(edited by themenaceofseventhdimension.2075)
Stop Complaining!
lol, normally I would be the first to agree with you, but after reading your post I am almost convinced you main a warrior.
Hey, it’s all cool here. I’m glad there is at least one person here who agrees with me. Let everyone see this. I am actually Main Mesmer. Lol. I do play warrior from time to time, but It’s just not my style. Too clunky for me.
I Totally agree. The whining is just tragic. I wrote a tread of apriciation on the Ranger forums yestarday and I got totally hammered by others.
I’m main Ranger. I love my class. It does have flaws, as have every class. But every improvement is apriciated, at least by me!
The patch wasn’t 100% perfect (Sick’em could reveal stealthed untargeted enemies imo) but MANY things were improved. AndThat is great! For example pets got about 70% more Health, just to mention one thing! That makes them much more survivable – noticable difference from yesterday!
Bugs Always comes with Changes. Be constructive and A-net will fix it. But I agree, just quit te whining! They don’t deserve it!
Nothing to do about I’m afraid.
Constructive criticism is immediately shot down as whining and compliments are immediately shot down as fanboyism.
~Sincerely, Scissors
(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)
When mesmers aoe instakill people by jumping of ledges I do complain xD
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]
Heck yeah, every contructive criticism and thanks yous to ANet was shut down immediately by an inconsiderate troll of a person. i understand how you guys feel, since I have already seen the entire professions forums from top to bottom.
@ Blimm. Lol. I hope they do fix it. The annoyance created by people about that subject is unnecessary.
People threaten to shelve their Guardians because they fixed a bugged trait that used to cleanse 1 additional condition ( I use that trait ).
Somehow, we are managing to cause a kittenstorm over a patch that contained mostly buffs for every class. It’s sad really.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
I just logged into my account, and it says that they are gonna make sure that nobody messes with the Anet staff members again(Code of Conduct). I kitten love it. Well deserved and smart move by Anet. Keep going the good stuff!!!!
I’m not complaining. I actually have every possible profession 80 level (some in x2-3). My RL a whale at inventing of interesting builds and tests them. Every day we frolic at pvp and wvwvwvwvw and dungeons. In short, I am perfectly imagine the class balance. Advantages and disadvantages. I will not in particular. Well… Just sometimes it seems as if the developers themselves do not know exactly what are they balancing. If they were, in fact, not much (to put it mildly) often play their own game. In fact, the game mechanics invented so (I must give credit to the developers) that the total imbalance simply can not be. Out of any profession you can do something decent. However, many has so striking and unjustified difference in strengths, convenient and accessibility of various opportunities that you begin to wonder what the developers were thinking about at all?! Some striking inconsistencies are clearly seen after an hour in spvp for example. One profession draws on itself entire group in a dungeon by facerolling, in the same build killing 2-3 people in spvp solo and thrives in spve. When the other one is required to change the spec for every aspect of the game just to reach at least a third of similar effectiveness.
In general, I think they need more people to balance fixing team. Who will play the different classes (though an hour per day at spvp, wvw and pve).
Personally, I will not stop “complaining” (feedbacking suggestions toward quality) until everything isn’t as good as can be.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Personally, I define “Complaining” as whining to the extent of abusing the devs with unnecessary crap of words as if expecting the devs to respond to your suggestions. Now I hope this isn’t you guys. I really do.
You see, this is the kind of unnecessary crap people can’t have around the forums. I don’t know where you got the nerve to say that, but I sure as heck dislike it. Reported. Never do that again to me or anyone else. We don’t have time to listen to your side comments that seem to want to draw attention to your ignorance.
EDIT: People shouldn’t complain as you have about every single thing on the forums. Because some people decide to complain about every minute detail, Anet has decided to harshen the Code of Conduct, which is well understood and should be accepted. Any further violence is against the conduct. It just shows you how much of a troll you really are if you continue to spam other people and the devs themselves.
(edited by themenaceofseventhdimension.2075)
Engineers need hammers with decent abilities then ill be happy. Screw turrets they are a lost cause, but anet just cant seem to see that they need to focus on ditching them and just give us a melee weapon since most build we have are literally melee. This is my only upset right now.
the sense of irony is strong with this one