You shouldn’t be able to see the other servers population levels in WvW. That’s too much intel right there for free. If you want to find out, get in there and scout the map. That type of intel would result in significant changes to player allocations.
Alot of OP points makes sense, but the fact is AN will never implement that system that makes it where population determines how much points a server can get PPT wise as they already stated that they want everybody’s time to be equal and valuable. Besides it would be easy to abuse anyways. My solution is they should just post the scores at the end of the week instead of showing it all week long as they intended WvW to be a casual thing but showing scores certainly says otherwise.
I saw this statement by ANet. I would be nice if all players would have the same value.
But I don’t agree that this is currently the case.
Currently the prime-time player has nearly no value, and the off-time player has a lot value.
I needs 450 player in prime-time to get a 230 pts ticker, that’s 1/2 a point per player and tick. (in fact the prime-time player is worth less, if he leaves he is immediately replaced.)
I needs 50 player at night to get a 650 ticker , that’s 7 points per player and tick.
The offtime player currently is weight 14 times as important than the primetime player. (this is approx. EU-T2 numbers, I guess there are slightly different in other tiers, but the general tendency should be the same.)
It would be nice if ANet would not only believe their values, but implement them.
Edit: Where did you saw the players per server, I only saw the the total population of all three server, if you see that number you have no idea how this splits up per server.