Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mar.5180


Since there’s been quite a bit on this already, I’ll try to keep it brief.

First, it should be noted that a Race Change item is desired by many players. If you don’t have a desire to change your race, that’s okay. There are, however, many who created characters at launch and have only recently realized that the race just isn’t what they thought it would be.

Second, a Race Change item would generate more revenue for ANet since it would most likely be introduced through the gem store. If there’s a reasonable way to implement something desired by the players without hurting the vision of Guild Wars 2, ANet should be willing to design it.

Let’s get into what the Race Change item would do.

I propose that this item function exactly like the Makeover Kit. It changes your body physically, and that’s it. The Asura create tonics that allow people to LOOK like other things. Now they’ve managed to extend that technology to imitating other races. This Race Change doesn’t really change your race though. You just APPEAR as someone from another race.

Personal Story. Personal story must be fully completed before changing characters. This will A. insure players experience the game a great deal before switching races B. circumvent issues with race-specific personal story and a race change and C. provide a basis for immersion regarding how others will refer and react to you as your original race.

So when someone saves the world from Zhaitan, people tend to remember that person. You’re the hero of the world. Heroes in our world are remembered quite well. Martin Luther King Jr will always be remembered as a man that fought for civil rights. It’s also commonly known that he was an African American. The same would be true of someone who saved the world from utter annihilation. People will remember his or her race. Since the Race Change Kit is known to only change the appearance, people will recognize you by your name, associate you with your great deed of defeating Zhaitan, and may or may not refer to you by your original race. It keeps immersion intact while avoiding additional script writing due to the race change.

Now that personal story and immersion are moot points, what about cultural armor? I feel that cultural armor should be kept soulbound and disallowed from being equipped. This will keep people from wearing armor from a race they no longer look like. If you decide to change back to your original race, you can equip that amor again.

Won’t people exploit this to get achievement points more easily? As far as buying new cultural armor, you should be able to buy the cultural armor of your new race. Here’s why this isn’t game-breaking. The [Race] Specialty Armors achievement requires that you soulbind the cultural armor. Since cultural armors are soulbound on acquire, a level 1 character can get the achievement as well as a level 80. The only difference is that you’re required to make an additional character slot, something that costs gems to have. Since this kit would also cost gems, the effective cost and difficulty to get the achievements would be the same, if not being more costly for the race change route.

I hope ANet gives this some serious thought in light of what is already allowed in the game. Immersion is something each player should be in control of. I personally have a hard time enjoying my Charr Warrior because he looks goofy to me. I’m not knocking the design. I love playing the Warrior profession, but aesthetics are a large part of how I experience the game. It’s clear others feel the same way given the sales of the Makeover kit. It’s wholly unrealistic to have someone get a sex change, facial reconstruction, and complete body reformation, but it’s something you’ve implemented to save people the hassle of remaking a character just for the sake of aesthetics. I hope you see that this solution is something purely aesthetic. I actually love the Charr storyline and culture. I’m just not convinced I want to always look like one.

The question comes down to this: would you rather make people choose between progression and immersion or allow them to keep both at their discretion? In other words, let the player decide how he or she best enjoys the game.

(edited by Mar.5180)

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revlack.9780


all I need!

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arathor.7419


make a new character , you chose the race cause you liked it

A wolf among sheep

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


I appreciate your post, OP, and while I am not against people getting a race change if they want it, I think it’s a shame that over the long road to 80 people haven’t managed to grow fond of their char. Also, if this really is a purely cosmetic thing, then isn’t this really just a case of having your cake and eating it too? I mean, you want all the charr story line and skills etc, but to look like a human/norn/sylvari/asura? A HUGE part of character creation is making your character exactly what you want them to look like … at which point in your story did you decide you didn’t like the look of the charr? I mean, if he looks goofy at 80, stands to reason he would have looked goofy at 1?

I mean no disrespect or criticism of you when I ask these questions. I’m just really curious. I form a sort of bond with all my chars, so the thought of changing much about them (particularly something so integral to their story as their very race) is pretty much beyond me. If I don’t like a char I know within 10-15 levels and delete the char then, before I have invested much in them.

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: gooseman.6182


When I first came into the game I had no idea what I was getting into, I had no idea what cultural armor was until a couple of weeks ago I’m still learning and getting to 80. I made a guardian Sylvari because I figured it would be cool, and now I’m lvl 63 and I’m stuck with him forever, I would love to have a guardian Norn but I will never have that unless I leveled a whole new character and I just refuse to do such a thing. I completely regret making my Sylvari a guardian, and I can’t do anything about it..

