Replayability is desperate PT.2

Replayability is desperate PT.2

in Suggestions

Posted by: mnguyen.5142



“IPunchedYour family” made a great addition to this, and that is the old Nicolas the Traveler system. He said that low leveled areas are becoming vacant quickly because everyone is growing out of the zones and there really is no reason to go back. A type of Nicolas the Traveler would be a great way to get players back into these zones and populate the areas. Of course that would also mean level 80s would need a change in the scaling system because they just stomp through everything in these areas.

I see replayability to be a MAJOR let down in this game and honestly think this would help the game tremendously when players slowly but surely make their way to level 80. If replayability is not great (yes it has to be very high), especially in MMOs, the popularity of the game would go down FAST. And that’s the honest truth. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I’m bored of this game I love it, it’s just that there’s not enough to do after you get everything you ever dreamed of having. I think this could really make a difference.

PS: I mentioned that the quests would be given by NPCs at the Lion’s Court p.o.i. in LA. My reason to put it there is because that lion is fantastic and the art is amazing, but ANet really screwed themselves over because there is no need to go there for any reason. I guess I’m trying to say that there are fabulous works of art in this game, but I don’t think they are getting enough appreciation as they deserve; they’re completely ignored because there is nothing there of use to the player. SHOW OFF YOUR STUFF ANET!

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” – Voltaire

Replayability is desperate PT.2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Radthor Dax.3697

Radthor Dax.3697

You should have put this as a reply to your first post, not in a new thread. But I do like the idea.

~ Radthor Dax, lvl80 Elementalist

(edited by Radthor Dax.3697)

Replayability is desperate PT.2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

nice concept but i disagree with scaling.

level 80s are supposed to stomp through low level areas, even with the scaling down.

Replayability is desperate PT.2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scorpio.3821


They would add special achievments to each zone that require a long time to complete. You would need to complete every event, and kill each of the mobs x amount of times. The reward should be a special title, and a unique looking equipment.

Legate of the Legion.