Unlimit crafting professions

Unlimit crafting professions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Publik.5604


Currently crafting is limited to 2 professions per character. This should be removed, since everyone has enough character slots to do one of each of the professions anyways, with overflow. I wouldn’t go so far as to ask that the levels be shared, but limiting the number of crafting professions is archaic and in this game only serves to add a pointless middle step in crafting.

I can share crafting materials across my account, and I can share bank space and money across my account, and I can do any of the crafting by selecting a different character anyways, so why not remove the limit?

Unlimit crafting professions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sierra.6352


Technically, it doesn’t have a cap. As the level of your crafting skill is remembered, even if you ditch a crafting skill.

Let me give you an example:
I got a guardian with cooking level 400. I could ditch that cooking and go for weaponsmithing instead, get that up to let’s say 250 and then ditch it and go back to cooking again. My cooking however, would instantly go up to the previous 400, just where I left it off. And it’s the same with all of the crafting skills.
You can ditch it, grab something else, ditch that, grab something entirely else, ditch that, only to go back to the first one again and it would remember the progression of all of them.

It takes body and soul, to reach your goal!

Unlimit crafting professions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Publik.5604


I was not aware of that, and now I feel silly.

Unlimit crafting professions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illushia.3721


Price goes up… I think 4c? For each level you have in the proff though, to switch.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Unlimit crafting professions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Publik.5604


Price goes up… I think 4c? For each level you have in the proff though, to switch.

So it costs to relearn one? Even then, you’ve still got your other accounts you can craft with. It just feels like some arbitrary limit just because it’s what other MMOs do. It doesn’t serve a purpose, only as a barrier.

Unlimit crafting professions

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Yeah. I don’t see the use of that. It is not a gold sink, as people doesn’t need to switch. So what other purpose could it have?

As it is, it’s only putting a limit on how much exp you can get with crafting recipes on one character. If you want the exp from learning that other profession, you can switch for free, but coming back to the previous ones will have a price.

If recipes and progress are kept. They should just let people lean them all. If they want some kind of gold sink, there’s the cost of merchant materials for crafting, as they’ll buy more to craft more with all characters.

No exceptions!