Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odd Magnet.3970

Odd Magnet.3970

i think the idea of two options:
- titles always on
- titles off, but will be shown if you hover over a character
is pretty good

sure, some may want to show of their title, but as someone else said, why do we need to see thousends of combat healers etc?

I understand that people argue against such an option, but since there are many players who don’t like it the way it is now, there should be an option.

and for the one who said we’d argue for that option because we’re jealous:
Not really. There is no reason to do so.
I don’t know a single title you can’t accomplished in a week, most titles even in less than a day.
Also, there is currently nothing that would really show off that someone accomplished something very hard. Dungeon Master would most likely the closest, but still pretty easy to do

I don’t attract, I don’t repel. That’s kinda odd

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: HuntsForge.3260


Turn off player names, hold ctrl or alt(I cant remember which) when you want to see them. Works beautifully and I wish I had done it sooner, works like it did in gw1.

Not a good idea in WvW.

Anyway please turn off titles and make nameplates shorter, we don’t need all that information and great big long nameplates across the screens, well not in WvW anyway.

People on other servers count as enemies (check the box that says show all enemy names) so you can still see them, if its following the swarm on wvw that you are worried about you just look at your map. It hasnt effected wvw for me.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I think that they should only display the title below the name if we mouse over them. Then, only one person at a time would show their title.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Andrew.4506


OMG. WvW right after reset is a mass of words.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aridia.3042


Also, speaking of nameplates and such, could you guys please look at the text issues with small interfaces? Reading stuff has really been an issues (especially on the TP) since Beta. It isn’t a HUGE issue but it does hurt the eyes sometimes.

Good lord, I thought I was the only one. I must’ve submitted 3 to 4 bug reports on that TP text issue since the beta. Still not fixed…

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Turn off player names, hold ctrl or alt(I cant remember which) when you want to see them. Works beautifully and I wish I had done it sooner, works like it did in gw1.

Not a good idea in WvW.

Anyway please turn off titles and make nameplates shorter, we don’t need all that information and great big long nameplates across the screens, well not in WvW anyway.

People on other servers count as enemies (check the box that says show all enemy names) so you can still see them, if its following the swarm on wvw that you are worried about you just look at your map. It hasnt effected wvw for me.

I know how it works thank you.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


The names don’t make the game blurry, unplayable, laggy or anything. It’s fine the way it is, even in World vs. World. The work anet has done on WvW is amazing.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orc Slayer.2780

Orc Slayer.2780

remove titles… investigation complete.

Now we need to investigate about how to correctly investigate something

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: SilverShadow.3021


Do it like in GW1 = problem solved

Just don’t remove the title display completely, or there will be no reason for titles again.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They should only be hidden when there’s too many density of creatures.

Then you can’t see them anyways with that many people.

But when you can see the names clearly, they should always appear.

No exceptions!

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vence.6974


Dont remove them, or atleast not in spvp/tpvp because isn’t the ultimate point of pvp to earn that recognition from armor, weapons, finishers, and TITLES and just show off? The fact that other people can just see your achievement without having to click on your toon is one of the cool edges of gw2 that keeps me motivated.

The Yellowflash of GW2

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Whenever a kittenup like this happens, this picture always comes to mind…


Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seabrook.6531


I do not like the color of the titles. Gray like rabbits, etc. Sometime I want to attack them at first. The color should be a brighter white at least.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: NathanRav.9076


Nah I like it. You guys are all too picky. An option to see them or not would be nice but low priority.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rym.1469


The best thing about titles is when you fight a mesmer. Clones don’t have title above them, so it’s a nice tool to spot real mesmer. Liked it, don’t turn it off

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: NathanRav.9076


They fixed that Rym.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odd Magnet.3970

Odd Magnet.3970

almost 2 weeks ago the update brought us titles below nameplates.
imediately many players of the community wanted an option to turn them off
we even received an answer “It’s going to be investigated”

Seriously, Arenanet, 2 weeks too see that all the titles fill the screen with useless text?
If you’re anywhere where are more than a dozen players around you, your screen is full of text you don’t even want to see.
It’s worst in the main cities where you almost can’t see a thing…
I really hope you don’t try to keep it silient..

I don’t attract, I don’t repel. That’s kinda odd

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine.1394


I guess the investigation is requiring serious analysis. Simple reality-testing should have prevented the problem from occurring in the first place. Given that the display of titles obtrusively fills the screen with a player group of any size, how about we just allow the display of titles to be optional?

