Please make Legendaries unsellable
I Agree Make Them Soulbound On Acquire
I don’t really have a problem with this. If someone wants to spend a crap load of money on a fancy sword in the game, that’s their business. Some people may not have the time to put into getting a Legendary, so why should they be left out? They aren’t getting an unfair advantage by buying one.
The purpose of a Legendary is to be something special, something you had to put a lot of work in.
In other words, something easy that just requires a lot of grind.
There is nothing hard in acquiring a Legendary. It’s just a matter of grinding a lot.
Well, guess what? The requirement to get a lot of gold so you can buy a Legendary in the TP is… Grinding a lot! See a pattern here?
ArenaNet should change Legendary acquisition so it isn’t a reward for something as easy and as mindless as grind, and then make them unsellable. As things are, though, Legendary grinders are not any better than gold grinders.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
I don’t see any problem with selling legendaries.
The purpose of a Legendary is to be something special, something you had to put a lot of work in.
In other words, something easy that just requires a lot of grind.
There is nothing hard in acquiring a Legendary. It’s just a matter of grinding a lot.
Well, guess what? The requirement to get a lot of gold so you can buy a Legendary in the TP is… Grinding a lot! See a pattern here?
ArenaNet should change Legendary acquisition so it isn’t a reward for something as easy and as mindless as grind, and then make them unsellable. As things are, though, Legendary grinders are not any better than gold grinders.
Tell me any MMO which doesn’t require “grind”? In fact, you grind everyday in your real life, going to work everyday. So it’s no point of digging “grind” everytime you want to post. It’s boring.
(edited by QtHuynh.1893)
Tell me any MMO which doesn’t require “grind”?
Tell me any MMO without the holy Trinity?
Tell me any MMO without quests?
And so on, and so on. The worst thing about MMOs are the MMO players themselves, who are stuck on the same old, same old.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
Someone still put in a ton of work. I don’t care if someone else pays them for that work… it has no effect on my game whatsoever.
But if you don’t want to go through the trouble to get a legendary, maybe you don’t rate a legendary?
I have a crazy conspiracy theory that arenanet put up those legendaries for extra money. I mean some people with way too much money could be naive enough to purchase gems to gold
I Agree Make Them Soulbound On Acquire
I don’t feel that strongly about this, but I can see that having legendaries on sale adds incentive for some people to use gold sellers etc.
But I’d rather see them account bound, not soulbound. At least this way you’ll have the option to swap between characters – especially if over the long term you come to favour a different character, or new races & professions are released.
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold
As the title says.
The purpose of a Legendary is to be something special, something you had to put a lot of work in.
Not just a lot of money.
Now, since they can be sold on the TP, everyone can buy them with a kittenload of money
(and those people will mostly buy the gold from 3rd Party sellers)
Instead, you could make them Bind-On-Pickup and Accountbound
I think many players will agree with this.
PS: sry for my english, it isn’t my mother tongue
Just pixels man, sorry. Nothing special about them, and if you got one for any other reason than “you liked it” you did it for the wrong reasons.
ArenaNet knows they can sell gold for cash, and people will buy that gold to buy the Legendaries that people build…it’s win/win for them.
They were always like this… people who have legendaries most likely bought the materials to make it…Really the ONLY had to do 100% world completion…and 500 WvW badges/Dungeon tokens…It was never hard to get those things. Just join a huge guild and they’ll have a portal mesmer do it for you everyday or daily guild runs…nothing took skill…just money. If you never saw that in the first place…>.>… is all I have to say to you
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
I Agree Make Them Soulbound On Acquire
I don’t feel that strongly about this, but I can see that having legendaries on sale adds incentive for some people to use gold sellers etc.
But I’d rather see them account bound, not soulbound. At least this way you’ll have the option to swap between characters – especially if over the long term you come to favour a different character, or new races & professions are released.
Twilight is listed at 9500g…. rediculous but whatever it will serve as my example!!
