Seeing other players while dead
If you’re in the map screen scanning for a waypoint and someone starts to rez you, you get a message, but a) that doesn’t address your point of people vanishing right as you get there, and b) many players don’t notice it.
If it’s any consolidation you never truly “die” as “dying” is completely a game mechanic. Plot wise your character never, ever dies. But yeah I just go to the nearest waypoint unless someone’s rezing me. Sometimes I center my strategy around downed state as you know it’ll happen, which involves radiation field, lava, and the lava activated from the talent. If there are any ranged mobs go to the nearest one so melee crowds you near them, and always take out ranged first anyway as they can afford to distance themselves to ensure that only one of them is caught in your AoEs while still being able to attack you.
Granted the plan isn’t 100% but works often enough. Dying/downed state is something I try avoiding but sometimes you just know it’ll happen.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
I generally wait 3-4 minutes if I am in an area where there is a -chance- that I will be revived, but I think the map should have an optional toggle to show all players in your immediate area, whether you are alive or not. It would be very helpful to know if there are people around for a DE, for example.
I would suggest that while “dead”, waiting for a resurrection, you could exit your body as a small colored flame (orange for warriors, red for elementalists, etc) and fly around the body in a specific radius and watch the fight around you. When / if someone is resurrecting you, the flame will loose player’s control for distance and it will come closer and closer to your body, but still you can move it around on a radius
I would suggest that while “dead”, waiting for a resurrection, you could exit your body as a small colored flame (orange for warriors, red for elementalists, etc) and fly around the body in a specific radius and watch the fight around you. When / if someone is resurrecting you, the flame will loose player’s control for distance and it will come closer and closer to your body, but still you can move it around on a radius
That is an awsome idea!
<offers you a precious cookie of über chocolate goodness>