Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blaze.8264


I am 100% for a fully automated LFG tool to be put in. I absolutely hate having to waste time trying to find a group when all I want is to spend what little time I have for the game actually playing it.

There’s no real downside to having it in game. For those that prefer to do it manually you still have every right to do so but why limit the rest of us who want to do things in an easier, moden manner?

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xista.7391


I made most of my WoW friends by pugging people to do dungeons (before LFD). After LFD was introduced, it was not practical to find a group with other strangers on your realm. I haven’t made any friends in LFD since it was released in Wrath.

I’ve already met several people in GW2 by pugging AC explorable. Both who are very nice people and are planning on running the dungeon again in the future. This probably would not have happened if there was a dungeon finder.

Yes, pugging people is inconvenient. But that’s how a lot of friendships are formed in video games.

In-game opinions of Skyhammer:

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eternal Duty.4789

Eternal Duty.4789

Dungeon Finder is excellent if it’s tied to EN servers only and there would litery be no queue since the game has no rolles. And yes you can actually socialise in the actual dungeon, I kid you not.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mandrax.7342


Anyway, the best LFG system I have ever seen is in DDO. They should probably use this as their model rather than the WoW tool.

Someone else said that also. Can you explain why DDO has such a great dungeon finder?

It works on a flag system, though you can automatically join a group by clicking join (providing the group leader has allowed this option). The system allowed you to see a list of all available groups. The list would show you the group leaders name, as well as any comments he wants to make (i.e Story Mode/Explorable Mode). Then you would see the quest or dungeon he required a group for. Then it shows which classes he wanted to join his group and finally the level range.

Someone looking for a group they open the group finder, find a group, click join and hey presto, they are in a group for the part of the game they want to do. The tool even filters out groups that you are not eligible for if you so wish. There is also a facility to whisper the group leader via the tool in case you want to discuss something before joining, or for those groups where auto-join has not been enabled.

The reason the tool was so good was because it was simple yet effective. It’s not quite what WoW has, but it is still far better than WoW’s pre-dungeon finder tool. It’s kind of a happy medium. There is no queue for a dungeon, you simply create your group and go. For a game like this it’s perfect.

(edited by Mandrax.7342)

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I cannot believe that you could actually release an MMO these days where people have to stand outside the instance spamming /s to manually get a group together.

It’s incredibly lazy and makes what should be a simple affair take far more time than it needs to.

I think it is incredibly lazy to not actually have to find a group by being social. Its not like the dungeons are required like in some MMOs to move forward with the development of your character.

problem is the dungeons are in level zones that arent the level requirement for it.

meaning, spamming /m wont find you members most of the time.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kalypta.1073


I am all for the LFG tool, agreed with op!

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


I like how most LFD supporters practically ignore suggestions/solutions and just keep on with the wow version.

I also find it funny how they say they don’t want to sit in the city all the time, which is exactly what they do with the LFD tool.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tase.3294


I don’t really want a dungeon finder, just because it’s from WoW, I rather have them create a LFG channel and promote the “LFG” status / interface.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: RLDragon.1738


I want a dungeon finder like in WoW.

YOU are the key to socialization in the game. It is up to each of you if you want to socialize to do so. A DF tool has no effect whatsoever on your choice to communicate or not. The player community will be the source of socializing in the game with or without a wonderfully easy way for the masses to experience the dungeon content. I expect guilds to be a major source for communication like in other MMO’s.

I play WoW with my adult daughter who is on the east coast with me on the west coast. We have fun each time we play. We love the ease of finding a dungeon group using the DF. We do not sit around Stormwind waiting for a dungeon spot because the WoW world still leaves us much to do even now. Yes, we are altoholics. The excellent dungeon finder tool in WoW enhances the playing experience for my daughter, my adult son (who plays WoW occasionally) and myself.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sigilbeckons.4573


The game seems be built around a continuous forward motion. We don’t go to mail boxes, we don’t pick up our reward from the NPC, we don’t go back to town to train every level, we just keep moving for the most part.