My math MAY be off… it is Saturday after all! But as I figured it 9500g = 63,333 Gems (if the gems are trading in at 1.5g/100). 63,333 gems from Anet costs about $791.66. To buy 9500g from the gold sellers costs $2,965.69 o.O (with the added stress of almost certain banning…. that is a lot of gold!!!). Please feel free to correct the math if needed that just seems to be obviously rediculous to me!
Even if my math is off… no way is any weapon worth that much real money!!! I don’t think you have to worry about that!!
I think that there is an advantage to legendary weapons. They are grind proof. Anet stated that they will continue to be BIS no matter what in perpetuity including agony ect. So the stat bumps will continue whenever a new tier of gear is released which is about 7 months.
Since we dont know how hard the new weapons will be to obtain I expect it to be like now in fracs. RNG dungeon running only.
I see that as a huge advantage over someone who doesnt have one.
So if someone wants to buy that advantage I say let them. It means they probably got gems ->gold for it.
I would also like to see it in the cash shop with a little bump in stats over others cause it is also purchased with RLmoney.
You should get a bonus for supporting anet and giving them real money outside the box fee.
(like ascend gear – the stat boost is meaningless so a RLM Legendary has a meaningless stat boost as well)
(edited by Narkosys.5173)
I think that there is an advantage to legendary weapons. They are grind proof. Anet stated that they will continue to be BIS no matter what in perpetuity including agony ect. So the stat bumps will continue whenever a new tier of gear is released which is about 7 months.
Since we dont know how hard the new weapons will be to obtain I expect it to be like now in fracs. RNG dungeon running only.
I see that as a huge advantage over someone who doesnt have one.
So if someone wants to buy that advantage I say let them. It means they probably got gems ->gold for it.
I would also like to see it in the cash shop with a little bump in stats over others cause it is also purchased with RLmoney.
You should get a bonus for supporting anet and giving them real money outside the box fee.
(like ascend gear – the stat boost is meaningless so a RLM Legendary has a meaningless stat boost as well)
BiS ? Hardly, fast comparison between bis exotic and the so called bis legendary –
Let’s compare :
Berserker’s Destroyer Dagger
Weapon Strength: 923 – 981
+90 Power
+64 Precision
+5% Critcal Damage
over the Legendary Incinerator :
Weapon Strength: 1000 – 1062
+98 Power
+70 Toughness
+70 Vitality
Except the obvious damage boost the stats are awfull . 70 toughness on a thief ? And vit > precision, loss of crit ? No Sir , im gonna say just meh. I don’t know about the numbers on the other weps but the legendary dagger is hardly legendary by it’s stats.
Agree with account bound on acquire
Agree with account bound on acquire
I totally agree, it is suppose to be account bound and not be able to sell.
It is suppose to be something special and not just buy… I hope this doesn’t become one of those PtW games….
While I agree that a legendary should feel like a proper accomplishment, mine certainly didn’t. At least, it took no real effort. It just took an excruciatingly long period of time.
That said, taking them off the TP will certainly take gold sellers out of the spotlight.
Resident Thief
I agree, at least these legendary weapons should be tradable/BLTP-able.
The founding principle of this game is you can get top gear a variety of ways (drop/craft/tokens/karma/gold).
One way to get what you want is to buy it. It’s a cash-game, from the ground up. You can paypal your way to 80, too, if you like.
To change the rule about legendary being BLTP-able would be really rude to the people who’ve come this far along, hoping to sell one.
If future gear on the legendary tier were BOAcquire, I think that’d be fine. I would hope that to go along with it, they’d be a lot less BLTP-intensive in acquisition.
Agree with account bound on acquire
I totally agree, it is suppose to be account bound and not be able to sell.
It is suppose to be something special and not just buy… I hope this doesn’t become one of those PtW games….
It’s not pay to win because there’s nothing you can buy that’s better than what you’d get by playing the game.
Tell me any MMO which doesn’t require “grind”?
Tell me any MMO without the holy Trinity?
Tell me any MMO without quests?