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revlack.9780


make a new character , you chose the race cause you liked it

no sense…

and remake all? all itens ? all colors? all runes?
affffff!!! i hate this thought

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


I’m all in for this! I created a Guardian Charr for the story (and achievements). I love guardians, but I hate my charr. If there was a way for me to keep my toon while transforming her into, say, a Sylvary, i’m up for it!

But I think the idea to limit it to level 80 with completed story line is a good and valid point. It would reduces a lot of problems with the story line.

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mar.5180


Racial skills are not even worth mentioning. I can’t think of a single one (I have all races and all professions) that are more useful than class skills. I don’t particularly like the Charr story/culture any more than any of the others. I, however, have found nothing exciting about end-game Charr armor an aesthetics. When I put him in exotics, he just looks weird to me. I’d rather have a Human that I can look forward to putting cool gear on and think, “Now I look like a kitten.” I don’t get that with Charr.

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mar.5180


I guess with ANet’s cute censoring, my Charr does look like a young cat. I guess that’s the problem lol.

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mar.5180


CrossedHorse, I enjoyed seeing my Charr run around at lower levels. It was cool. I didn’t really start feeling disconnected from him until I started putting exotics/ascended gear on him. Now he’s just slouched over and odd looking. Now that he’s in perfect-stat gear, I’m not exactly keen on restarting him.

I think the point that needs to be taken from this is that there are perfectly reasonable ways to allow players that want a race change to enjoy that. It will only affect their gameplay. If you start a Charr, you’ll only have access to the Charr storyline. That gives them no advantage. I would expect a race change to be pretty expensive, so I doubt it would be cost efficient to get a race change rather than make a new character for cultural armor achievements.

I can’t think of one reason why ANet would allow someone to completely remake their character’s look, body build, and even sex but not make some attempt at allowing a race change. It’s more revenue for them and happier times for us. Race changes hurt no one and only offer more options for players. I don’t see any downside.

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I, however, have found nothing exciting about end-game Charr armor an aesthetics. When I put him in exotics, he just looks weird to me.

You do realise that the rarity (exotic) has nothing to do with the armour look? Just pick the parts you like the look of and transmute the desired stats on them.

I can’t think of one reason why ANet would allow someone to completely remake their character’s look, body build, and even sex but not make some attempt at allowing a race change. It’s more revenue for them and happier times for us. Race changes hurt no one and only offer more options for players. I don’t see any downside.

But it is less revenue.

If I don’t want to play my main anymore, I level an alt – but if I want the same equipment, I have to buy all the soulbound items anew, including unlimited mining tools, transmutation crystals for my preferred armour, etc. Why would ANet give people a tool to bypass the soulbound state of items, especially gem store items?

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zikory.6871


make a new character , you chose the race cause you liked it

I didn’t read the thread but I’m quoting Arathor.7419 for context.

I recently got tired of my Human Necro and wanted it to be Asura. So given the only option was to make a new character, I did. Anet was very forgiving and help full on a a lot of things. First the Unlimited gathering tools, I had all 3 on my human Necro and after explaining my reason they very promptly account bound them for me so I could put them on my Asura. Also another issue was Ascended items, they take some time to acquire so I put in my support ticket and after a day or two they account bound those for me as well. Yes I had to level up a new Asura Necro and Yes I had to re-gear him in exotics but with karma, badges of honor, and gold it was a fairly painless task.

Personally I think they should have a Race change option but if they don’t want to do it in there game then that’s fine, they give us plenty of options to recreate new characters fairly easy. I mean if you don’t want to level you can craft you way to 80 in ~3 hours, don’t have the gold for it, buy gems. Don’t want to spend time farming gold/karma buy gems. Can’t buy gems? Get a job! >.< That parts joke :p

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mar.5180


I can’t speak for everyone, Pixel, but I won’t waste gold and time to reroll a character. I’ll just dislike my Warrior. I’m not deleting something nearly a year old just to make it look different, especially with birthdays rolling around soon. I would, however, pay good money to change the race on my character to make it look the way I want. It’s no different than what people faced for wanting to switch sex and appearance. ANet possibly lost revenue due to people being willing to completely remake the character, but I bet the vast majority just dealt with it until they offered them a much more reasonable option.

