodges every important attack? Player A dodges more, but Player B dodges smarter. Stuff like that is very hard to quantify even by humans, much less by an automatic tracker.

New way see lvs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sadranis.1738


This could easily be exploited. Since none of the actions that you indicated, in fact indicate skill, people could easily ’farm" rep. Your party could enter combat(given that all the actions listed would normally occur during combat, although this may or may not be the case) and simply leave an enemy alive while performing these actions, boosting their rep. So in that respect the rank would actually not inform you how “skilled” that player is because you have no idea how they got there. In regards to having it based simply on how many actions you take per minute I have no idea how you would think that would indicate skill, anyone can take as many actions as they choose to.

It’s hard to establish an objective measure of player competency(outside of empirical knowledge, acquiring which would be tedious). This would not be it.

EDIT: Electro also made some good points.

Ryhziq(Necro) Falliq(Ele) Lucretzia Fel(Guardian)
Stormbluff Isle

New way see lvs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saturn.1246


thanks this is what i was looking for i knew i missed some points and yes i’m sure if a system like this did exists in game it would be exploited some how cuz there are always that one person that is looking for that take Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time for example such a great game yet someone one found a way to skip through the whole game and beat it under 25mins.

anyways to Electro i understand what i u mean and no i’m not trying to encourage a system that will make a player less valuable to a group in fact i want them to be more to the point where they are essential to the groups progress. i do want it to be a system that scrutinizes all of us and puts us in better terms based on how we play/give to the group, in fact i’ve seen this system before for example the system that we have in spvp its not as difficult as my idea but that is what i’m trying to lean to

Edit: I did mention synergy by that i ment using your skills well like a warrior using shield bash to inturrupt then connects his attack with hundread blades followed with that spinning attack then charges at his foe/dodges out of his enemy attack(wither its a major one or not) and switch back to 1hsword and leaps then uses his adrenalin attack. something like that but as long as it connects well is what i meant

i’m sure it can be done i doubt its that difficult its just hard to put into words.

if you want to think of a system like that think of combo systems like in fighting games or a most recent game DMC also environmental items that are used strategically like having another player on the opposite end of the boss and you throw a boulder and he picks it up and throws back and you pick it up and throw it etc etc. hot potato!
(i know doesn’t sound that much of strategy but it worked)

to Sadranis you made an excellent point i’m afraid after you mention that, that could happen but this goes to my whole idea about it scaling in reality only scenario you would find some groups “farming” the ranks is prob in a pre-made group but here is the thing for those groups the idea is for it to scale meaning yes they might spend an hr on just one mob to bring them selfs up to rank 5(max) but whats the point when it will go down on the next one based on your “activity” it be a waste of time to really dedicate that much time just to “farm” the rank and another one getting ranks isn’t suppose to be tedious thing to earn it will probable hard to maintain and the reason why is to make sure everyone is playing their best their A game,

personally i feel group content is to make everyone take part and not only am i thinking of this cause of my current situation but also for other diffrent situations where people just don’t contribute as much as say “you”

i know thats why in events you get bronze/silver/gold but this is more “detailed” >< lol

(edited by Saturn.1246)

New way see lvs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saturn.1246


also Starcraft2 Ladder system they got a ranking system that scales based on your wins/loses now in HotS they made the AI play in diffrent starts so you as the player can learn to counter diffrent strats to