And so on, and so on. The worst thing about MMOs are the MMO players themselves, who are stuck on the same old, same old.
There are no MMO’s without grind, but plenty where the grind is a lot more entertaining than do the same 4 events over and over again in a loop for little to no rewards.
I’m not sure death zerging is more engaging than having the “holy trinity”
Hearts ARE quests that have multiple ways to complete and do not require you to talk to a quest giver… nothing revolutionary to see here just smoke and mirrors.
Agree with account bound on acquire
I totally agree, it is suppose to be account bound and not be able to sell.
It is suppose to be something special and not just buy… I hope this doesn’t become one of those PtW games….It’s not pay to win because there’s nothing you can buy that’s better than what you’d get by playing the game.
So, they should just put dungeon armor in the gem shop because I can earn that in the game? Please think about what you just said…
Spending 5 minutes on converting gems—>gold is apparently the same as spending 1000 hours in game to actually earn something
Legendaries, like 99% of everything in this game, have no value because they can be bought with real money
(edited by azurrei.5691)
Please make Legendaries require a little bit of skill.
I don’t really care if they sell them on the TP or not. If someone is willing to pay, so be it.
While I agree that a legendary should feel like a proper accomplishment, mine certainly didn’t. At least, it took no real effort. It just took an excruciatingly long period of time.
That said, taking them off the TP will certainly take gold sellers out of the spotlight.
Please tell me that you are a troll. The game is just barely 3 months old. You do not even have the first clue about what excruciatingly long period of grind is if you consider 3 month that bad. I have done grind for about 18 months for a piece of gear that never dropped. Yes, a year and a half of a dungeon that you could only do once every 24 hours. Not every “new game day,” REAL LIFE 24 hours. I will save you the math, that is 547 dungeon runs and I NEVER got the piece of gear. You want to talk about excruciatingly long, bring me a 2 year grind then we will talk, otherwise just LOL.
I’m all for the legendaries being tradeable. If you don’t have the cash, oh well. There are cheaper ways to get a legendary than buying it on the TP. If someone does have the cash, fine. IRL you can buy a personal jet if you have the money. Why not in game?
But if you don’t want to go through the trouble to get a legendary, maybe you don’t rate a legendary?
Maybe if you go through the trouble of getting a Legendry, you don’t rate getting snooty about a mass of pixels.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
There soul bound on use, whats the problem?
Legendary should remain sellable, some people does not want legendary so they can sell it. i would sell it and make gold and spend on other things making me playing new toon with no worries for income. its been so long since release why bring up the topic now? just because someone order or sell their at legend at TP?
The only real obstacle to a legendary is gold. Whether you obtain it from the TP or you craft it. Nothing has changed.
I Agree Make Them Soulbound On Acquire
I don’t feel that strongly about this, but I can see that having legendaries on sale adds incentive for some people to use gold sellers etc.
But I’d rather see them account bound, not soulbound. At least this way you’ll have the option to swap between characters – especially if over the long term you come to favour a different character, or new races & professions are released.
Yes that is actually better, I’m just so use to playing 1 character I forgot about accountbound/soulbound difference
I have a crazy conspiracy theory that arenanet put up those legendaries for extra money. I mean some people with way too much money could be naive enough to purchase gems to gold
I would be more inclined to think its actuallyAN that has the Bots farming the mats and selling the items – nothing better than to be able to manipulate the price points in game so that players at both end of the spectrum can be herded in to buying Gems / Gold for real money from the TP.
I mean many MMO’s utilise third parties to pipe up their own and others forums, why not also develop a game that is so unrestrictive to hackers and exploiters and utilise a third party goldfarming facility to help support the real $$ intake alongside your TP…
Anyone else for a pint of conspiracy this evening
No, not even a little.
While I agree that a legendary should feel like a proper accomplishment, mine certainly didn’t. At least, it took no real effort. It just took an excruciatingly long period of time.
That said, taking them off the TP will certainly take gold sellers out of the spotlight.
