Suggestions about dyes
account bound dyes is not. going. to. happen.
it was an intentional change during beta from account bound to character bound.
196 dyes!?! I have a -long- way to go…
A Proud Member of the Need Moar Dyes Association
@VicSkimmr.3216 never say never in a MMO alot can and does change if more ppl QQ/complain ask for it the chances are we will get it
and i totaly a agree my bank is full of dye to i decide the colors my alts would be suited for.
agreed so much , got bout 80 dyes right now but all on ranger, some colors dont suit her i want them on my future alts but wont do coz of char bound
I agree to this also…
Or at least let me transfer them to another character
No need for this. Dyes are a good source of income for Anet, so there is no need to change it. Also, it is a purely cosmetic item. It has no effect on the game, so it’s a good candidate for the gem store.
Leave the cosmetic items to the gem store. Just get the ones you want, or if you really want to complete it on more than 1 char (no idea why though), then support Anet and get some gems.
I dropped 200 gems on a dye pack from the “gem store”. It was a random set of dye none of which I wanted. I won’t buy a dye pack ever again. How do you “Just get the ones you want”? Can we buy individual dyes from the gem store? If not, it would be great if we could.
TBH I have completely lost my interest in dyes when I started my alt, not even interested with adding them to my main either. I just sold every dyes to trade post. I believe this is happening to many other players from the drop of price of dyes in the trade post.
The reason is very clear. If there is a reasonable possibility for you to get your collection, it keeps you on, otherwise, you just give up and forget its existence.
Making dyes character bound only give you some short-term profit while some obsessed guys trying to get them desperately. But in long term, most people just ignore it when you start an alt and realize the insanity of this character-based system.
There are tons of people who want the dyes to go back the way it was supposed to be for years, account-bound:
Most people use different dyes on different characters, so being character-bound isn’t a big deal. You can always identify the die and then send it to the character that you want to use it on.
It would be nice to be able to transfer them to a different character if you learn them by mistake, though.
Where I think Arena Net is really shooting itself in the foot is by not selling specific (identified) dyes at the gem store. As they exist now, the “random dye packs” feel a bit like gambling, and I know several people who would gladly pay 5€ for a specific dye but won’t pay 5 cents for a random pack.
Just buy the colour you want off the TP.
No need to ever buy dyes at the gem store
Most people use different dyes on different characters, so being character-bound isn’t a big deal. You can always identify the die and then send it to the character that you want to use it on.
Most people? I disagree. My alts always wear the same colors. In GW1 it was black, silver, red, blue. Also, when I got the game, it was right when it came out, and back then, each class had their own colors so there are armors I never dyed because they came out already in the colors I wanted for them, for my necro it was black and red, for my ele it was blue-purple (and I got him the aeromancer), for the ranger brown. I tried green many times in GW1 but it always came out horrible, so green I didn’t use at all even though I like it. Green in the other hand looks much better in GW2 so I can add it to the short list of the colors I like using, but I’m not so sure about silver in GW2 though, so it’s this: black, silver (no sure), green, blue, red.
This is one of the multiple reasons why I want the dyes to go back to account-wide like it was meant to.
I would agree with Anet selling specific dyes on the store. I see no problem with that (more expensive than the random dye pack, of course). I would still say no to account bound.
This is purely cosmetic, so it’s fine if they keep it the way it is. If you want to wear certain colours on all your characters, then be prepared to pay for it.