1. Inability to attack people/monsters if they cannot target you; This update pretty much killed the use of any range character and the use of the environment itself. What is the use of finding high ground and having weapons with great range if you cannot hit the target just because the target cant reach you in the first place? Should remove this update and keep it how it was originally.
2. Specific skills have great potentials if used well but are limited for who knows what reason; The engineers push back skill seems really impressive if you can corner someone into the edge and shoot them right off to their death, sadly an invisible wall prevents this from actually occurring. A fun skill with great potential becomes useless with environment. Same goes for any of the teleporting skills like blink, or the theifs crossbow skill; unable to teleport on land that is not connected to the floor or something in that regards. But if this were allowed it would make these skills much more enjoyable and put to more use. I’m sure there are other skills for different professions but I’m not fond of them but the possibilities of these skills are cut short.
3. Grinding to level up in order to wear armour is not fun. In Guild Wars all the armours were available to equip as long as you had the money and materials for them. This should also be implemented to this version as well. It’s really unrewarding to have a maxed level character to work on collecting all the materials for future characters only to know that you will never be able to wear these gears until you max out this specific character as well. The only thing being asked for is the removal of level requirements, in Guild Wars one every weapons was capable of being wielded by any profession; now we are restricted but that’s fine, however the required level is pushing it. To top it off, many of the items in the game are incapable of being traded so collecting rare items and using them till something else comes along becomes garbage because they became soulbounded and particular items automatically being picked up are bounded thus selling them on a blackmarket is futile.
4. People are talking about guild halls and personal homes, well there already is that “my home” mechanic which was introduced during personal story. Why not build upon that and have those particular instances neighborhoods and have people buy homes and so forth and build upon them, either through karma, or gold ext.
5. Another thing that is lacking in comparison to Guild Wars are the emotes. Very little interactions with the world and players, for instance have an emote to sit on the many chairs you come across in the towns and outposts. Sit by the campfires, eat on the tables. Lol I was really excited to know I was able to open and close doors…. sadly that enjoyment didn’t last long since eventually there are no doors or any of those which can be opened and closed throughout the game aside from the starting town for the humans :/. So a lot of emotes to have more interaction within the game would be enjoyable as well
6. People talk about having mounts, well if mounts are ever taken into consideration it would best be revolved around the animals the exist in Guild Wars, and what better then to ride on other than a MOA!!!??? Always wanted to ride on those since Guild Wars and the variety of colours they have it’s pretty interesting and can be a mini game in itself for instance have MOA racing, breed your own MOA and what not… However I’m only saying MOA being they remind me of CHOCOBOS! the flyingsaucer in FF7 was definitely a great place to spend a lot of game time :S lol But no really having a MOA as a mount, I dont see any problems with that.
I cant seem to come up with anything more at the moment but those are the only things that I find need to implemented and changed