Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I don’t believe in the “endgame” as I always HATED it in other games. I would hit cap and stop playing. However, I do know some people like a purpose, and I think I have an idea that could definitely help…

all while staying in the explore/de style of GW2!

New Map specifically for this
*The map would be progressive (up to 4 or 5 sections)
*Section 1 is explorable solo, and has farmables (this section is small)
*Section 2 is a battlefield section. It’s large, open, has no standard trash mobs, and has no nodes to farm or puzzles. In other words, its only use, is for the events in it.
*Additional sections would be battlefields as well, only reachable by defeating the event prior. These sections have Loot Chests (special loot chests)

The Events
*Each battle section has a different event, all are in a similar style. Lets be honest, people spend hours raiding the same dungeons repeatedly, similar styling won’t kill them, especially since the events/lore/etc, is variable.
*You talk to the gate guard in the previous section to enter.
*Event scale is directly related to the amount of participators.
*Battles are set in a FFA style.
*Mobs do NOT pour out from the same location. Imagine a canyon. You are on one side, the mobs drop from holes in the wall on the other. This map is LARGE scale.
*It is a 2 option event. The first option is a timed hold. The second option is progressive.
*If you choose to complete the progressive mode, rewards are better, and the entire server is rewarded with a 24 hour buff.
*If you complete the first event and reach the other side/push back the wave to their entrance, then you are eligible to do the event in the next field.
*This event rewards more (progressively through the battlefields, and the server buffs are better.
*If you only hold, you have a possible chance for up to 24buffs per day. If you progress, the amount of buffs is only determined by the time it takes you to complete the events.

Boss Event
*After every battlefield event there would be a boss event.
*The mechanic would not be single boss vs zerg group of players
*Bosses would have a clone/group mechanic.
*The number of spawned bosses is related to the number of participating players.
*Example I had is Mezmer Zhaitan minion. Summons x clones based on players number. Players wouldn’t be able to tell which boss was real, and would have to divvy the bosses up to defeat them, or risk wiping out everyone.

Important Points
*Teamwork would be crucial, simply kiting, or grouping the mobs together, could, and most likely would, get everyone killed. Particularly on bosses.
*Events would be put on a random rotation to switch things up.
*Buffs awarded would also be random, thus preventing people from “farming” specific events.
*Due to the sheer amount of mobs killed, drop rates would probably be pretty decent.
*A report option would be available, someone with x amount of reports in x amount of time, would be transported out of the battlefield, with a cooldown timer. This would prevent botting, and trolling. And keep the event from becoming overly difficult due to afkers.
*There would be plenty of incentive for PvE participation, it provides server wide buffs, and good loot/mats.
*Buffs would be PvE only. They would NOT apply in PvP/WvW.
*It would be like WvW, for PvEers. Call it World V. Enemy.

Just thought I would share my idea! Hope you enjoy!

NPC’s would be available (this is long duration) for bank and repairs at the entrance to each battlefield. However not IN the battlefield. This would give incentive for players to buy and use the things like repair canisters, and extra bag slots, increasing their revenue.

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xaxxus.6719


This is a great idea, i had ideas for end game pve content that sort of consisted if a COD Nazi zombiesque survival mode. But this sounds much more awesome

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: XxNoahxX.7813


Great thoughts OP! it reminds me Battlefield Bad Company 2 OnSlaught mode.
it can provide a great fun!!

bots can be a problem but also can bring players into victory (great loot chest and awesome buffs!) if they are programmed well

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I like the idea and I would add this:

- the elite zones are randomly open: player shouldn’t be able to choose where to go. All players who go through the portal will fill up a zone until its full. The others who will come later will join a new elite zone. If a player leaves the elite zone, another one can take its place. To avoid queuing in front of the portal, there should be overflow maps with similar events going on.

- the size of the elite zone should be about the size of Divinity Reach with waypoints for faster travel

- the elite zones should be unlocked only after storyline is completed.