So the idea of standing outside of a dungeon, when when you could be questing, seems counter productive. The “social” argument is moot, as not adding something that a good portion of players could benifit from for the sake of those that prefer doing it the hard way, seems selfish. Right now I run them with my guild mates, but when I feel like playing at 4 am I don’t want to camp outside a dungeon when I could be exploring and doing tasks for xp in the world.

It’s coming, I have no doubt, and it won’t destroy the game.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


Automated LFG tool, no, no, no, a thousand times no. Improvement to the LFG tool that’s already in the kittening game, yes. City of Heroes or DDO are good examples of highly functional non-automated LFG tools.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


I also find it funny how they say they don’t want to sit in the city all the time, which is exactly what they do with the LFD tool.

You know what I find funny? You having ZERO logic to back that stuff up at all, absolutely zero.

You know what makes people sit in a city all the time? A lack of interesting things they want to do outside of the city, dungeon finder or no dungeon finder.

You know what ACTUALLY forces players to sit in either a city or a specific zone? The current system. Whereas a dugneon finder would basically connect all players throughout all the zones, making them able to be anywhere and still group up with the guy on the other side of the world because the dungeon finder recognizes they are both interested in doing dungeon X and thus they get a group going. And while that group is being formed, they can do whatever they want while waiting for it to be formed.

But please, by all means, provide the logic you use that made you come to the conclusion that a dungeon finder would force players to sit in a city despite them wanting to go outside of it and do other various things, please do, I’ll be waiting, and I reckong it’ll be a looooong wait.

If people would actually use the search function for topics instead of creating new threads for the same thing, you would perhaps see that I already expressed my stance and offered a middle ground.

And instead of private messaging me and accusing me of avoiding your post lacks the most logic ever. I mean do you pm everyone who doesn’t insta-respond to you? Or am I special? Either way, please refrain from doing it again.

Let me ask you, what is wrong with coming up with a system that is NOT like WoW’s? Why do people want everything done for them these days? Have we really become that lazy and socially awkward? Or is it that you lack any creativity or just narrow minded?

I personally want them to expand on the system they currently have in place. Make it more cohesive and obvious. I want a system where the player has control over who they have in a group. No automated, mindless system. And NO cross-server. People need to earn server reputations again. People need to be held accountable for their actions and behavior. If you are a “kitten” to people in the group, you will find yourself blacklisted.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yeni.1924


If people would actually use the search function for topics instead of creating new threads for the same thing, you would perhaps see that I already expressed my stance and offered a middle ground.

And instead of private messaging me and accusing me of avoiding your post lacks the most logic ever. I mean do you pm everyone who doesn’t insta-respond to you? Or am I special? Either way, please refrain from doing it again.

Let me ask you, what is wrong with coming up with a system that is NOT like WoW’s? Why do people want everything done for them these days? Have we really become that lazy and socially awkward? Or is it that you lack any creativity or just narrow minded?

I personally want them to expand on the system they currently have in place. Make it more cohesive and obvious. I want a system where the player has control over who they have in a group. No automated, mindless system. And NO cross-server. People need to earn server reputations again. People need to be held accountable for their actions and behavior. If you are a “kitten” to people in the group, you will find yourself blacklisted.

So long story short, you can’t explain why a LFD tool would make people sit in cities which you so loudly screamed, and you dodge the question because of that.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


If people would actually use the search function for topics instead of creating new threads for the same thing, you would perhaps see that I already expressed my stance and offered a middle ground.

And instead of private messaging me and accusing me of avoiding your post lacks the most logic ever. I mean do you pm everyone who doesn’t insta-respond to you? Or am I special? Either way, please refrain from doing it again.

Let me ask you, what is wrong with coming up with a system that is NOT like WoW’s? Why do people want everything done for them these days? Have we really become that lazy and socially awkward? Or is it that you lack any creativity or just narrow minded?

I personally want them to expand on the system they currently have in place. Make it more cohesive and obvious. I want a system where the player has control over who they have in a group. No automated, mindless system. And NO cross-server. People need to earn server reputations again. People need to be held accountable for their actions and behavior. If you are a “kitten” to people in the group, you will find yourself blacklisted.