Please tell me that you are a troll. The game is just barely 3 months old. You do not even have the first clue about what excruciatingly long period of grind is if you consider 3 month that bad. I have done grind for about 18 months for a piece of gear that never dropped. Yes, a year and a half of a dungeon that you could only do once every 24 hours. Not every “new game day,” REAL LIFE 24 hours. I will save you the math, that is 547 dungeon runs and I NEVER got the piece of gear. You want to talk about excruciatingly long, bring me a 2 year grind then we will talk, otherwise just LOL.
Oh, pardon me for not being as “SUPER UBER HARDCORE” as you. You should have your superiority complex looked at. Yes, 3 months being active and focused 10 hours a day IS an excruciatingly painful amount of time (1200 hours-ish in total) from my perspective. So you don’t think so? Boo-hoo. Am I supposed to care? Am I really supposed give a single toss about what you think about that, when it’s not even the main focus of the point I tried to make in the post? Get over yourself.
I don’t understand where even a modicum of “trolling” could possibly appear in my statements. You’re simply being an elitist moron.
Resident Thief
(edited by Auesis.7301)
I find the Legendaries on the Trading Post kind of hilarious. Somebody calculated just how much 9000 gold would be in gems, with it coming out to something like six thousand dollars.
If somebody wants to drop six grand on a fancy-looking weapon, that’s their business.
If somebody wants to spend months getting the fancy-looking weapon to put on the Trading Post, that is also their business.
Not going to enter the debate about whether it requires skill or not to get a Legendary, but I am going to point out that by going “Don’t let people sell Legendaries on the Trading Post,” you’re essentially saying “Don’t let people use their skills to make money by selling things they don’t want,” if you’re of the opinion that it does require skill to make a Legendary (or so it seems to me).
Agree with account bound on acquire
I totally agree, it is suppose to be account bound and not be able to sell.
It is suppose to be something special and not just buy… I hope this doesn’t become one of those PtW games….It’s not pay to win because there’s nothing you can buy that’s better than what you’d get by playing the game.
So, they should just put dungeon armor in the gem shop because I can earn that in the game? Please think about what you just said…
Spending 5 minutes on converting gems—>gold is apparently the same as spending 1000 hours in game to actually earn something
Legendaries, like 99% of everything in this game, have no value because they can be bought with real money
I didn’t say they should put dungeon armor in the gem shop, so shut up about that.
I didn’t say that spending 5 minutes on converting gems to gold is the same as 1000 hrs in game, so shut up about that.
All I said is it’s not pay to win because you can’t buy anything better than what’s easily obtained in game. A legendary weapon is just fancy looking, not in any way better statistically.
The way GW2 is set up, if it’s something that involves the economy, you have several ways to get it, one of which is spend gold. Legendaries are almost all about TP.
I have say if a Legendary was just only 50 gold past the lowest exotic price I would not buy it. The stats are not worth it, it’s nearly purely cosmetic. This game keeps things pretty well balanced by releasing new items that are basically the same stats as the ones previous. Guild Wars 2 is not much of a Pay2win compared to real pay2win games. There is really not much to complain about here.
Agree with account bound on acquire
I totally agree, it is suppose to be account bound and not be able to sell.
It is suppose to be something special and not just buy… I hope this doesn’t become one of those PtW games….It’s not pay to win because there’s nothing you can buy that’s better than what you’d get by playing the game.
So, they should just put dungeon armor in the gem shop because I can earn that in the game? Please think about what you just said…
Spending 5 minutes on converting gems—>gold is apparently the same as spending 1000 hours in game to actually earn something
Legendaries, like 99% of everything in this game, have no value because they can be bought with real money
I didn’t say they should put dungeon armor in the gem shop, so shut up about that.
I didn’t say that spending 5 minutes on converting gems to gold is the same as 1000 hrs in game, so shut up about that.
All I said is it’s not pay to win because you can’t buy anything better than what’s easily obtained in game. A legendary weapon is just fancy looking, not in any way better statistically.
