Pet Names
Makes sense, that you should be able to name your pet, and it keep that name, until you change it again.
I support this.
Though permanent sounds a bit too drastic, but I guess you did mean what Balderstrom pointed out afterwards, that names should not change until you change them yourself.
I would love to give each of my pets a unique name without having to worry about loosing the names just because I change the pet I currently have at my side. Considering you can only catch each available pet once, I think it should be possible to implement this. I can only have one White Moa, so if I choose a name for him, he should keep it. Other games allow you to catch the same pet multiple times (not sure why you would want to though), set and keep names for each and every one of them.
I support this Idea from the very beginning. I’d love to name every single pet individually.
I support this.
Though permanent sounds a bit too drastic, but I guess you did mean what Balderstrom pointed out afterwards, that names should not change until you change them yourself.
Yes, that is what I meant to say. I want the names to be the same until I go and change them.
I thought it was a bug… Well I support it too… it’s annoying and ends up every one having no names for their pet’s,
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
yess i noticed this too and sometimes if you swap say… your hound (elvis) for a boar the boar would be called elvis.
edit: lol forgot to say if i support by which i do
This suggestion has been around a few times before, but it is good and is worth bringing up again. I’d like to see the pet names stick even after swapping to a new pet in the pet management console too. As it currently is, sometimes when I want to have a specific pet out just for a little while I leave the name alone as juvenille pet since typing its name in again is a drag.
This has been requested before. The response given, iirc, is that it would take to much data space for all the Rangers to have names saved for all their pets. :/
I don’t think this is an issue anymore is it? I just learned I could name my pets a few days ago and each name is character appropriate:
Owl = Doctor Hoo
Raven = Phlip The Bird
Shark = Sushi
Pig = Pig Newton
I put a lot of thought into them, lol, so I’d notice if they changed or dropped when I swap pets and they don’t, nor have they since I named them.
Here is a free one for Owl lovers — Owlton John
Would it be possible that instead of storing the data for this on the ANet servers, that it could somehow be stored locally on your own PC?
Gyr Wolfchild: Norn Ranger lv71
Fenris Wolfchild: Human Thief lv80
I support saving names. One of the reasons I hate swapping pets.
I swap pets all the time and have given up on naming them..
I cut my gaming teeth on Adventure&ZorkI,II,III.
Would it be possible that instead of storing the data for this on the ANet servers, that it could somehow be stored locally on your own PC?
That seems like a good idea. Since the game already doesn’t have name conflict checking for pets, why not store the names locally?
You rarely see named pets anymore because of this bug. I don’t bother naming mine anymore.
Keeping the names local does make a lot sense, hopefully its not too big a fix so my juvenile eagle can be rightfully named Nigel again.
I am really surprised that this is even an issue. It seems like such a no-brainer that it should never have been even close to a problem, even in beta. Yet still, even six months after launch, it remains a problem. I hesitate to call it a “bug” — it seems like it’s functioning as intended — it’s just that the intended function is stupid.
I’m not programmer, but this seriously seems like it could be easily fixed in an afternoon, with little effort. It would make a big difference to anyone who plays a Ranger.
If they can’t make the names stay, or save them all because they may be too much string data, then at least let us save them in a txt locally, much like the templates in GW1.
This has been requested before. The response given, iirc, is that it would take to much data space for all the Rangers to have names saved for all their pets. :/
I don’t see that as an excuse for them. Silkroad, for example, is a very old game; everyone can buy a pet and have an option of choosing a pet you can name and keep that name whether you change to a different pet or put it away. The pet may not be class specific in silkroad, but the basic mechanics are still there, and though the name is permanent, its better than defaulting. So, why can’t a new game like GW2 do it? I wouldn’t even mind that in order to rename your pet (if it has to be permanent) you have to go and recapture it to rename it.
From now on I’m just calling the, bob, fits all lol
the lack of such extreme basic features for ranger really shows how much anet cares for the class