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arekai.5698


Add Option:
- Toggle player titles

Investigation Complete.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I’m sure the investigation is more to do with how to code it than why it should be done.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odd Magnet.3970

Odd Magnet.3970

they don’t investigate how to code it.
1. They did code that, coding a toggle can’t need that much time to investigate. If it does, I wonder how’s programming there…
2. After 2 weeks they should be able to say if they’re going to change it or not…

I don’t attract, I don’t repel. That’s kinda odd

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


“We’re investigating” doesn’t mean “This is the only thing we are doing at the moment”.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xehanort.4589


I agree with adding an option to see or not the title.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Only if those who turn it off will not have their own titles show below their names.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odd Magnet.3970

Odd Magnet.3970

They didn’t say we’ll be investigating this soon™, they said they are investigating.
Even though english isn’t my first language I’m pretty sure that does mean something about now or maybe the next day or so and soon™

But if somebody could explain me what would take so much time investigating I’d have no problem changing my mind, because currently I believe that there isn’t much more to do than to login and see how cluttered the screen is. Or to understand that a big part of the players don’t want to be forced to see double the text

I don’t attract, I don’t repel. That’s kinda odd

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


They didn’t say we’ll be investigating this soon™, they said they are investigating.
Even though english isn’t my first language I’m pretty sure that does mean something about now or maybe the next day or so and soon™

Bolded is an unwarranted assumption. A current investigation only means that it is being looked at. Nothing more. No time table. No guaranteed sense of urgency. No priority list beyond the fact that it is somewhere on the priority list of being looked at.

(edited by Dustfinger.9510)

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odd Magnet.3970

Odd Magnet.3970

Then they should have said they will investigate this, not that they are as in “We’re already doing this”

my assumption was based on my understanding of the sentence they posted here. But as I said, english isn’t my first language. i’m used to assume that something is in progress if the sentence has words like “we are” and also ends with an “ing” (like in “doing”)

anyways, even if it’s not their top priority they do play the game too (at least some if not most/all of them). That means they see the same screen clutter as we do (at least if they’re not only in the lov populated areas of the game), which makes me think that they know how annoying that can be and understand why a great part of the players is asking for a toggle option.

I don’t attract, I don’t repel. That’s kinda odd

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chasind.3128


I think there should be an option for the player itself to toggle it- like they toggle graphics, but don’t get rid of it completely. I’m still abit proud of my dungeon master title haha

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xar.1387


Its great to see players titles! Anyway, I think, that its really good incentive to acquire titles.


Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: dudikoff.3645


But how are you going to know who is a God and who is just a mere mortal?

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pantsdragon.5703


An on/off switch for this would be nice.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blude.6812


Or they can only appear/be seen when in a city (lion’s arch, citadel etc.)

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odd Magnet.3970

Odd Magnet.3970

that’s where the biggest problem lies. Especially in lions arch it’s incredibly much screen clutter..

I don’t attract, I don’t repel. That’s kinda odd

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


I’m not sure they’re interested in removing displayed titles.
They are probably seen by ArenaNet as one of the strongest incentives to keep people playing. A lot of them require massive investments of time or cash. Seeing them every time a player enters your field of view continually hammers home their existence. A lot of people will react by attempting to get the titles themselves.

It’s advertising basically, and it works. Look at all the people who chased “God Walking Among Mere Mortals” in the first game. There’s an abusive title of the highest order, requiring at least a thousand hours of time invested, but people went for it because it was there. It was a goal to be achieved, and a lot of people got duped into achieving it. It didn’t require skill, just massive amounts of time.

Titles are designed mostly to keep you playing and investing in the game.
You don’t need them, but you want them to show just how unique you are.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xar.1387


Ye, have a nice title is something like have a nice/cool/strong armor

screen clutter
Imo its bad argument, cause screen clutter is always. Even… U can complain about that there is so many players in one place, and u cant see anything. Then maybe hide characters of the other players, cause there’s screen clutter. Its an MMO, and this is how it works – there are other players, they’ve got different armors, names, and TITLES and all of these things are very important, cause it creates community etc

Titles should be permanent, like in WoW (there was screen clutter too, and noone cares). You just got used to the fact that they were not visible, or haven’t got any nice title


Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xar.1387


I’m not interested at all if someone played Guild Wars 1 for thousands of hours

So why ur playing MMOrpg? That’s what these games mean, people are playing more, to gain something visible, and stand out from the other characters.

