Solution to stop Champ Farm

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Randomize respawn times between 10 mins to 3 hours for every champion.

Now give me my nobel peace prize. I shall wait for it in the mail.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Why would you want to spoil something that other people enjoy.

What do you enjoy doing, lets make a suggestion that will spoil it for you.


And I don’t run with the champ train btw.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


^I doubt anyone enjoys champion farm, they just do it because its a profitable and brainafk activity.
So random respawn times are indeed the way to go.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: thekap.8645


why do people care about the champ trains? How does it negatively affect your experience in the game?

Calidorne – L80 Ranger – Commander

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: STRanger.5120


Thanks for your suggestion, but there’s no need for an action like this. Now please leave, thanks, bye bye

#ELEtism 4ever

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Millz.4367


Every time a silly thread like this dies, another one pops up. /Yawn.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: illo.5106


How does it negatively affect your experience in the game?

Entering Queensdale with a guild quest group, entering the cave – “Hey, the troll spawned, let’s do it quick!”


Should I mention the “OMG YOU LET THE DOLLY LIVE!!!” / “YOU KILLED THE QUAGGAN!” crybabys?

Yeah, champ farming is annoying for some.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

It’s not a ‘solution’ since there is no problem.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: STRanger.5120


Entering Queensdale with a guild quest group, entering the cave – “Hey, the troll spawned, let’s do it quick!”

Where did you get that group? There’s no quests in this game….

Also, nobody forces you to watch those nutbags swearing at you, one mouse-click and you can watch just the pretty numbers of damage you do to others, isn’t that nice?

#ELEtism 4ever

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: illo.5106


Where did you get that group? There’s no quests in this game….

Call it level/uncover map/whatsoever group…

Also, nobody forces you to watch those nutbags swearing at you, one mouse-click and you can watch just the pretty numbers of damage you do to others, isn’t that nice?

Didn’t notice yet how I can block those nutbags before they swear (and bother) me. Maybe you can lend me your orb.

I don’t mind champ farming, because even if you introduce random and bigger spawn windows: people always find a way to farm champs. If I’m really annoyed by it, because some people go crazy because the missed a NPC and some blue/green loot, I log on my main, ask some guildmates if they want to have some fun, kill 50 % of the champs, hide – and wait the train to arrive and to camp 8 minutes on a spot and spam the chat, that there’s maybe a bug blabla …

(edited by illo.5106)

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


why do people care about the champ trains? How does it negatively affect your experience in the game?

It negatively affects my experience whenever I see a group event and I am not able to do it because everyone has hopped on the champ train.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: illo.5106


If they are on the champ train, they are not interested in doing a group event. If you randomize/expand the spawn time, they’ll farm/grind somewhere else and still won’t participate in that event.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: STRanger.5120


Where did you get that group? There’s no quests in this game….

Call it level/uncover map/whatsoever group…

Got that

Also, nobody forces you to watch those nutbags swearing at you, one mouse-click and you can watch just the pretty numbers of damage you do to others, isn’t that nice?

Didn’t notice yet how I can block those nutbags before they swear (and bother) me. Maybe you can lend me your orb.

Just switch to combat log, problem solved. But I thought you would understand my “damage numbers” reference, really.

#ELEtism 4ever

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brave Mallyki.1563

Brave Mallyki.1563

If you don’t like how people play in that zone then don’t go there. No one is dictating how you should play the game so what makes you think you can tell other how they should?

Next thread this guys is going to post is about Legendaries and how they should either be done away with or give everyone a legendary at the end of the personal stories or at lvl 80.

Vox Invictus [VOX] – Crystal Desert
PvP Rank – 151 – Dragon
WvW Rank – 1,120 – Silver Colonel

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


So the majority of PvEers are boring champ farmers/grinders? Good to know. No wonder why people say the game is dieing. All of the other zones are empty.

Maybe they should just take away champ loot and call it a bad idea on Anet’s part. Or maybe they should get rid of all the other zones and keep Queensdale and rename the game Champ Train simulator. GW2 is not a grind game, but it seems that players will abuse this huge design flaw.

Yah, those of you that oppose my suggestion are offended because it would ruin your mindless, press #1 , champ train. Champ trains are definitely a problem because it influences new players to just farm and not experience any content , and it leaves the other zones empty. At least back then players were farming events in upper level zones such as Straits of Devastation, but now it is “just go to Queensdale and do the easiest thing for the highest reward per minute in the game”.

Anet does have heat trackers for their game.. I wonder what they are trying to come up with to spread the population. The sooner the better because this game went downhill from champ trains. The train is the most boring thing in this game and people do it because they think they will get what they want quicker. I really do giggle at that ideology.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: STRanger.5120


So the majority of PvEers are boring champ farmers/grinders? Good to know. No wonder why people say the game is dieing. All of the other zones are empty.