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mar.5180


Also, when people don’t like a character as much, they tend to spend less money on cosmetic things.

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revlack.9780


we need answers, producing one day I’ll go back to playing with my warrior

(edited by Revlack.9780)

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I won’t waste gold and time to reroll a character. […] I’m not deleting something nearly a year old just to make it look different […] I would, however, pay good money to change the race on my character to make it look the way I want.

Then create an alt, and use the “good money” to craft them to level 80. What’s the difference? Is it really just that you’re too lazy to put in a even a couple of hours of game time?

AND this way you get to keep both characters, in case you change your mind. Or use the other one as a banker or whatever.

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: KRUSSIDULL.6845


Great post OP. I have been wanting a Race change for long, I have currently have 2 characters parked.

While your idea is good there are easier way such has reseting the personal story and trunsmuting the cultural and so on, things that have been disucussed in other topics before. While mentioning personal story there are even people that would like to replay so a reset would be great while you have a chance to do a race change, Anet would kill 2 birds with one stone!

Also people have to be so negative and say things like “Just make an new character” because:
1, it takes time, Money and its boring to level a character you already have.
2, Previous gem purchases becomes obselete, Backpack slots, Infinite Axe/Pick/Sickle etc.
3, World completion, legendaries etc.

But I can still see why people wonder why we waited to level 80 or longer before we wanted a race change, Ask yourself when you make a life choice you think is good for you and down the road you wish to chose another path but cant its the same deal here. The difference this is a game and if Anet cares of what is best for their customers they would listen to them.

Sorry for bad English im typing really fast beacause Im actually at work, lol

Brute Swiftclaw | Far Shiverpeaks | Mistforged Heroes: tinyurl.com/gw2hero

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


CrossedHorse, I enjoyed seeing my Charr run around at lower levels. It was cool. I didn’t really start feeling disconnected from him until I started putting exotics/ascended gear on him. Now he’s just slouched over and odd looking. Now that he’s in perfect-stat gear, I’m not exactly keen on restarting him.

I think the point that needs to be taken from this is that there are perfectly reasonable ways to allow players that want a race change to enjoy that. It will only affect their gameplay. If you start a Charr, you’ll only have access to the Charr storyline. That gives them no advantage. I would expect a race change to be pretty expensive, so I doubt it would be cost efficient to get a race change rather than make a new character for cultural armor achievements.

I can’t think of one reason why ANet would allow someone to completely remake their character’s look, body build, and even sex but not make some attempt at allowing a race change. It’s more revenue for them and happier times for us. Race changes hurt no one and only offer more options for players. I don’t see any downside.

Fair enough.

I, personally, think that it detracts from the immersion a bit, and the sense of “getting into the role of your character on its story”, but if others feel it would help them more then that’s fine by me.

Thanks for answering my curiosity. I wouldn’t be against ANet adding something like this to the gem store if it could be managed easily.

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revlack.9780


CrossedHorse, I enjoyed seeing my Charr run around at lower levels. It was cool. I didn’t really start feeling disconnected from him until I started putting exotics/ascended gear on him. Now he’s just slouched over and odd looking. Now that he’s in perfect-stat gear, I’m not exactly keen on restarting him.

I think the point that needs to be taken from this is that there are perfectly reasonable ways to allow players that want a race change to enjoy that. It will only affect their gameplay. If you start a Charr, you’ll only have access to the Charr storyline. That gives them no advantage. I would expect a race change to be pretty expensive, so I doubt it would be cost efficient to get a race change rather than make a new character for cultural armor achievements.

I can’t think of one reason why ANet would allow someone to completely remake their character’s look, body build, and even sex but not make some attempt at allowing a race change. It’s more revenue for them and happier times for us. Race changes hurt no one and only offer more options for players. I don’t see any downside.

Fair enough.

I, personally, think that it detracts from the immersion a bit, and the sense of “getting into the role of your character on its story”, but if others feel it would help them more then that’s fine by me.

Thanks for answering my curiosity. I wouldn’t be against ANet adding something like this to the gem store if it could be managed easily.

Nice! yeap, you no like race change? just no paid for this…

and we need RP instances.

Race Change (Solutions: Cultural Armor/Story)

in Suggestions

Posted by: rVn.2076


same, i really want to change my norn to human (thief) but i have too many items on it (legendary sb, ascended trinkets, ~200 colors, cultural armor, fractal weapons etc.).

ANet, PLEASE do sth with it ;(