I’ve been collecting opinions on how the PvP can be improved. Not only the accessibility, etc but also something that few people comment on how to improve: gameplay.
PvP should be FUN and addicting! Plus, to become an eSport it must be extremely entertaining for the viewer/spectator as well!
I’m seeking opinions so that I can make a video on what the community wants changed and/or inserted in the PvP mode. The video (and this thread?) would help both us and ArenaNet to know the most wanted changes…
List (last edit: 20.June.2013):
- Solo Queue/Team Queue or Matchmaking improved
- A more detailed death log. I want to be able to see what gave me that imobilize, what gave me that chill, I want to be able to hover a skill in the death log and actually showing it’s tooltip! This is a MUST for new players coming into the PvP scene or pretty much anyone in the process of learning!
- Increased rewards
- A PvP rank more reflecting of skill – this current version is meaningless and still teams look for rank rather than gameplay!
- Dueling with a right click option in the Heart of the Mists
- With spectator mode implemented, i’d personally really like a way to watch and SAVE replays. I want to be able to save a fight and rewatch it from every angle. It would make it much easier for a team to reobserve their fight, going over what went wrong and where. It would make casting SO much better, since a fight could be edited and broadcast.
- Get a good idea of specific professions/builds that kill me frequently.
- Balance through trait, weapon, and utility skill redesign. This would open up more build variety while also cutting back on some of the more dominant and infuriating builds.
- “WOW” moments.
- Double Kills, Triple Kills, ETC as in Unreal Tournament, for example.
- To “rent”/buy (probably private) PvP servers.
- More PvP only items on Gemstore, lik: Skins without RNG, Finishers and Anouncer Packs ( Rytlock, Zojja, Tybalt, Living Story characters… )
- Practice matches against bots (This would be excellent for practice and to make PvP more “mainstream”). Also, many people warm-up with bots in other games before facing real people.
- Solo/Team Queue and also Solo/Team Leaderboards
- Easy to counter Norns and Chars. Hard to see Asura’s animations due to their size.
- Closing the gap between PvP and PvE by earning PvE rewards in PvP and vice versa (Generally speaking, this would focus on aesthetics.)
- More tournament modes. Single elimination is okay, but with more growth bringing a 3 game bracket back would be awesome, especially because you can play either. The current 5v5 point-holding is fine, but I’d love to see modes which focus on, say, taking down the enemy tower and killing his lord in a full siege mode. 25v25 tower v tower in a structured fight not unlike WvW would be amazing. A king-of-the-hill dueling arena would be nice too. So would a straight up get-kills mode. I like the current mode, I’d just like to see them do other stuff too.
- Traits being save-able but that’s already on the list of things they’re doing.
- Reworking Professions so there is much more viability for each.
- More maps. Preferably maps where the main gimmick of the map isn’t a huge deal. Forest is a great one, since the mob kills are enough points to matter, but not so much that it can turn the fight around by focusing on them alone.
The most asked and possible to achieve:
- A ranking that is not based on team wins (as a solo player it is frustrating to have a good night drop rank because of a few unlucky matches)/Solo/Team Queue and also Solo/Team Leaderboards.
- Save and Watch Replays.
- Dueling in the mists.
- More PvP items. We want to waste money on PvP stuff!
- More maps.
I will be updating this first post so you don’t need to search into the future replies/posts.
Agree or not they CAN profit a LOT from PvP without making it unfair to those who do not spend so much money on the game.
(edited by Warkeil.8904)