Profession branching - Specialty Traits

Profession branching - Specialty Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


At lvl 80, any character will unlock a Specialty Trait.
Every 10 levels obtained after lvl 80, the character will gain 1 Specialty trait point.
The total amount of these Specialty Trait points is 10.

These Specialty Trait points can be reset like other trait points, BUT with a large amount of money compared to other traits: expl. 10 golds

What does Specialty Traits do? Basically, they divide each profession into more specific ones, developing this way the build variety.
So, after lvl 80 we will not have just warriors, but more specific warriors, etc.

The new profession specialties will come with unique skills that won’t be available to another one. In this way, A-net can introduce the class specific skills without altering the current game mechanic because all the current skills will still be available for the characters.
There will be 3 utility skills, I healing skill and 1 elite skill for each specialty so we can call it a full set. These skills will be unlocked with the trait points spent – 2 trait points for skill, as I said above, max 10 Specialty Trait points
Also, specialties can come with new weapons which will be usable only with that specialty

Later, they ca add more skills or even more specialties except adding all new classes to the game. It is easier to create a few new skills / weapon skills for a specialty then add a new full spectrum for a new class
From 8 generic professions, we could have 16 different ones with not so much work.

If you have better names for these specialties, please add them here.

Here is a list of specialist names:

The specialty will be shown as the class icon but in different color in front of the character name: light red, and light blue. Red meaning more offensive specialty, blue more defensive specialty. The {R] and [B] in the list below describe this mechanic

Warrior -
Soldier, {R]
Tanker [B]

Guardian -
Defender, {R]
Protector [B]

Elementalist –
Weathermaker, {R]
Rifter [B]

Necromancer -
Summoner, {R]
Alchemist [B]

Thief –
Assassin, {R]
Shadow, [B]

Mesmer –
Harlequin, {R]
Ministrel [B]

Ranger –
Beast Master, {R]
Naturalist, [B]

Engineer -
Sharpshooter, {R]
Grenadier [B]

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Profession branching - Specialty Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raina.8642


Personally I don’t see the point…

Are you saying that these specialties will gain more stat points to spend?

In which case its just adding another tier of levelling, and will cause unbalance and more grind (no thanks).

Are you saying that these specialties will force a character to take more stat points of one line, and less of another? (In other words, a forced allocation of trait points, and stat allocation)? Kinda seems a waste?

The only thing I like about it is that it gives you ‘specialised’ skills for that style of warrior. But are these replacing current potential skills? In which case i’d rather just see them added (and tbh, am semi expecting to see added if/when any expansions get released).

Profession branching - Specialty Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umbaba.4382


I like it Some work on the names might be needed though xD still seems like a really good idea I’d enjoy being able to split off into a different class from my original class. Being able to switch between them is also a good idea.

I hope Arena Net looks at this and thinks about it… This could be amazing

Profession branching - Specialty Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Personally I don’t see the point…

Are you saying that these specialties will gain more stat points to spend?

In which case its just adding another tier of levelling, and will cause unbalance and more grind (no thanks).

Are you saying that these specialties will force a character to take more stat points of one line, and less of another? (In other words, a forced allocation of trait points, and stat allocation)? Kinda seems a waste?

The only thing I like about it is that it gives you ‘specialised’ skills for that style of warrior. But are these replacing current potential skills? In which case i’d rather just see them added (and tbh, am semi expecting to see added if/when any expansions get released).

The new trait has its own Special trait points. Nothing from what you have now will be taken away. it gives a reason to gain levels after lvl 80 and I put 10 levels for 1 Specialty point just because leveling after lvl 80 is pretty easy

The new skills will be unlocked only for your character and all other skills you have will still be available to use.
Yes, they might add new skills to the game but they will just be generic and it wont make you more proud of what you are. Right now most of warriors use either the banners for buffs and speed or ground control skills like the Stomp.

How about a Tanker skill called: Battle Cry which will summon 2 warriors with shields standing together with the player into a tanking wall
And the Soldier skill called Battle Rage which will summon 2 warriors and together with the player will rush to the enemies

These skills will be specific for those specialties and will not be available in the same time for the character (unless he re-specs)
Juts adding new skills to the game will make them available to all and it will still get into the situation we have now, people will use the same builds.
You would feel different using specialty skills, believe me.
Besides all expansions can add specialty skills + general skills.

This was just an example.

Oh, imagine, Naruralist having no pet with him while Beast Master having 3 pets .
That will look different, wouldn’t it?

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Profession branching - Specialty Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Here is a picture to explain better


Profession branching - Specialty Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Nice I’ve suggested just splitting them in different professions, but i didn’t really work out a system as to how to do that. I think this system should work, but there are some name changes we need to see through.

Warrior -
Berserker, {R]
Tanker [B]

Guardian -
Lightblade, {R]
Protector [B]

Elementalist –
Arcanist, {R]
Rifter [B]

Necromancer -
Reaper, {R]
Summoner [B]

Thief –
Assassin, {R]
Sniper, [B]

Mesmer –
Duelist, {R]
Minstrel [B]

Ranger –
Beast Master, {R]
Survivalist, [B]

Engineer -
Sapper, {R]
Alchemist [B]

I think these names fit a whole lot better.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Profession branching - Specialty Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


@ Sirendor.1394
You did good with the names. I dont have too much inspiration to invent those names. Thank you.
If others want to change different Specialty names, please feel free to add them here.
We need to find the ones that will fit the best.

I will expand a bit.
If this system will be implemented and they add new skills too, the normal skills will be unlocked with skill points as they do now, and the Speciality skills will be unlocked with Specialty Trait Points.
So, as the Skill points keep on gathering after lvl 80 for every level you fill up, the Specialty Trait Points will be earned every 10 levels after level 80.
In this way, there will be no limit on the number of skills they will add to the game.

At first, all “Berserkers” will have the same Specialty skills, but as they add more of them, even within the same Specialty the characters will differentiate themselves.

Profession branching - Specialty Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Very interesting I think I love the idea

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Profession branching - Specialty Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I need to clarify one thing.

Once you equip one “Specialty Skill” you will only have access to Specialty Skills and no other utility skills.
If you un-equip one Specialty Skill, then all of them will get discarded so you will be able to use the normal utility skills.

As people previously asked in the forum for Monk, Ritualist and Dervish, I think these three would fit the 3rd Specialties for Guardian, Necromancer and Warrior respectively

Profession branching - Specialty Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ngeluz.4860


Really love the idea!!