Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Enough is enough, I can’t take this anymore. I’m sick of this poor design paradigm milking me of everything I’m worth. All I want are the endless mystery tonics from the black lion chests. But I will never get them. Why? Because they are account bound and have a sadistically low drop rate of worse than .2% per chest. I’ve opened nearly 700 chests (that’s worth 1400 gold at the moment) and only gotten one (of the three varieties).

The same applies to the wintersday minis (although to nowhere near the same degree). Each chest costs way too much for way too small of a chance to get what you actually want. Although I don’t personally care about the minis, I know many who do, and it is the same principle that makes them so stupidly hard to obtain.

Please, just make these items tradable. I will GLADLY pay market price, just please don’t make me play with this cursed RNG any longer.

Get stoned whenever you want:
Endless Petrification Tonic

Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

in Suggestions

Posted by: arjeidi.2690


The problem isn’t them being account-bound. The problem is that gambling is the only way to get them. Keeping them account bound and selling them individually in the shop is the proper solution.

Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

in Suggestions

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I just wish nothing was soulbound/account bound, let people sell anything, coming from EVE online it’s jarring having all this useless stuff that other people want and being unable to sell it :/

Welcome to my world –

Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


The problem isn’t them being account-bound. The problem is that gambling is the only way to get them. Keeping them account bound and selling them individually in the shop is the proper solution.

Of course I would prefer this solution. However, at this point I am willing to settle for anything that will make my desired items even POSSIBLE to reliably obtain. It’s really a sad state of affairs…

Get stoned whenever you want:
Endless Petrification Tonic

Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

As I see it, if the only way to get the item is to rely on the RNG, then bind on acquisition is unacceptable. So either make them tradeable, or provide a non-random way to acquire them.

Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


Agree 100%.

All i wanted was the baby Quaggan, so i waxed $50 on chests… biggest mistake of 2012.

I’ll never ever gamble on RNG again…

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

in Suggestions

Posted by: ATMAvatar.5749


Selling ultra-rare items for gems would be a nice solution. I could see myself footing the bill for some gems for a few things if I was guaranteed to get what I want (e.g. the unbreakable chorus bell).

Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


another of histories lessons other companies have tried and since learned from. STO just recently revamped their boxes to improve drop rates because of this very problem.

LOTRO did something about their prior to their last expac. I think this company could benefit from the wisdom of history and should hire someone who’s a researcher in this field, simply because they seem to be making the same mistakes other companies have already made and since learned from and changed. For example, DR as a means to block the progress of bots was learned long ago by other companies to not only not work but destroy their customer base because of the serious affects it had on it’s playerbase, so other measures were used that worked and the loot was returned to normal which saved these titles and brought their fans back.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Selling ultra-rare items for gems would be a nice solution. I could see myself footing the bill for some gems for a few things if I was guaranteed to get what I want (e.g. the unbreakable chorus bell).

At least you can buy this with gold, which in turn means you can buy it with gems through gem to gold conversion. Although it would run you a steep $50 at the current price.

The account bound super rare items are the true problem. You know there is a problem when you are not likely to get what you want from the cash store even after spending $1000 real cash, which is about what it amounts to in the case of endless mystery tonics.

Get stoned whenever you want:
Endless Petrification Tonic

Stop with Account Bound UltraRares

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


The RNG holiday items in GW were acceptable because you could farm them and the drop rates were reasonable (I’m thinking about the Lunar Fortunes as an example).

GW2’s RNG items not only cost a kitten-ton in initial investment (real or in-game), AND the drop rates are miniscule.

I honestly think ANet would make more money by placing the specific items on the gem store, even if they were more expensive than, say, a set of 10 BL Keys. Most people I talk to refuse to waste their gems on the RNG chests/items at all.