The way GW2 is set up, if it’s something that involves the economy, you have several ways to get it, one of which is spend gold. Legendaries are almost all about TP.
I think the issue here is Arena Net is getting around the whole P2W issue because all the stats are the same as a normal exotic (until ascended weapons come out…). In other MMO’s, being more powerful (and sometimes cooler looking gear) than the other guy is a way to stand out and show that you put some work into your character. In GW2, having the super rare, cool looking armor or weapons (i.e. Legendaries) are the way to stand out and show that you put some work into your character…except you can just buy that look with real money – so in essence, it IS pay2win within the GW2 universe. The sooner people realize what is actually going on here, the better.
Agree with account bound on acquire
I totally agree, it is suppose to be account bound and not be able to sell.
It is suppose to be something special and not just buy… I hope this doesn’t become one of those PtW games….It’s not pay to win because there’s nothing you can buy that’s better than what you’d get by playing the game.
So, they should just put dungeon armor in the gem shop because I can earn that in the game? Please think about what you just said…
Spending 5 minutes on converting gems—>gold is apparently the same as spending 1000 hours in game to actually earn something
Legendaries, like 99% of everything in this game, have no value because they can be bought with real money
I didn’t say they should put dungeon armor in the gem shop, so shut up about that.
I didn’t say that spending 5 minutes on converting gems to gold is the same as 1000 hrs in game, so shut up about that.
All I said is it’s not pay to win because you can’t buy anything better than what’s easily obtained in game. A legendary weapon is just fancy looking, not in any way better statistically.
The way GW2 is set up, if it’s something that involves the economy, you have several ways to get it, one of which is spend gold. Legendaries are almost all about TP.
I think the issue here is Arena Net is getting around the whole P2W issue because all the stats are the same as a normal exotic (until ascended weapons come out…). In other MMO’s, being more powerful (and sometimes cooler looking gear) than the other guy is a way to stand out and show that you put some work into your character. In GW2, having the super rare, cool looking armor or weapons (i.e. Legendaries) are the way to stand out and show that you put some work into your character…except you can just buy that look with real money – so in essence, it IS pay2win within the GW2 universe. The sooner people realize what is actually going on here, the better.
Real pay2win games force you to use the shop to even compete. Most other mmo’s release new gear and suddenly you have no choice but to get it because the differences are more often then not; extreme in comparison. For some thing to be Pay2Win the end result item has to say “I Win”. Legendary weapons in Guild Wars 2 are cosmetic. If someone wants to pay lots of money or work really hard for lets say a brand new pair of shoes what does it matter lol. ANET are genius, they have found a way to get fanatics to spend thousands of dollars while keeping a game completely non Pay2Win at the same time. A flawless mix of the two making them money while keeping the mast majority of the community happy. Casual players don’t feel the pressure to get wrapped up in the grind. Crazy fanatics have something to do or spend allot of money on. Need i say more?
It’s basically people who already have legendarily don’t want people to use it too. Thats pretty much it.
No one is forcing you to buy the legendary.
No one is forcing you to make one either.
Yet the complaints.
Ofcourse this is just my humble opinion.
Id sign this. Kind of..dumb to see a legendary for 1500-3000 gold, or whatever they are going for. Who has that much money? Im against legendaries being sold on the market.
I don’t even know how people get thousands of gold. Either there is some completely obvious way I am just not seeing or there is something else going on. I spent literally a week trying to sit there and farm events or t6 crafting materials and I just can’t do it because of how awful it is, so I resort to doing dungeons because those are atleast somewhat fun.
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]
To the people who think i’m just mad because i worked for mine, i’m not.
(i don’t have one yet, but soon)
It just disturbs me, that you can just buy them with real money.