Let’s hide legendary weapons, cause i dont care if someone farmed them so long! -.- And they have strange effects etc etc. -.-



(edited by Xar.1387)

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Luthan.5236


That stuff is from Guild Wars 2 that is okay. But I’m not interested if someone played Guild Wars 1 or other games… don’t need that info in Guild Wars 2.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


Give me option to hide all other players, they clutter my picture… make Guild Wars 2 a single player game naow!

In all honesty though, they’re titles, lucrative to achieve for the achiever and his/hers to choose to display after. What’s the point in achieving all those if your boasts can be dismissed so easily, while other boasts can’t?

Then I agree with Xar.1387, let’s hide legendaries too while we’re at it. Especially, since I believe all the legendaries that came into creation in the first 3 months are more or less rooted in one exploit or another – whether detected or not – so I’d like to switch them off because they weren’t acquired 100% “legally”. Ok, on the edge now, but only to exaggerate…

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dean Calaway.9718

Dean Calaway.9718

Amazing how much people nagged ANET because they wanted to show off the titles now they just want them off.
This is the perfect example of why a company shouldn’t give in to every request of their playerbase. Sure people will say “they don’t listen” but at least they won’t go “gimme gimme gimme, actually this is horrible take it away”.

Personally I don’t think ANET is going back on this one, this being a “time-sink” and all.
Just remember the PVE commander title.

With all that said having more display options can’t be that hard to implement.

  • On
  • Off
    Nameplates, on/off for:
  • Party
  • Guild
  • Team
  • Squad
  • All

And since we’re with the hands in this jar, enemy invaders nameplates should be reviewed too.
I have them on for visibility sake, but I would love a light version. Just the initials of the server and the rank maybe.

Victoria Cross [VC] – Desolation [EU]

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odd Magnet.3970

Odd Magnet.3970

They never should’ve forced us to see the titles in the first place.
Sure, some players were asking for it, but I really doubt it was the majority.
Instead they should’ve given us an option for it and not force-update it to us..

I don’t attract, I don’t repel. That’s kinda odd

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: moiraine.2753


Sorry but i disagree with you OP.Before the patch i never knew who what tittle had because i was never looking under their nameplates.I like how the tittles are shown now.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odd Magnet.3970

Odd Magnet.3970

pushing this again in the hope we may get an answer from their “investigation” a few weeks ago

I don’t attract, I don’t repel. That’s kinda odd

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turkashi.4502


but…but…but then no body will know I’ve complete adventure box 100% :-(

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Ehh, personally, I wouldn’t remove the titles from displaying under character names, but they need some work done. It seems quite temporary solution at the moment, with plain text… It needs to be prettier, like in GW1. (Also, could hide them and display only the 5 closests to you or so)

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theplayboy.6417


As with any change we are aware of the concerns about titles, nameplates, and screen clutter and we are investigating what we can do about all of these things to try and improve the experience now that you can see so many people on screen.

Keep the forced titles on! It’s funny how everyone complained about not seeing titles and now we have some of the same people complaining about seeing titles. My guess is that most of the complainers don’t have a legit title to display and are embarrassed.

You can only see a lot of players in WvWvW……. Anyone with half a brain already turns team colors on and nameplates off in large fights anyway.

I also agree with another posters brilliant comment in this thread. If the title ability is allowed to be toggled then make it so that players who choose not to see titles unable to display a title.

(edited by Theplayboy.6417)

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: wouw.5837


Just add a option to toggle: See Titles/remove titles.

Because there are more people enjoying the titles than people haiting on them.

Elona is Love, Elona is life.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kane Fire Blade.7482

Kane Fire Blade.7482

seriously all you need to do make it like GW1 were you had to hover over them to see title simples

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


As with any change we are aware of the concerns about titles, nameplates, and screen clutter and we are investigating what we can do about all of these things to try and improve the experience now that you can see so many people on screen.

Why should enemy nameplates and names be seen, without mousing over them? People should not know the positions of enemies from seeing their nameplate.

How about a option to only show blue dots for Allies.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: ChanceBoudreaux.4205


Totally agree with this. Please give us this option.

Turn off "Titles" below Nameplate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Theoldman.6483


I disagree! I want the option to create my own titles. Like “Grumpy oldman do not ask to party”, “Do you think I really give a blank” , “I cant type so don’t expect a reply”, “No I’m not going to join your guild”, “If u thInk game Xyz is better go play it” etc. etc.