So long story short, you can’t explain why a LFD tool would make people sit in cities which you so loudly screamed, and you dodge the question because of that.

LOL you are just funny. All I have seen from your posts, is aggressive, insultive attitude. You aren’t here to really discuss anything, and to find some middle ground, but to attack anyone who opposes what you want. Acting like a creeper by sending aggresive pm’s out.

Sorry you are to lazy to use search feature. But I owe you nothing. I already shared my reasons, and solution. I am not avoiding your question, because I have answered it before you asked it. But nice try dramaqueen.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mandrax.7342


If people would actually use the search function for topics instead of creating new threads for the same thing, you would perhaps see that I already expressed my stance and offered a middle ground.

And instead of private messaging me and accusing me of avoiding your post lacks the most logic ever. I mean do you pm everyone who doesn’t insta-respond to you? Or am I special? Either way, please refrain from doing it again.

Let me ask you, what is wrong with coming up with a system that is NOT like WoW’s? Why do people want everything done for them these days? Have we really become that lazy and socially awkward? Or is it that you lack any creativity or just narrow minded?

I personally want them to expand on the system they currently have in place. Make it more cohesive and obvious. I want a system where the player has control over who they have in a group. No automated, mindless system. And NO cross-server. People need to earn server reputations again. People need to be held accountable for their actions and behavior. If you are a “kitten” to people in the group, you will find yourself blacklisted.

So long story short, you can’t explain why a LFD tool would make people sit in cities which you so loudly screamed, and you dodge the question because of that.

LOL you are just funny. All I have seen from your posts, is aggressive, insultive attitude. You aren’t here to really discuss anything, and to find some middle ground, but to attack anyone who opposes what you want. Acting like a creeper by sending aggresive pm’s out.

Sorry you are to lazy to use search feature. But I owe you nothing. I already shared my reasons, and solution. I am not avoiding your question, because I have answered it before you asked it. But nice try dramaqueen.

He does have a point. You are more likely to stay in a city if you have to keep spamming for a group. If you have a dungeon finder tool you can go do other things whilst you wait for your turn. You are also more likely to stay in a city whilst you wait for your turn if there is nothing to do outside of the city.

In WoW, you have to run lots of dungeons because it is really the only way to get gear that is decent for PvE. This is why everyone just hangs out in cities talking rubbish until their queue pops. There are no other gear paths, so what’s the point in going out of Orgrimmar or Stormwind?

In GW2 there are multiple gear paths so it’s likely that whilst waiting for a dungeon queue a player might be out farming some Karma, or possibly grabbing some crafting materials etc. Also, farming dungeons for gear in this game is a LOOONG process, unlike WoW.

I can understand why it seems that the LFD tool in WoW causes people to hang in cities, but actually it isn’t, it’s the lack of anything else to do.

(edited by Mandrax.7342)

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rolo.9248


WoW’s LFD tool is universe-wide, not the same as a server-only LFD tool. WoW is also very, very short on tanks (healers also but tanks far more) and that is the bottleneck to it; GW2 doesn’t have fixed roles to fill, so, again, the comparison fails.

If you don’t want to use it, then don’t but I fail to see any reason to deny others a UI as an alternative to spamming map chat or otherwise waiting.

i5-2500K 4.2GHz | 8GB Mushkin DDR3-2133 | Gigabyte Z68XP-UD4, GTX580-882/2033
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

(edited by Rolo.9248)

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daily.5381


It isn’t needed.
Make friends.
If you are solo then there is plenty else to do.
You don’t need the drops.
It’s a tiny part of the game.
Make friends.

I have to stop drinking milkshakes.
I hate all those boys in my yard.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: bobyd.4698


There is a group finder under the add person to your group

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crica.1503


It isn’t needed.
Make friends.
If you are solo then there is plenty else to do.
You don’t need the drops.
It’s a tiny part of the game.
Make friends.

i have friends and a guild – and when they are not available to run dungeons with me, then I am supposed to just NOT run dungeons?

you are ignorant

how about you go play the game the way you want to and stop telling me i have to play it the way you want to?