- the events are not triggered by players. They spawn when a certain criteria is fulfilled: These criteria should not be all contained in that specific elite zone but they should be the same for all elite zones. These will motivate players to go in other zones and complete the tasks before the event takes place. The criteria will change daily so the events in the elite zones will be changed by that too. Low level players can help to complete the criteria too. Once the criteria is fulfilled, it will remain so for the rest of the day. The elite zone events will happen after that only based in timer not criteria
(Expl: Criteria= 1000 Orcs killed. Lvl 80 palyers can go in other zones to kill Orcs but the low level players in those zones killing the Orcs will count too. The number of kills should vary depending on the density of those foes in the world)
The criteria for the events in elite zones should be announced in-game, in the daily achievements but marked as elite criteria. Every player can see it growing up even if he is not directly participating. This achievement won’t count for the Daily Achievement completion.

- elite zone bosses will be from all types of foes seen in the game before: orcs, trolls, elementals, dragons,wolfs etc.

- every new expansion can add a new elite zone

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I like a lot of your ideas Ronah.

My concern with overflow is the buffs reward, you can’t reward unlimited multiple battles(as well as overflows are cross server), however, I don’t see why you can’t have multiple maps, much like WvW has the 4 maps.

Instead of having the Criteria listed in daily achievements, why not have a WvE window, similar to the WvWvW one. The window would include what buffs you currently have earned, what battles are ongoing/full.

I’m a bit iffy about the criteria though. I think it’s a good idea, but for example you have a player who can play for 2 hours right after the day rolls, and it takes 1.5 hours to meet the criteria, that means they don’t get to play.

Maybe a rolling criteria, so if there are 4 “Elite” maps, you would have a separate criteria for each, hopefully, the battles would end at different times, and open new sets of criteria, so that there would always be at least 1 battle available.

So the WvE window would show Criteria progression for each field, the bonuses currently awarded, the amount of players in each field, as well as an entrance to Section 1 where you enter the battlefield. much like heart of the mist, although in my original example I called it The Barricades.

I particularly like the fact that the criteria, could cause high level players to go back to lower level zones and interact with lower level players, instead of being in and consistently farming Orr. Also making the criteria server wide, would be appropriate since the buffs are server wide.

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: inOji.8452


These are all great ideas and I sincerely hope Anet pay particular attention to this thread. My guildmates and I were discussing something similar to this not to long ago.

Isle of Janthir
Lookinoji [IDOL] – Human Thief
Sunny Leeone [IDOL] – Norn Mesmer

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voodoo.9745


Bring it on

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zutroy.9105


Bringing a “raid” (or 8-12 instance) experience with the dynamic number of players of events is brilliant! While I believe large scale dungeons are cool too, the 2 ideas are not exclusive.

I’d like to comment some points here:

  • Each battle section has a different event, all are in a similar style. Lets be honest, people spend hours raiding the same dungeons repeatedly, similar styling won’t kill them, especially since the events/lore/etc, is variable.

I don’t understand the need for a similar style. In dungeons, there’re bosses, defense events, puzzles, escort, … it’s a good idea and it works fine. I might have missed your point here.

  • Bosses would have a clone/group mechanic.
  • The number of spawned bosses is related to the number of participating players.
  • Example I had is Mezmer Zhaitan minion. Summons x clones based on players number. Players wouldn’t be able to tell which boss was real, and would have to divvy the bosses up to defeat them, or risk wiping out everyone.

That’d be a cool boss mechanic but I don’t think it’s necessary to face the potential huge number of players. For a single boss situation, the boss would need to be HUGE (at least like giants) to face the large number of visual effects hiding the boss and give more space to spread all around the boss. There should be a maximum number of range AoE abilities so each player can be threaten without filling the whole area. And prevent them from overlapping massive instant kill.

  • A report option would be available, someone with x amount of reports in x amount of time, would be transported out of the battlefield, with a cooldown timer. This would prevent botting, and trolling. And keep the event from becoming overly difficult due to afkers.

There’s a big flaw in this. It’d also allow guild/big parties to camp events for themselves by kicking everyone else. Not cool. Bots, trolls and afks are going to have a hardtime against complex mechanisms. Give them no safe spots. When they fail too much, they’ll be defeated thanks to the downstate penality. When they are defeated don’t rez them and lock the event/boss door so they can’t come back.

