Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


Apparently the original idea of paying for world transfers was to stop server stacking.
I think it didn’t work, to be honest.

The only thing that paying for transfers will do, at least in my eyes is make the stacked teams permanent and make the people who don’t pay for transfers have a worse wvw and pve experience for the sake of those who do pay $10-20 for world transfers to a server that’s winning 600 to 1.

Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


PvE: not affected by world transfers at all due to the Guesting feature that got turned on.

The WvW problem was people constantly switching servers. Paying for it reduces the number of people doing this.

WvW will eventually be able to balance out better and the not as good WvW teams will end up against each other and the better WvW teams against each other.

Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


I disagree, it won’t balance out simply because of the broken matchup system. I’ve seen in the few days before last month’s match, that the enemy server deliberately starts losing points so they are fighting servers lower than they might be normally.
I know this balances out a little because it’s accumulated throughout the month, but it’s enough to give some servers a bloodbath.
How is guesting related? I don’t know much about it.

PvE is affected by your server’s WvW standing, to the point where you get more gold, and in my experience (tested) more gathering bonuses.

People switching servers is always a bad idea if there’s no incentive to be on a losing server, because guess what? You get less everything when you’re losing, so why would you join a server that’s losing..?

The reason it won’t balance out is this, people joining fresh will join high populated servers, almost always, and people in crappy servers won’t want to spend the (at the least) 500 gems/~6usd to switch to a server that they will do worse in. I said all this in a massive thread that no-one replied to, here: link

(edited by Sumyjkl.7805)

Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


I disagree, it won’t balance out simply because of the broken matchup system. I’ve seen in the few days before last month’s match, that the enemy server deliberately starts losing points so they are fighting servers lower than they might be normally.
I know this balances out a little because it’s accumulated throughout the month, but it’s enough to give some servers a bloodbath.
How is guesting related? I don’t know much about it.

PvE is affected by your server’s WvW standing, to the point where you get more gold, and in my experience (tested) more gathering bonuses.

People switching servers is always a bad idea if there’s no incentive to be on a losing server, because guess what? You get less everything when you’re losing, so why would you join a server that’s losing..?

It’s not going to quickly balance. It’s going to take time to balance out. It’s not going to be balanced overnight.

You don’t have to be on the best WvW server to get those PvE bonuses, though, just the winning one no matter what tier your server is on.

As to guesting: You can Guest over to other servers on your own region to play with people on other servers. I don’t know which set of WvW bonuses you get when guesting, if any. I’ve yet to Guest and don’t really bother to see what bonuses I’m getting. I’m getting what I’m getting. I don’t have a desire to move server and I don’t play WvW so there’s not much I can do about what I’m getting. So I stay happy by being ignorant (ignorance is bliss) of what bonuses I am and am not receiving.

Reply to your edit: I don’t think ANet needs to make all servers equal. That’s going to fail no matter what. There are just too many servers. What they need to do is make sure that during each match, that the three teams that are competing against each other are balanced when compared to each other.

And in my opinion, they should probably wait and see what the natural population changes that paid transfers causes before they try anything based on data they currently have that’s only based on free transfers. Population fluctuations will be less dramatic now that it’s not free.

(edited by Seera.5916)

Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


Population fluctuations will be less dramatic now that it’s not free.

Yes, but as my main point (hopefully) was, it doesn’t fix the problem.

It’s not going to quickly balance. It’s going to take time to balance out. It’s not going to be balanced overnight.

I didn’t say it would, nor do I expect it to, I’m speculating what will happen in the future with this, not saying “why hasn’t it happened yet”.

You don’t have to be on the best WvW server to get those PvE bonuses, though, just the winning one no matter what tier your server is on.

I’m not sure I understand. It does still matter how well your server is doing because most of the time with stacked teams you will have a greedy team that owns the whole map and exploits the game to do so.

Reply to your edit: I don’t think ANet needs to make all servers equal. That’s going to fail no matter what. There are just too many servers. What they need to do is make sure that during each match, that the three teams that are competing against each other are balanced when compared to each other.

That’s pretty much what I’m saying here.
It’s not only that people are transferring that makes the whole of the problem though, it’s also the system that judges what server fights what other server. Ultimately the competitive side of the game is broken and can be fixed without too much hassle, I’m saying it just needs to be recognized as the problem instead of blaming it on players who transfer and saying “problem solved!”.

The problem is stacked and unfair server matches.
The solution is to fix what matches those servers.

Paying for World Transfers fixes the Problem?

in Suggestions

Posted by: allstick.1405


It’s going to take a month or more to get the servers rebalanced and figure out if this fixed the problem or not. Anet will probably take a “wait and see” approach. I feel like in the long run this will benefit the matchups greatly. It will never be perfect, but it’s moving in the right direction