If I don’t like it, I won’t do it.

(edited by Crica.1503)

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crica.1503


There is a group finder under the add person to your group

no, there is a list for YOU to find players to group with, there is no auto grouping feature that allows you to continue to play the game while the game auto groups you with other players who also would like to run dungeons…

If I don’t like it, I won’t do it.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


I cannot believe that you could actually release an MMO these days where people have to stand outside the instance spamming /s to manually get a group together.

It’s incredibly lazy and makes what should be a simple affair take far more time than it needs to.


LFG is a requirement of a modern MMO. I am staggered Anet missed this feature out.

LFG is needed as otherwise you just get spam in chat which is annoying, esp instarter zones where new players are wanting help and tips but all they get at “LFG TA MES” repeated 30 times.

No LFG makes you have to either stand outside the portal or in LA spamming chat for ages. I’d rather play the game than stand around spamming for a group.

soem people dont like them, fine dont use it. I wont tell you how to play, please dont assume you can tell me.
Look at RIFT and Swtor, both had to add LFG due to overwhelming player demand, the sooner Anet adds one the better.

(edited by Cameirus.8407)

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kingmutez.4931


On the one had we have ppl that don’t want LFD tools like in Wow and on there we have the ppl that do. Both have good arguments, its counterproductive to have to wait in front of a portal spamming “LF1MOAR” and traditional hot join dungeons breeds Trolls so lets make a whole new system to be the standard!? isnt that what GW2 is all about? Here are some traditional ideas and new ones.

Option1 (easy “band-aid fix”)
Global (server) LFG Channel – pretty self explanatory. chat channel the ppl can see anywhere to find others for events.

Option 2 (Simpler version of what they have now)
A LFG Lobby- have a dedicated button that opens up a LFG box with filters to see who is looking for party and what dungeons.

Option 3 (out of the box)
A bulletin board in every city (all connected) where players can post dungeons they wish to run. "LFG Explorer CM " they can limit the duration for say 1hr and even add a note to it. then they can go back to questing or w/e. When someone starts forming a group they will go to this board and see your available, clicking the Ask to join button , prompting the player with a “so and so wishes you to join him on CM Explorer, do you wish to join?” and you can take it from there, its kinda like the 1st two but a little out of the box from the norm.

well that’s my 2 cents.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crica.1503


On the one had we have ppl that don’t want LFD tools like in Wow and on there we have the ppl that do. Both have good arguments, its counterproductive to have to wait in front of a portal spamming “LF1MOAR” and traditional hot join dungeons breeds Trolls so lets make a whole new system to be the standard!? isnt that what GW2 is all about? Here are some traditional ideas and new ones.

Option1 (easy “band-aid fix”)
Global (server) LFG Channel – pretty self explanatory. chat channel the ppl can see anywhere to find others for events.

Option 2 (Simpler version of what they have now)
A LFG Lobby- have a dedicated button that opens up a LFG box with filters to see who is looking for party and what dungeons.

Option 3 (out of the box)
A bulletin board in every city (all connected) where players can post dungeons they wish to run. "LFG Explorer CM " they can limit the duration for say 1hr and even add a note to it. then they can go back to questing or w/e. When someone starts forming a group they will go to this board and see your available, clicking the Ask to join button , prompting the player with a “so and so wishes you to join him on CM Explorer, do you wish to join?” and you can take it from there, its kinda like the 1st two but a little out of the box from the norm.

well that’s my 2 cents.

and everyone of those are great options – for players who want to stop playing the game and look for ppl to run dungeons with

none of those options are great for players who wish to continue to play the game while the game auto groups them with players who also want to run dungeons

idc if anet puts in all your options for players like you, but anet needs to also put in an auto-group option for players like me, thanks!

If I don’t like it, I won’t do it.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


On the one had we have ppl that don’t want LFD tools like in Wow and on there we have the ppl that do. Both have good arguments, its counterproductive to have to wait in front of a portal spamming “LF1MOAR” and traditional hot join dungeons breeds Trolls so lets make a whole new system to be the standard!? isnt that what GW2 is all about? Here are some traditional ideas and new ones.