  • the elite zones should be unlocked only after storyline is completed.

I don’t agree with that. I don’t like the idea that someone can’t participate because he/she don’t like the story. A lvl80 limitation should be enough. Since Anet feels that grinding lvl to get to specific content is not cool, I don’t know how they’d feel about a lvl80 limitation (ex: in early beta, upscaling was in WvW AND open world, explorable mode is available at low lvl). But I feel that a lvl80 limitation is necessary since a lot of upscaled player will face painful death.

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Sorry I don’t know how to quote here lol.

For the actual Raid mechanic I came up with a different idea, but I want to polish it up a bit before I present it (think sPvE) It’s based on the current existing sPvP system but appropriately modified.

That would make this the large scale dungeon idea.

My concern with having several different mechanics in the battlefield to be honest is development. It’s a lot easier to make one basic style, and modify it accordingly for each different situation than it is to make umpteen different mechanics.

My concern with the boss mechanic is that we currently have the single large boss. This doesn’t promote teamwork, it’s just a giant zergfest (think dragons) and to avoid that, I thought a multi-boss (even if it’s several different kinds of bosses) mechanic would be more appropriate to promote teamwork, instead of zerging.

I see your point with the report option. My concern is if you get bots/afks/trolls, that stay at the beginning of the zone when others are trying to progress, they are no longer in the path of danger, but are causing the difficulty to increase. I think this problem could be avoided if people made sure they joined with a group, and a percentage report was required. Example 90% of players in the field have to report them. If you went in with a decent sized group that could combat that. Just a thought.

I have to kind of agree with you on the no story-line requirement. I think you could get around the level 80 requirement simply by hosting the map in a reccommended level 80 zone, with a semi-decent amount of trash mobs in section 1, thus preventing most over-confident lowbies.

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Actually one of the best ideas I’ve seen so far on these forums. I hope Anet pays attention to it

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zutroy.9105


My concern with the boss mechanic is that we currently have the single large boss. This doesn’t promote teamwork, it’s just a giant zergfest (think dragons) and to avoid that, I thought a multi-boss (even if it’s several different kinds of bosses) mechanic would be more appropriate to promote teamwork, instead of zerging.

Mmmmh I’m not sure the zergfest feeling comes with that. When a run dungeons, many bosses feel like mini-zergfest. I think it comes with the poor standard mechanics. A lot of combat are:
1. avoid melee,
2. dodge long cast attacks,
3. dodge red circle,
4. do some dps,
5. keep going for 5-10min.

Claw of Jornag is the only interesting dragon since it comes with multiple phases, switch target between between dragon and shields, get in and out of the frozen area at the right time. It still feel too long, but less lame. I think the important thing is breaking the monotony by giving mechanics that force everyone to move at specific time, react to specific situation, keep an eye on nearby teammates, don’t keep the same mechanic running for too long. I think multiple boss are not the only solution, it might in fact result in tank/kite all and zerg one.

PS: for quotes, there’s an arrow under each post with the mouseover “Quote this user”.

(edited by Zutroy.9105)

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Imagine 30 champ bosses with aoe in one area, or being kited, the only thing that would result is immediate death to anyone in range of the attacks. So players would be required to split the bosses up, and keep them far enough away from eachother to prevent mass insta-death.

I have no problem with a multi-phase mechanic, I (kinda) enjoy the Claw of Jormag event, but lets be honest, it’s still a zergfest I think the only way to really break up a zergfest if by forcing the players to split into groups. By having different kinds of bosses with different attacks, it might be less monotonous

Just my view though! Keep the ideas coming, I’m loving it! The more people who contribute their ideas and keep this going, the more likely we are to get something similar (though I’m sure appropriately modified) implemented!

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


  • the elite zones should be unlocked only after storyline is completed.

I don’t agree with that. I don’t like the idea that someone can’t participate because he/she don’t like the story. A lvl80 limitation should be enough. Since Anet feels that grinding lvl to get to specific content is not cool, I don’t know how they’d feel about a lvl80 limitation (ex: in early beta, upscaling was in WvW AND open world, explorable mode is available at low lvl). But I feel that a lvl80 limitation is necessary since a lot of upscaled player will face painful death.

