Suggestion - Roleplay additions

Suggestion - Roleplay additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trevilocalypse.5627


Guild Wars 2 has been focusing a lot on PvE and PvP and I feel that RP has been getting less and less attention from ANet. I feel that the RP environment can be improved greatly by adding basic things to the game. This is a similar post to my Hobbies suggestion I’ve posted four months prior.

Chairs. – Simple. Being able to sit on a chair without floating or having your legs bend in ways that are physically impossible. Simply adding sittable chairs in public places or even a /sitchair emote would be a fantastic start.
More emotes. – Make things a bit more fun and diverse. Being able to do things like cartwheels, handstands, pushups, meditating, praying, etc. I’m sure the RP community would put them to good use. Even adding more types of existing emotes. Such as dancing. You can’t really do the Party Rock dance at a noble’s party… So why not add something like /dance_slow or /dance_twist?
More bundle items. – Being able to buy items such as water buckets, camp fire kits, brooms, nets, etc. I would love to see a barmaid throwing a bucket of water over a drunken norn in the Busted Flagon. Small elements such as sweeping dirt would really liven up the RP in the game.
Fist fights. – A type of dueling system that allows two players to punch and kick each other without actually killing either one. Bar brawls and even military training would be fun to actually watch.
Dueling. – Being able to swing swords, knock back and shed blood would liven up 40% of roleplay. Attacking players with the use of emotes gets very dull, very quickly and is also sometimes unfair.
Macros. – The title says it all. Macros would just make emoting and such a lot easier for players who often use repetitive actions.
Better town clothes. – Original, casual and formal town clothes would be great to see on the game. I often hear people want to have the clothes that NPCs wear. So… maybe place more town clothes for us? It would be nice to see different outfits around the city.

These are just a few of many ideas that could be put into place for those who do not take much part in PvE and PvP. The Roleplayers.

Suggestion - Roleplay additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

They promised chairs we could sit in and mugs we could use in bars. In fact, they made fun of MMOs that didn’t have them.

I don’t see them.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

Suggestion - Roleplay additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eiken.6821



I fully agree to this.

Would also be nice to have a way to interact with one another’s characters. Like in PWI, men could carry women around. It was a neat little feature that I will never forget. Though, due to races, I can see there being some… malfunctions in the system.

(edited by Eiken.6821)

Suggestion - Roleplay additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolf.5816


I agree as well. This should definitely be an addition for the near future.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

(edited by Wolf.5816)

Suggestion - Roleplay additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: schizandra.4587


I definitely agree that roleplay in this game deserves more TLC. When people get bored by current game content, the only thing that can keep them in the game is player created content. Imagine enacting scenes, recording and uploading to YouTube, a sort of player-orchestrated theater that other players can attend.

Suggestion - Roleplay additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: vespers.1759


this game has like 4 emotes. everything i do is an “unknown command”. even things as simple as /smile, /shy /flirt etc…

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Suggestion - Roleplay additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Irena.1062


Indeed, there should be a mall in town where you can spend your coin on fashion. This would help the game be more looked forward to by female players.

Suggestion - Roleplay additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Guess it’s a good start, but I would want more.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Suggestion - Roleplay additions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luxie.3617


Whatever happened to my /Guitar emote??or /Violin /Drums etc etc! I for one miss guild band practice…