Option1 (easy “band-aid fix”)
Global (server) LFG Channel – pretty self explanatory. chat channel the ppl can see anywhere to find others for events.

Option 2 (Simpler version of what they have now)
A LFG Lobby- have a dedicated button that opens up a LFG box with filters to see who is looking for party and what dungeons.

Option 3 (out of the box)
A bulletin board in every city (all connected) where players can post dungeons they wish to run. "LFG Explorer CM " they can limit the duration for say 1hr and even add a note to it. then they can go back to questing or w/e. When someone starts forming a group they will go to this board and see your available, clicking the Ask to join button , prompting the player with a “so and so wishes you to join him on CM Explorer, do you wish to join?” and you can take it from there, its kinda like the 1st two but a little out of the box from the norm.

well that’s my 2 cents.

This is what is needed, regardless of how either side feels, ANET needs to come up with something that can be a compromise between the two sides.

I think option 2 and 3 combined may be something.

For example, an easy access window popup, that is server wide. Take out use only in city and make it so you can use it where ever you are in the world.

Then using your: "clicking the Ask to join button , prompting the player with a “so and so wishes you to join him on CM Explorer, do you wish to join?” This could work both ways as well, if a group is needing like one more, their “ad” can display that and a person can click the “ask to join” as well.

Something along this line puts the control back into the players hands in an ease of use kind of way. And it being server only, again means rep matters. You act like an jerk, you will have a hard time finding groups. If you act respectful, play hard, and are fun/easy to group with, then you will have easy time getting into groups. Again, rep and player control.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


On the one had we have ppl that don’t want LFD tools like in Wow and on there we have the ppl that do. Both have good arguments, its counterproductive to have to wait in front of a portal spamming “LF1MOAR” and traditional hot join dungeons breeds Trolls so lets make a whole new system to be the standard!? isnt that what GW2 is all about? Here are some traditional ideas and new ones.

Option1 (easy “band-aid fix”)
Global (server) LFG Channel – pretty self explanatory. chat channel the ppl can see anywhere to find others for events.

Option 2 (Simpler version of what they have now)
A LFG Lobby- have a dedicated button that opens up a LFG box with filters to see who is looking for party and what dungeons.

Option 3 (out of the box)
A bulletin board in every city (all connected) where players can post dungeons they wish to run. "LFG Explorer CM " they can limit the duration for say 1hr and even add a note to it. then they can go back to questing or w/e. When someone starts forming a group they will go to this board and see your available, clicking the Ask to join button , prompting the player with a “so and so wishes you to join him on CM Explorer, do you wish to join?” and you can take it from there, its kinda like the 1st two but a little out of the box from the norm.

well that’s my 2 cents.

option 4.
Put in LFG, people who want it can use it, people who dont can keep making chat spam groups.

Then people can vote with their feet as to what option the “community” prefers.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vesper.8359


On the one had we have ppl that don’t want LFD tools like in Wow and on there we have the ppl that do. Both have good arguments, its counterproductive to have to wait in front of a portal spamming “LF1MOAR” and traditional hot join dungeons breeds Trolls so lets make a whole new system to be the standard!? isnt that what GW2 is all about? Here are some traditional ideas and new ones.

I haven’t seen any one make a good argument against it except that supposedly you’d be afk more in cities waiting for que instead of being more active and social… Which to me seems like the opposite.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


Yeah, we do need some kind of tool to help find others interested in the same dungeons. No, we do not need the WoW tools, and no, LFG did not destroy the WoW community either.

Spamming chat is not social, it is actually spamming. Everytime you send that message in map chat, and no one answers, then it means that no one interested heard the message. Only people not interested heard it, making it SPAM. That’s all it is. SPAM.

We need a tool where we can list ourselves, and where we can see groups forming up. Then we can whisper to that group leader if I can run with them. Like someone else said, something similar to the sPVP match listing. Just a list of a bunch of groups we can potentially join.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thypari.9043


Nonono! We don’t want this to become like WoW where there is no communication with this bad dungeon finder.

