Suicide Button when Downed
I have a thread complaining about this.
3-4 minutes? Have you tried not fighting back?
I mean, maybe my characters are just on the squishy side, but if I’m not using my healing or other skills carefully, it doesn’t usually take that long to go down if something is already on me.
I support this except for SPVP and WVW for obvious reasons.
borderlands has it too. waiting to get killed is depressing.
You’re probably just pulling a baddie move & trying to rez yourself with someone attacking you, it takes max 40 seconds after going down to actually die. It’s not hard to not push any buttons….
You’re probably just pulling a baddie move & trying to rez yourself with someone attacking you, it takes max 40 seconds after going down to actually die. It’s not hard to not push any buttons….
40 seconds if still a decently long time to wait and die. There has been plenty of time where I’ve been in situations where I get downed and don’t want to get up/can’t get myself up in a timely matter and I just want to die, but I have to sit there doing nothing for around a min before I can die.
An example of a situation could be I was downed at a contested temple skill pt in Orr, but killed the mobs around me. I can’t revive myself because my revive gets interrupted by the contested skill pt and there is no mobs to rally off of or to let kill me since I just killed them. In a time like that i wouldn’t mind a kill button to just end my wait.
It probably takes less than ten seconds to get downed if you press no buttons. Though I kind of support the idea of a suicide button, lots of people here seem to be exaggerating the time it takes to bleed out.
If you do have 40 seconds to actually wait to get downed, then you for sure have enough time to bandage yourself.
at least a suicide bomb button, if i have to die i want to die in style.
borderlands has it too. waiting to get killed is depressing.
Isn’t this its very reason?