Right-click invite
I’ve noticed that, too. I generally end up pressing “P” and typing the name into the invite box.
I haven’t been able to spot a pattern yet, so I don’t know why it happens as it does. I can confirm that it happens to more than just you, though.
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
That happens sometimes for me too.
This awlays happens to me and my guild mates when we are in WvW.
Also kicking offline players out of party doesnt work. If an guild officier is in that party they usually kick them out of guild by mistake. We call it the AFK Kick!
Its a hell of a pain when these gets combined, and you need to rearrange the party by leaving first, then type all the names to invite them. I hate players with long names aswell.
WvW Commander of Blacktide.
@RaugoolGW2 on Twitter
it’s not too bad if you can type the player in invite window but the problem is if people have special characters – you’re essentially screwed, or they have to type your name in and join.
It’s a very useful feature, but the fact that it doesn’t work so frequently is a bit pain.
why fix this bug or any other bug for that matter when they can waste their employee’s time on temporary events that took them what four months to release and takes up an hour of your time?