I understand your frustration, but A-net has already made decisions that people need to go in WvW for map completion and also one Point of interest is unlocked only through the story mode. If we count here that you couldn’t go in Elite dungeons in GW1 unless you have done some story missions. I think the idea is fairly within this specific game design.

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Funkmachine.9815


YES! add some giant server wide events for endgame. I really thought you guys were gonna do that already. Do you guys have something already planned and just waiting for somthing? whats the news.

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: XxNoahxX.7813


I would suggest we can submit a ticket to the dev team and tell them this link.
I will do it as soon as I get into the office.

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zutroy.9105


I understand your frustration, but A-net has already made decisions that people need to go in WvW for map completion and also one Point of interest is unlocked only through the story mode.

I’m not convinced. A bad design is not reason for a bad design (This suggestion might interest you). Plus, it’s different: World Completion is an achievement, the “Uber-scale World Events” is a content.

If we count here that you couldn’t go in Elite dungeons in GW1 unless you have done some story missions. I think the idea is fairly within this specific game design.

GW1 is not GW2. There’s no need to copy it if GW2 can do better. And the design philosophy isn’t that.

Mike O’brien (President of ArenaNet): Our games aren’t about preparing to have fun, or about grinding for a future fun reward.

Colin Johanson (Lead Content Designer): In most games, there’s a boring grind to get to the fun stuff. We don’t want people to grind in GW2. No one enjoys that, no one finds it fun, we want to change the way people view combat.

(The last one kinda makes me laugh, I don’t know why…)(Source: Guild Wars 2 Manifesto)

(edited by Zutroy.9105)

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: XxNoahxX.7813


i have just logged 2 tickets to the support team in regards to this thread and another issue about 1h legendary weapons don’t look legendary comparing to 2h (GS or Hammer)
I would think GW2 are losing player base if they don’t fix those 2 ‘end game’ related highlights.

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: graceangel.3618


A little thing to keep in mind even with a great idea as this thread. GREAT IDEA, btw OP.

One of their recent blog posts that was mostly about pvp/spvp, they mentioned there are so many things they have plans for. They have lots of content and ideas they wanna implement. However, they aren’t even going to discuss them or reveal anything about till it’s almost ready with spit and polish to show to the world.

so with that being said, it’s quite possible that there really is some mega stuff in works for end game; it’s just they have a list of priorities they are working on before they get to that. like they have the halloween content coming up. x3

but yeah. this would be great!!!

I liked the idea of having it so that certain pre-requisite tasks to be completed to unlock certain areas/battles. For those who think why would they do that; look at the shatterer dragon event in Blazeridge Steppes. That has a few pre-quests with great exp and karma rewards for doing them. A lot skip em, but they are pretty fun and build up the feeling of epic part of something.

It may also encourage players who have a barn of alts to actually level some of their characters up, so they can go see the areas their efforts in completing this stuff contributes towards.

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: XxNoahxX.7813


Customer via CSS Web 10/15/2012 09:25 PM
Thanks Sparse. I don’t expect a personal reply from dev team. However, it does need a bit level of attentions. As my mates in my list who used to love this game and left from it right now… the game isn’t there for more than 2 months. I have no problem to pay more or get monthly sub introduced, but hope to see more enjoyable contents attracting my mates back to the game.

The game right now Does need more contents to kill thirst of players who has hit 80. You can’t simply say the Whole game is the end game. That isn’t true at all. The reality is very few lv80 players are playing on the low level zone unless they are pursuing Legendaries.

Another issue,by the way, the world first legendary rush is just finished since the game’s launch 1.5months ago. it seems only legendary 2h weapons have great look skins and almost 1h legendary weapon has no chance to compete 2h. It’s just unfair, the effort required on 1h or 2h legendary weapon is equal. Players who were grinding for 1h legendary might stop paying their time on grinding for a lackluster and eventually leave this game for sure. it a vast opinion across the forum not only from myself. Look at the legendary Axe, Frostfang, what a joke.

