Stop Gold seller's spam.

Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


It’s rather easy to stop gold sellers from spamming. If you introduce gold seller as a new report “reason” and make it so after 5 reports the account gets muted then it would be easy to prevent it. Maybe they would say it once or twice but that’s about it as no other character would be able to speak in /map even if they transfer servers.

Obviously if a person got muted with fake reports the dudes who reported would get some kind of penalization, just like how anyone can press the fire alarm but if it’s not a real fire you’re going to pay a fine.

Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grammarye.3064


Better yet, connect up those reports to a suitable training filter. After a bit, I imagine you could auto-filter a lot out.

I could have sworn GW1 did all of this, but I have been in too many MMOs to keep track of which ones had this sort of feature.

If you haven’t pressed Call Target at least once today, please go press it now.

Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Herem.2817


I was just thinking the same thing as both Canoas and Grammarye.

You could add a new ‘Gold Seller’ option to the reports and have the code check if an account receives a certain threshold of reports from different accounts within a defined period of time. If the chat history contains matches to a database of known gold seller spam it will automatically suspend the account pending GM investigation.

If the chat history doesn’t match known gold seller spam the account will just be temporarily silenced from all channels including mail and again flagged for GM investigation. If the GM finds the account has been selling gold the spam database will automatically be updated with the new offending chat.

Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


Anet already has a system where if a certain post receives a certain number of reports, they review the post and take action. Automatic silence programs are a terrible idea as it allows a group of people to lock others out of chat by submitting false reports.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sern.6054


^ This.

You see false spam reports on Youtube all the time if someone doesn’t like what you’re saying. The same thing could happen with that type of automated system here.

Anet is working on gold selling as well as hacked accounts, which go hand in hand. If you haven’t already seen what they’re working on, you can view that here:

That article focuses on hacked accounts, the new systems they have and will be implementing to prevent this, and how you can prevent yourself from falling into such traps but as I said these two topics tend to go hand in hand.

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Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Herem.2817


Anet already has a system where if a certain post receives a certain number of reports, they review the post and take action. Automatic silence programs are a terrible idea as it allows a group of people to lock others out of chat by submitting false reports.

If you were to put the threshold at say 40-50 reports then you would have to be quite committed to get someone silenced and when the GM reviews the case he could hand out 3 day suspensions to the people who falsely reported.

Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Well we don’t want to turn everyone’s [Map] and [Team] chat into a reddit forum now do we?

The best idea would be to have chat logging software that kicks back odd messages in [Map] and [Team] when they’re repeated 2-3 times within 10 minutes. That way, someone can evaluate and suspend/ban where appropriate.

I’m not sure why none of these companies do this. Is it too hard to pick out these messages:

Hey guys! Buy $$$$$$ Gold Real Fast —-- —-- Cheap Dollar =^.^= Super 1g for 1 USD =^.^= $$$$$$ Gold Real Fast —-- —-- Cheap Dollar =^.^= Super 1g for 1 USD =^.^=$$$$$$ Gold Real Fast —-- —-- Cheap Dollar =^.^= Super 1g for 1 USD =^.^=


I apologize for the grief reading that has caused many of you….

Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nick Naughty.4690

Nick Naughty.4690

I think the mute/report system would work pretty well at 40 – 50 reports.

I also think it would be safer and a better option for those accounts which have been hacked to be muted, reviewed and suspended. Rather than being allowed to continue the spam and ending up with account being suspended, and on every players ignore list.

Of course the system could be misused, but like someone has already said you could apply 3 day suspensions to all players involved.

Question: What would you perfer if you account was being misused for gold selling without your knowledge ?

Of course some players, including myself never have to really worry about this type of question, but what if…

My answer is, I would rather be muted and not be added to ignore lists of every player I annoyed.

Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orangu.6257


I would like a report feature added to the mail system. My mailbox has been flooded with gold spam messages and the only action I can take is to delete mail.

Stop Gold seller's spam.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nick Naughty.4690

Nick Naughty.4690

Orangu, there is a report system in the mailbox, look for the ! symbol.

But I would like to add this report/mute system to the mailbox as well, because Orangu is right the mailbox does get flooded and having a mute system that disables chat and mailbox would be peaceful.