I would appreciate a ingame seperate chat that you can open by talking to a specific npc like the trading post. The chat itself contains channels for the dungeons and you can leave a message there or look for other players and people looking for players can see your message and whisper to you.

But please keep the communication!

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327

Dr Ritter.1327

Guild Wars 1 party search is perfect, needs to return

The Paragon
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vejuz.8290


I cannot /sign this hard enough. Trying to find a group, especially an explorable mode group, is a nightmare. Give us a dungeon matching system so we can quickly form PUGs or replenish lost party members for a run in progress.

Finding a group for dungeons in GW2 reminds me of some of my worst experiences in past MMOs, especially in WoW where I used to wait 3 or 4 hours just to get into a group.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarius.6983


From what I’ve read…something like the DDO finder would be perfect for this game imo. Anything automated would be a hinderance given how teams are built and whatnot.

Personally, I would be satisfied with just a LFG channel only useable when in LFG..and with a spam control of like half a minute to a minute for the exclusive use for LFGing.

Personally it is kinda annoying being 80 and having to idle in the lower region when you’ve already 100% completed said region for a chance of a team.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kelanoria.9561


I cannot believe that you could actually release an MMO these days where people have to stand outside the instance spamming /s to manually get a group together.

It’s incredibly lazy and makes what should be a simple affair take far more time than it needs to.

i cannot understand why someone implemented a group finder in mmo’s in the first place, we had no such things in earlier games of the genre and i actually find it harder to be social in mmo’s today than it was a decade ago

and btw :

click button, wait for group = lazy

shout lfg, create group, wait a few minutes, gather ppl, make friends =/= lazy

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


From what I’ve read…something like the DDO finder would be perfect for this game imo. Anything automated would be a hinderance given how teams are built and whatnot.

Personally, I would be satisfied with just a LFG channel only useable when in LFG..and with a spam control of like half a minute to a minute for the exclusive use for LFGing.

Personally it is kinda annoying being 80 and having to idle in the lower region when you’ve already 100% completed said region for a chance of a team.

I have seen that before and rather like it.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuthix.2015


They really need to add this for the simple fact that about the only two dungeons anyone cares about right now is Arah and CoF. What about the people who need stats from another dungeon? What about the people that just want to explore the other dungeons? They are SoL when it comes to the other dungeons because nobody is doing them because everybody THINKS nobody is doing them. If you could que for a specific dungeon then you could find a group for whatever dungeon you wanted to do. Fast, simple, cheap fun. That’s what video games are all about anyway.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turnbot.6132


Instead of behaving like an entitled brat, you can cut the negative attitude and make a suggestion for an improvement. It’s a good idea; I agree with you. However, acting like ArenaNet should be cowering at your heels is not an effective way to get the changes you want in THEIR (not YOUR) game.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ShadowProf.8752


It isn’t needed.
Make friends.
If you are solo then there is plenty else to do.
You don’t need the drops.
It’s a tiny part of the game.
Make friends.


The LFD tool in WoW hurt if not outright killed the community. While the community is what you make of it, people gravitate toward the easiest path. LFD is easier than actually engaging people. You get in, run stuff, get loot, don’t talk and sit around all day waiting for the next group. That’s not social.

*Make friends.
*Join a guild.
*Remember, you don’t have the holy trinity here. You don’t need a “tank” or a “healer” per se.
*Get to know your server community- both the good people and the bad people.
*What is there, 8 dungeons? We have waypoints for fast travel already – heaven forbid you have to walk a little bit. You have a huge beautiful world to explore in GW2. Get out and see it.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ashlar.2519


When you want to do a dungeon run, why not asking your guild members, or those on your friends list? The game is all about the community. We join guilds so as to have a group of people we normally play with, who can support us when we want to do something and in return we can support them as well.

Instead of standing around spamming /map chat looking to join a group, why not ask your guildmates or friends to join you? Runs are much more fun when you’re with a group of people you know rather than strangers.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: skaaz.4281


We don’t need another chat channel. I have all mine turned off except for /s and /g. It’s just another channel that I would have to turn off.