All I hope is getting this game a real next gen MMO. For the sake of GW2, please escalate this to the dev team and let them know there is a TOP suggestion we ever seen from different forums. (the idea isn’t from me, but everyone sees it and gives a big thumbs up) We all don’t want to see this game dying too fast!! much appreciated.


Response GM Sparse via Email 10/15/2012 06:08 PM
Hello ,

Thanks a lot for taking the time to bring this to our attention, we really do appreciate it.

I can’t promise that the development team will be able to personally reply to all of the points listed in that thread, but it is good to see that the feedback is already on the forums. The development team does regularly check on the forums as much as they can so they should be able to read it at the very least.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

GM Sparse
Guild Wars Support Team
Customer via CSS Web 10/15/2012 05:42 PM
Dear Dev team
GW2 is a just born game and doesn’t look like it grows stronger. It right now indeed is lack of ‘end game content’. mates in my list are leaving one by one since they get bored so quickly if they are not interested in Legendaries. They have all tried WvW/Spvp by the way. However PVP isn’t a real end game for them once they have got full exotics. Nothing left to do!

the following thread is a Diamond piece i have ever seen. we (all ppl seeing this and myself) wish Anet pay enough attention on this and bring my mates back to the game!

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: XxNoahxX.7813


Response GM Lemoncobra via Email 10/15/2012 10:32 PM
Hello again ,

I certainly appreciate your desire to help build a better game for your fellow players and I’ll share your comments with the rest of the team. While I have no specific details to share regarding future updates, you can be sure the Development Team is constantly working on improving and growing the world of Tyria. If you have any other questions, please let us know.

GM Lemoncobra
The Guild Wars Support Team

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Great stuff. I have the same ideas for endgame. Mega super dungeon instances pretty much xD world within a world.

But the land of Orr itself needs to be grown as well. The events need to be more interesting less repetitive, more difficult bosses and more of a real movement that shows a progressive invasion of the pact and players into the land of Orr pushing through the different maps. Right now everything seems so static and unoriginal. Events dont feel dynamic at all as gw2 is so proud of. And at level 80 it feels like there’s nothing rly left to do even tho Orr should be the place to be at our levels. We don’t seem to make an actual difference on the world and be a part of the lore and story. It’s all very repetitive once you’ve done it all.

I feel that even with mega instances and maps, it won’t feel very special unless players are able to actually dynamically affect the world around , the story and lore of Tyria. We need to see real progression in the actual map environments and also the characters and mobs. I.e. if pact is indeed invading Orr. The first month there should be tons of risen and be rly difficult to push in. More players join and hit level 80 to help the cause thru many more unique an dynamic events that fit together like real war strategies. And as such, being more powerful eventually bases are established through each map through the month. The next month with the strong pact presence we face not the same events anymore but more defensive events and scarser mobs since pact has eliminated alot of the forces (but maybe increase difficulty and potency of each mob. Ie all veterans and up.) after that if a criteria like enough runs of dungeon to kill zhaitan has been reached this unlocks a next step in the lore which perhaps can open up to these new maps and instances for some epic fights.

Not only do the mobs and events change but perhaps there should be map updates. The cleansing of Orr should actually slowly take place over time.

Namely if you see what I’m saying we need more progression and influence on the story and history. New players who reach Orr will see a different Orr than what older players had seen. This is very unique and realistic. The new player will continue to help mold it into the next phases etc

(edited by takatsu.9416)

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Bumping this idea. It also can be extended with this : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/User-generated-content/first#post451598 so A-Net will let a part of the work to be done by players. for expanding the elite zones. Awarding different unique items (armors/weapons) to the contributing players might work as well.
The elite zones will be “out of the world of Tyria” and except the foes that in general will be those from the world, the action takes place in an outer realm discovered by the experiments of Asurans who created portals to go in there.
These elite zones, a mass PvE raid dungeon as some might call it, with multiple bosses and ever expanding with no direct relation between it and the rest of the game world, can be a really innovative idea for GW2. PvP players have WvW, and with this PvE players will have their own non-stop extravaganza.