Hey Kaboose saw you moved it here and to Guru2, will not use Guru2 anymore it’s a troll free for all over there anymore. I saw in fan generated there is the plea for steeds. Being from gw1 myself, I ran everywhere. There were no wp’s in PvE. I really do not want steeds, at least for a year or longer. Let them iron out other issues before they throw another wrench into the mix. Honestly if we never got steeds I’d still be OK. In my generation we walked a lot as kids in rl, the newest generations now wants to become virtually lazy.
While i agree that mounts shouldn’t be rushed and everything else should be ironed out before they get added, I have multiple good reasons for steeds or mounts and yes, i did walk too when i was younger.
1) Mostly cosmetic
And by the word ’’mostly’’ i mean it could give something like a 25 – 30% movement speed bonus. Think about how would things like legendary mounts look. Faction mounts, mounts recieved from instances etc.
This could be something really, really epic.2) Something other to farm and achieve other than PRETTY gear.
Seriously now, i have achieved my epic level of coolness, not the only thing missing in my opinion is a motorcycle from my charr. I’m literally sick and tired of having nothing new to look forward to in… anything. Always gear, which in the end, looks the same and makes no difference what so ever.I just want a really cool hard to get mount with what i can boast to other people and be all like ‘’LOOK AT MY AMAZING STEED, LET YOUR EYES FEAST ON IT.’’
Because that’s the only reason to farm in this game really. There’s just no variety in farming anything anymore. I’m bored
3) I don’t have use up the kitten skill slot to run 25% faster outside of combat.
Covered in point 1. I seriously hate to run annoying short distances, specially on my newer characters.
4) No real reason not to have them.
It adds immersion
It fits the lore
It adds variety to the endless grinding
It creates life (Stables in the cities, guards patrolling on horses)
We already have cars and whatnot at the black citadel.
Some classes don’t have a passive running like rangers or thieves.
Cosmetics! Which the game is mostly about.While i do agree that they should not add mounts before everything else is ironed out.
And if implemented in a bad way, it could be a bad influence in the game but it, in my opinion, it’s rather hard to get it wrong. Not to mention the reasons not have them which people have thrown around are really useless shouts which have no substance of facts, just their opinion based on something like ‘’some games did it first’’.
I mean, at the moment, the cities look really bland with everyone standing around and we have empty stable like areas which are not in any use in multiple areas. Not to mention not having mounts seems to me just a huge step backwards.
It doesn’t make SENSE.
They could add something like:
- Only usable mounts in areas where you fully explored everything.
- Shared on characters
- Because i’m sick of running some areas twice. It’s mind numbing and annoying.
- Drive your friends around!
- Not usable in PvP.
Agree with the second to last
-Drive your friends around
Dont agree with the last option
-Not usable in PvP
I want one of those Charr tanks for WvWvW roflmao or some kind of halftrack design. Pack a bunch of players in it with fixed weapon positions and drive to support unload , smash & drive out again.
But seriously, i dont really see how mounts would fit into GW2, the areas just are not really suited for them like, for instance LotrO. However I can relate to the grind for a really rare one and show off factor.