A simple LFG tool that adds me in a group for x dungeon cross-server will be excellent.

Thank you

Member of Cradle Guard

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: skom.9378


Yes I agree with OP. It’s always nice to have some sort of matchmaking for any group activity.

Dragonbrand – Dusk Warriors

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crica.1503


When you want to do a dungeon run, why not asking your guild members, or those on your friends list? The game is all about the community. We join guilds so as to have a group of people we normally play with, who can support us when we want to do something and in return we can support them as well.

Instead of standing around spamming /map chat looking to join a group, why not ask your guildmates or friends to join you? Runs are much more fun when you’re with a group of people you know rather than strangers.

and when my friends and guild are unavailable at the time i want to run dungeons i am supposed to just NOT run dungeons?

seriously what is this?

i dont know you and i dont want to know you because I simply dont like playing the game the way you do , so why are you insisting I should get to know you and play the game ONLY the way you enjoy playing it?

how about i just queue in a group finder with all the others who want to queue in a group finder while you go be a social butterfly with all the other social butterflys and we will both be happy?

why do ppl insist on telling other ppl how to enjoy the game?

should we all insist that you stop being social and use a group finder if you want to run dungeons?

yeah i dont think you would like that – go play your way and we will play our way

If I don’t like it, I won’t do it.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: getcapfly.5064


I would like to see one implemented.
My personal experience, i have tried making friends with people, sometimes you get people that generally aren’t that bothered, and other times you don’t. When i am in a group, i still get those that are quiet, sometimes i am even the one that doesn’t say much. Looking for a guild is tricky, too. I find that big guilds have loads of immature people, while small guilds seem to have a greater atmosphere but they still lack people. And in all, you just never know when the right person is going to be online.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daily.5381


It isn’t needed.
Make friends.
If you are solo then there is plenty else to do.
You don’t need the drops.
It’s a tiny part of the game.
Make friends.

i have friends and a guild – and when they are not available to run dungeons with me, then I am supposed to just NOT run dungeons?

you are ignorant

how about you go play the game the way you want to and stop telling me i have to play it the way you want to?

I’m not ignorant at all.
I’m playing the same game you are, just as it is.
Being hostile and rude is possibly part of your problem finding people to play with.

I’m not telling you how to play the game. I’m telling you how the game plays.
I could just as easily say that “w” moves your character forward.

This feature isn’t needed simply because dungeons are not the sole reason to play the game at level 80 like in other games. It’s not supposed to be a casual dungeon grind.
Pushing for that type of game is a mistake.
There are plenty of them already.

As I said, this is a very minute part of the game and a queue system isn’t needed.

I have to stop drinking milkshakes.
I hate all those boys in my yard.

(edited by Daily.5381)

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hurhurrderp.2513


I agree with you completely. There’s not enough players around at times who want to do dungeons. 2 or 3 people who want to do HOTW explore is not enough. I need 5.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crica.1503


It isn’t needed.
Make friends.
If you are solo then there is plenty else to do.
You don’t need the drops.
It’s a tiny part of the game.
Make friends.

i have friends and a guild – and when they are not available to run dungeons with me, then I am supposed to just NOT run dungeons?

you are ignorant

how about you go play the game the way you want to and stop telling me i have to play it the way you want to?

I’m not ignorant at all.
I’m playing the same game you are, just as it is.
Being hostile and rude is possibly part of your problem finding people to play with.

I’m not telling you how to play the game. I’m telling you how the game plays.
I could just as easily say that “w” moves your character forward.

This feature isn’t needed simply because dungeons are not the sole reason to play the game at level 80 like in other games. It’s not supposed to be a casual dungeon grind.
Pushing for that type of game is a mistake.
There are plenty of them already.