The bigger problem is, that no one will get the gold through gem→gold, almost every Legendary buyer who “bought it from real money” used gold sellers
Or they used exploits
I see way too much people running around with legendaries, some even with multiple legendaries, to believe that everyone earned it from playing the tp.
most of them either bought gold from 3rd party or got it from exploits
So, in summary again why i ask for making them account-/soulbound on aquire:
- You should need to earn them, even when it’s grind. You don’t need them necessary and you shouldn’t be able to buy them with real money
- People get the gold (most likely) from goldsellers or from exploits, i could bet most of them did not play the TP for a few thousends gold
They were intended to be special and not something everyone can buy.
They were meant to say to others, that the owner did invest much time to craft one.
Not to get people to buy them with real money or even worse giving their money to 3rd party sellers
It’s part of this game’s business model. Whales (players who spend lots of real money on in game things) will buy these and pay the equivalent of all of our monthly fees for a year. Gold sellers are being driven out of business by the high gem prices. Eventually it won’t be worth it for them to try to sell gold in this game. In short, stop complaining and enjoy the game that the 1% are paying for.
(edited by Stiv.1820)
Someone still put in a ton of work. I don’t care if someone else pays them for that work… it has no effect on my game whatsoever.
Extremely well said, could not agree more.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
My answer to this is here in another thread
To the people who think i’m just mad because i worked for mine, i’m not.
(i don’t have one yet, but soon)It just disturbs me, that you can just buy them with real money.
The bigger problem is, that no one will get the gold through gem->gold, almost every Legendary buyer who “bought it from real money” used gold sellers
Or they used exploits
I see way too much people running around with legendaries, some even with multiple legendaries, to believe that everyone earned it from playing the tp.
most of them either bought gold from 3rd party or got it from exploitsSo, in summary again why i ask for making them account-/soulbound on aquire:
- You should need to earn them, even when it’s grind. You don’t need them necessary and you shouldn’t be able to buy them with real money
- People get the gold (most likely) from goldsellers or from exploits, i could bet most of them did not play the TP for a few thousends goldThey were intended to be special and not something everyone can buy.
They were meant to say to others, that the owner did invest much time to craft one.
Not to get people to buy them with real money or even worse giving their money to 3rd party sellers
You got any proof that almost all used Gold selling sights, or used Exploits? This is the premise of your argument here, so you better have proof, and not just a “Gut feeling” or" well I know a guy" or “I know a guy that knows a guy”
Also, what makes you think the intention wasn’t for people to buy the Legendaries? For the fact they can be sold on the TP, tells me their (Anet) intention was for Legendaries to be sellable on the TP.
I’d say that Legendaries are exactly what Anet intended them to be, you just so happen to disagree with it.
(edited by eisberg.2379)
As the title says.
The purpose of a Legendary is to be something special, something you had to put a lot of work in.
Not just a lot of money.
Now, since they can be sold on the TP, everyone can buy them with a kittenload of money
(and those people will mostly buy the gold from 3rd Party sellers)
Instead, you could make them Bind-On-Pickup and Accountbound
I think many players will agree with this.
PS: sry for my english, it isn’t my mother tongue
As long as Legendaries aren’t better (stat wise) than the next best type of gear (once Ascended is introduced) then I would have no problem even if Anet put all Legendaries on the Gem Store for real money… It wouldn’t affect me at all, just like all the other skins on the gem store or the minis.
Legendaries aren’t hard to acquire in any way, they just take time, they are so easy to get that a pre-programmed bot can get a legendary with a tiny bit of help, maybe even better than a real player because all you need to get a marvelous legendary is farm endlessly, there is no challenge to them only farm/grind. So people who can’t farm/grind because they have lives, can use their real money to buy a Legendary…. The prices for them are so high anyway only someone that pays real money OR farms/grinds all day can get them.
Once they change the purpose of a legendary and make it something you are actually proud you made with your skill, then they can make them Bound on Acquire…
I believe they have to stay in the market and present good incentives to use the cash shop for a lot (mostly younger?^^) players.
There is still a lot of work to craft a legendary and therefore even buying it with RL money an achievement of its own (..i guess^^).
And after all there are those who dont like to do pvp or pve and still WANT a legendary. Making it available through different ways doesnt hurt the game nor the legendary status of the item.