To do:
Remove the commander icon, both from the map and from over the head.
Replace it with the ability to start a warband; a group of 20 people.
Replace squad system with warband system; tone down size from 100 to 20.
Make it so you can see everyone’s HP bars, and amount of supply they have.
ONLY indicate, on the map, the location of your warband members, or warband leader.
No indication of map of where the other commanders actually are on the map.
Keep the Warband chat and Join Warband command; formerly squad system.
Promote organization. If a server can communicate well and stay cohesive, they should be rewarded. With the current system, it’s too easy to zerg up. Zerging, post-warband system, would still be present, but it would actually take coordination throughout map chat, warband leaders working together and players following the warband-leader to actually achieve a critically-massed zerg. This system rewards zerging by making it an achievement, rather than its simplistic form with the current commander icon system.
If the zerg were to be broken, it would take time for the warband leaders to organize up again. This all contributes to the idea that the larder the mass of people, the harder it is for them to stay cohesive and organized. The ability to do so is rewarded, since that zerg will be near unstoppable. The difference with the current system being.. the current system makes it EASIER to stay cohesive as a large mass of players by painting a huge icon on the map, and over the commander’s head. That is the root of the problem.
Rewards spreading out by making it easier for warband leaders to do so. People would be given the tools, and thus the incentive, to follow your WARBAND leader only. Leaders may choose to stick together as a zerg, or to spread out. Either way, the players are given the tools to follow their warband leader only.
From an individual point of view, it’s much easier to feel part of the group when you’re in a party of 5, included in a warband of 20, rather than simply following an icon in a solo party.
Removing the tag from the map makes it harder for zergs to regroup without communicating.
Removing the tag from the head makes it harder for zergs to stay tight and organized in the field, without further communication; as it should be.
This system REWARDS organized zerging, by making it harder. A server would be able to prove itself by its ability to keep its zerg cohesive, despite under overwhelming numbers. With the current system, zerging up in an organized manner is so easy that well.. it makes the game boring.
Make it HARDER for the zergs to regroup by removing the commander icon from the map. This rewards better organization and communication.
SPREAD out the amount of action throughout the map. Warbands will regroup well within itself; members will find each other easily, but not with the main zerg.
More CONTROL for the commanders of the warband; allowing them to see 20 people’s HP is good.
(edited by Convenant.7092)