As I said, this is a very minute part of the game and a queue system isn’t needed.

again, you are ignorant

just because you don’t want to use a feature for a game does NOT mean others should not be able to use it if they wish

NO ONE needs ANYTHING about a game, btw, its all WANTED

and players like me WANT an auto-grouping feature for times when NO ONE WE KNOW wants to run dungeons

and i AM hostile to players who try to tell me I CANT have something I would like in a game JUST because THEY dont want to use it

get over yourself

If I don’t like it, I won’t do it.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daily.5381


It isn’t needed.
Make friends.
If you are solo then there is plenty else to do.
You don’t need the drops.
It’s a tiny part of the game.
Make friends.

i have friends and a guild – and when they are not available to run dungeons with me, then I am supposed to just NOT run dungeons?

you are ignorant

how about you go play the game the way you want to and stop telling me i have to play it the way you want to?

I’m not ignorant at all.
I’m playing the same game you are, just as it is.
Being hostile and rude is possibly part of your problem finding people to play with.

I’m not telling you how to play the game. I’m telling you how the game plays.
I could just as easily say that “w” moves your character forward.

This feature isn’t needed simply because dungeons are not the sole reason to play the game at level 80 like in other games. It’s not supposed to be a casual dungeon grind.
Pushing for that type of game is a mistake.
There are plenty of them already.

As I said, this is a very minute part of the game and a queue system isn’t needed.

again, you are ignorant

just because you don’t want to use a feature for a game does NOT mean others should not be able to use it if they wish

NO ONE needs ANYTHING about a game, btw, its all WANTED

and players like me WANT an auto-grouping feature for times when NO ONE WE KNOW wants to run dungeons

and i AM hostile to players who try to tell me I CANT have something I would like in a game JUST because THEY dont want to use it

get over yourself

Sweetie, it’s not that big of a deal.
This is suggestions forum. Not Jerry Springer.
I never said a thing about what you can and can’t have.
If you want it, that’s perfectly fine. Be grown about it.
I’m simply saying this is not world of warcraft where everything is handed to you.

Making teams is very simple. Servers are packed. Talk to people around you.
Adapting to a new kind of game is a good thing. Everything’s the same out there.
What you want is your business and it’s fine.
It’s still not needed and resources can be used for much more important things.

I have to stop drinking milkshakes.
I hate all those boys in my yard.

(edited by Daily.5381)

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mssg.7804


I want LFG tools, game can do job for me when I am talking to my guild mates and eating ^^

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daily.5381


On the one had we have ppl that don’t want LFD tools like in Wow and on there we have the ppl that do. Both have good arguments, its counterproductive to have to wait in front of a portal spamming “LF1MOAR” and traditional hot join dungeons breeds Trolls so lets make a whole new system to be the standard!? isnt that what GW2 is all about? Here are some traditional ideas and new ones.

I haven’t seen any one make a good argument against it except that supposedly you’d be afk more in cities waiting for que instead of being more active and social… Which to me seems like the opposite.

There are 8 dungeons in 80 levels. None are required for anything and none are casual walkthroughs. Adding an instant team maker is pointless. This is not WoW where the entire game is casual dungeon runs.

Many people pushing this have some misconception that the dungeons are the game. Instant dungeons will wear out the content (that is only a small amount of gameplay) very fast. Then, the inevitable roar for more dungeons – creating this casual dungeon crawling situation that WoW has and that people have grown to hate. They are (hopefully) not going to follow that same destructive path here.
This is a different kind of game.
Embrace it. There are too many clones out there.

I have to stop drinking milkshakes.
I hate all those boys in my yard.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: roqoco.4053


In practice, I’d never use a PUG finder, since dungeons are a much better experience with voice comms and you just need one idiot in the party to leave half way through or be unpleasant .

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


I don’t really want a dungeon finder, just because it’s from WoW, I rather have them create a LFG channel and promote the “LFG” status / interface.

server LFG channel sounds great

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Temariah.9372


Would love to see NPCs outside of dungeons that allow you to queue for that dungeon. I think it would be appropriate, considering the way sPvP works with that NPC.

I would not like to see ANY sort of global LFG chat at all, ever. I hate that spammy crap.

Temariah Dawnsong – “A new dawn is coming; sieze the day.”
Leader of The Harbingers of Serendipity [LIFE] : Fort Aspenwood