Maybe they should just take away champ loot and call it a bad idea on Anet’s part. Or maybe they should get rid of all the other zones and keep Queensdale and rename the game Champ Train simulator. GW2 is not a grind game, but it seems that players will abuse this huge design flaw.

Yah, those of you that oppose my suggestion are offended because it would ruin your mindless, press #1 , champ train. Champ trains are definitely a problem because it influences new players to just farm and not experience any content , and it leaves the other zones empty. At least back then players were farming events in upper level zones such as Straits of Devastation, but now it is “just go to Queensdale and do the easiest thing for the highest reward per minute in the game”.

Anet does have heat trackers for their game.. I wonder what they are trying to come up with to spread the population. The sooner the better because this game went downhill from champ trains. The train is the most boring thing in this game and people do it because they think they will get what they want quicker. I really do giggle at that ideology.

Hmm, so this post is:

#1: wrong

#2: wrong

#3: wrong.

Champ trains are not the most proffitable way to earn money, it never was and it’s nerfed now to the state it’s not proffitable at all.
GW2 is heavy grindy game thanks to the ascended gear (everybody wants the best stats, why should they have some disadvantage, right?)
And I’m not the champ train frequenter, I jump there occasionally, when waiting WvW queue for example, and that’s just because i can leave when the message pops up (can’t do that in dungeons, fractals, anywhere else….)

#ELEtism 4ever

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

I really do giggle at that ideology.

The only thing I giggle at is the fact you think that everyone with a different opinion is a “boring champ farmer”. If only everyone in the world was like you.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


How does it negatively affect your experience in the game?

Valid question, fair answer:

  • People on champ trains (not all but many) feel entitled and start arguments about killing champs out of order in /map all. the. time. Having to read these in /map actually affects my gaming experience in a negative way.
  • So then some people disable /map. When they choose to ignore /map and do their own thing, they’re getting raging whispers and sent on a guilt trip for not respecting the train.
  • Other than that people can do what they want anyway, there is a perfectly valid use case for killing champions out of order, too: when I was new to GW2, exploring maps and learning about the world was awesome. Maybe you remember the time, too. I’d run around only with my closest friends, and try very hard to be immersed in this beautiful new world (and yes, that meant that /map was disabled). Encountering any champion on my low level character was an adventure. I would die a lot. But sometimes I would conquer it, together with my friends. It felt amazing.
    It would have been totally ruined by people hogging the runestone, storming in with a zerg, one-shotting the troll, spouting a bunch of meta-information and rushing on to the bandit.
    I’m just saying, when you accuse somebody of ruining your precious train, please keep in mind that you may be ruining someone else’s gaming experience, too! And neither of you is “right”.
  • It negatively affects any roleplaying taking place in the same location (I know the hunting lodge is a popular location for this)
  • And another example – if I’m in the middle of collecting grub tails and the zerg stomps into the troll cave, the collection requirement skyrockets and I might not be able to complete it.

I run the champ train myself occasionally (for dailies or when I have nothing better to do). I have no problem with it existing, personally. I do have a problem with some people’s attitudes.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: illo.5106


So the majority of PvEers are boring champ farmers/grinders? Good to know. No wonder why people say the game is dieing. All of the other zones are empty.

Well I came recently from another MMO – and GW2 isn’t dieing at all if you compare the situation here with other games. And not all zones are empty, just because there aren’t a lot of players zerging. Of course there are less frequented zones, because they aren’t very attractive comapred to other parts of the world.

Or maybe they should get rid of all the other zones and keep Queensdale and rename the game Champ Train simulator. GW2 is not a grind game, but it seems that players will abuse this huge design flaw.

People grind everywhere and there’s not only a champ train in Queensdale. Temples and world bosses get grinded too around the clock on big servers.

Champ trains are definitely a problem because it influences new players to just farm and not experience any content , and it leaves the other zones empty.

Usually people start with champ trains and get bored quickly, ‘cause if they are not totally stupid, they’ll soon notice that you can:
- level,
- get gold and
- get good gear
faster other ways. And ofc: champ boxes drop no pre’s.

And if they are stupid: Good to know to find them in the champ train and not somewhere else where they could do real damage.

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


why do people care about the champ trains? How does it negatively affect your experience in the game?

Inflation, 7.5g per hour times 80 people per server
thats 7.5g * 24 hours * 80 = 14,400 gold

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

(edited by Malediktus.9250)

Solution to stop Champ Farm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phyxrgon.7305


You really can’t keep suggesting things to nerf this or that in methods of making money, people will find ways, and the cycle of seriously questionable borderlining hatred of this system will just start ALL over again.

And to the guy who said GW2 is not a grind game? I have many lulz at you.

Jade Quarrior – [HzH] [SF]

Tengu. Make it happen.