First off I want to state that I am not “trolling” in any way. I love Guild Wars 2, and why not it is really an amazing creation from Arena Net. This thread is about the imminent doom of the game and whether or not Arena Net will do anything to save it. As much as I love this game I do not want to see it crash just like the other guild wars (which it is already starting).
The fun factor while leveling up was off the charts! Everything was fun and I didn’t want to skip anything. This feeling however was short lived….very short lived. I have a level 80 warrior with full exotic gear in every slot possible; both profession are Armorsmithing: 400 and Jewelcrafting: 400. After finishing with gearing up and getting my professions up I have played about 10 minutes a day. I cannot make myself play a game when there is nothing to work towards. We need a goal to achieve, and after that we need another and another and so on. There is no incentive for playing the end game content! This is such a huge disappointing ending to such a fantastic game! WHAT THE HELL WAS ARENA NET THINKING! This is supposed to be a MMO, there is supposed to be new and better gear all the time, or at least some sort of rank or something. MMO fans play MMOs for the long run, to continuosly better there character. If you wanted to make a game where the competition is based on true-skill then you are in the WRONG business switch to an FPS or a RTS. MMO’s are successful for one and ONLY one reason: LONG TERM PLAYABILITY, and frankly guild wars 2 has none. it is no different from Fable I, II, III (spend a few hours beating the game and then sell it back to game stop).
Arena Net wanted to avoid a gear grind. Well good job you did, but at the same time you made a role playing game that takes about 80 hours and then its over. Why would anyone log on to do dungeons, farm, or WvW when their character would still be the exact same if they never EVER logged on again. The end-game content is amazing, but there is no reason to play it what so ever. Making a cap to gear stats destroys the incentive to play. Arena Net you have made a game with a life span of 6 months (TOPS) after that everyone will have the best gear and maxed professions and they will no longer play your game, so it will just be a game with no incentive to play and no one to play with.
I am by no means a World of Warcraft fan, and I can tell that Arena Net isn’t either, but being the most successful MMO ever made you would think that they did something right? So, why did you look at every aspect of their game and do the opposite. Raids, dungeons, heroics, battlegrounds, and the arena all have a reason for their customers to continue playing until Blizzard decides that they are done. Arena Net will lose a massive number of players really fast and their game will die and no one will remember what was good about it and what was bad about it.
My advice to Arena Net is to either do as I said before " make a FPS or a RTS" or come out with updates with better gear. Redo your end game system where there is a reason to hop on and better your character. We (gamers) need something to work for. We like (LOVE) spending the extra hours to get that title, rank, and most of all GEAR!!!!!!
I hope that Arena Net does something drastic and gives me a reason to log back on, but until then my maxed out character will lie dormant and all of you who continue to play with never be stronger or better.
PLEASE GIVE US A REASON TO PLAY YOUR FANTASTIC GAME! (honestly i am in agony writing this, because your game was the most fun I have had in a very long time and i hate that it ended so quickly)