Valid Reason for Changes

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ringinki.4382


1. Inability to attack people/monsters if they cannot target you; This update pretty much killed the use of any range character and the use of the environment itself. What is the use of finding high ground and having weapons with great range if you cannot hit the target just because the target cant reach you in the first place? Should remove this update and keep it how it was originally.

2. Specific skills have great potentials if used well but are limited for who knows what reason; The engineers push back skill seems really impressive if you can corner someone into the edge and shoot them right off to their death, sadly an invisible wall prevents this from actually occurring. A fun skill with great potential becomes useless with environment. Same goes for any of the teleporting skills like blink, or the theifs crossbow skill; unable to teleport on land that is not connected to the floor or something in that regards. But if this were allowed it would make these skills much more enjoyable and put to more use. I’m sure there are other skills for different professions but I’m not fond of them but the possibilities of these skills are cut short.

3. Grinding to level up in order to wear armour is not fun. In Guild Wars all the armours were available to equip as long as you had the money and materials for them. This should also be implemented to this version as well. It’s really unrewarding to have a maxed level character to work on collecting all the materials for future characters only to know that you will never be able to wear these gears until you max out this specific character as well. The only thing being asked for is the removal of level requirements, in Guild Wars one every weapons was capable of being wielded by any profession; now we are restricted but that’s fine, however the required level is pushing it. To top it off, many of the items in the game are incapable of being traded so collecting rare items and using them till something else comes along becomes garbage because they became soulbounded and particular items automatically being picked up are bounded thus selling them on a blackmarket is futile.

4. People are talking about guild halls and personal homes, well there already is that “my home” mechanic which was introduced during personal story. Why not build upon that and have those particular instances neighborhoods and have people buy homes and so forth and build upon them, either through karma, or gold ext.

5. Another thing that is lacking in comparison to Guild Wars are the emotes. Very little interactions with the world and players, for instance have an emote to sit on the many chairs you come across in the towns and outposts. Sit by the campfires, eat on the tables. Lol I was really excited to know I was able to open and close doors…. sadly that enjoyment didn’t last long since eventually there are no doors or any of those which can be opened and closed throughout the game aside from the starting town for the humans :/. So a lot of emotes to have more interaction within the game would be enjoyable as well

6. People talk about having mounts, well if mounts are ever taken into consideration it would best be revolved around the animals the exist in Guild Wars, and what better then to ride on other than a MOA!!!??? Always wanted to ride on those since Guild Wars and the variety of colours they have it’s pretty interesting and can be a mini game in itself for instance have MOA racing, breed your own MOA and what not… However I’m only saying MOA being they remind me of CHOCOBOS! the flyingsaucer in FF7 was definitely a great place to spend a lot of game time :S lol But no really having a MOA as a mount, I dont see any problems with that.

I cant seem to come up with anything more at the moment but those are the only things that I find need to implemented and changed

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: AielloA.1629


1) What ANet did in GW1 was to give anyone with a projectile weapon (not counting staff, I think, so Bow and Spear) range and damage boosts if they, to misquote Kenobi, “had the high ground.” Which was glorious in the Battle for Lion’s Arch, standing my Splinter Barrage Ranger up on the hillside and watching her rain arrows into the helpless Mursaat. While I agree that they have to do SOMETHING to prevent people from slaughtering mobs who can’t fight back (if the mob pathing can’t find a way to the character, have them teleport directly in front of them or something? Would be a nasty surprise if you’re trying to exploit-solo a Champion or something), they should also give the environment more interactivity.

I was excited when I heard about the combo mechanic, and how GW2 would let you use the environment as a weapon, but ANet failed to deliver. Give waterfalls, rivers and ponds constant Water Fields. Give campfires and lit torches a Fire Field. Let us actually interact with the environment, instead of giving us “Environmental Weapons” that are, for the most part, useless save for comedic value or the occasional Renown Heart.

2) I agree with this SO MUCH! When I used to play SWTOR, my favorite thing to do with my Jedi Shadow was to sneak up behind some unsuspecting droid on Coruscant and push him off the platforms into the great void below. I was really looking forwards to trying that in GW2, so imagine my disappointment when I Banished a poor, defenseless mob off a cliff and into an invisible wall >.< And the worst part is that, while we can’t do that to the PvE mobs, they have no such compunctions against us.

ANet, invisible wall is OP, plz nef ;3

3) I partially agree with this. The GW1 armor system was great, however that only worked because EVERY armor in the game was Soulbound on Acquire. More skins would be nice, but instead of removing the level cap on items (which would give other problems, i.e. level 2 characters walking around in full Exotics) a cosmetic armor tab (with no level requirement, maybe even no armor type requirement) would be nice.

4) It’s not really a “home” inasmuch as it is a personal instance where you can see how your actions have impacted on the world as a whole. Upgrading it would be difficult, time-consuming, and really not that big a thing. Other suggestions for Guild Halls are better, personal player homes shouldn’t happen in a game called Guild Wars (check out my GvG Hall thread for more of my opinions on the matter, and yes that was an absolutely shameless plug)

5) Agreed. More emotes would be nice, maybe an Order-specific one (/vigil FTW!), or emotes that you can only get through high-end Achievements.

6) Mounts are a bad idea because of the increased demand they place on servers. Already we have the massive issues with culling, and you want to increase that by adding in even MORE objects for the server to render? Don’t get me wrong, I LIKE the idea of a Sword/Shield Warrior riding an armored yellow Moa (it’d be even better with a lance, but meh) but if that would take away from my enjoyment of the game, then I’m glad they don’t do it.

“We fight because we can. We win because we must.”

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


1. No you cannot use level geometry to exploit the limited enemy AI. Limiting that is MMO basics.

2. Basically the same as the above. AI isnt smart enough to be able to avoid situations where you can knock them off like that (ps you can knock people off cliffs in pvp) so letting you just push them off cliffs would trivialize combat in many situations. Theres also the problem of pathing them back up to where they were if they dont die when they hit the ground. Also being able to simply teleport through jumping puzzles and such would just be silly.

3. Im pretty sure that you can transmute the looks of any armor or weapon even if its higher level. You cant use the stats obviously as a lvl 1 wearing lvl 80 gear would utterly trivialize content.

4. Sure why not? i never saw the appeal but it seems like something easy enough to implement to at the very least shut people up about it.

5. Eh…Sure?

6. Okay this has always annoyed me. Why do people think they need mounts? We can friggin teleport via waypoints, we all have swiftness in one way or another (2/3 of the classes that I main can keep it up perpetually) and unlike other MMOs there is almost no back and forth (and back and forth and back and forth…) to do quests (the only example of that being the Personal Story to a certain extent). With how this game is set up I really dont get the demand for mounts beyond “other MMOS are doing it”. Unless of course you’re talking about cosmetic mounts in which case, again, sure why not.

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


I was excited when I heard about the combo mechanic, and how GW2 would let you use the environment as a weapon, but ANet failed to deliver. Give waterfalls, rivers and ponds constant Water Fields. Give campfires and lit torches a Fire Field. Let us actually interact with the environment, instead of giving us “Environmental Weapons” that are, for the most part, useless save for comedic value or the occasional Renown Heart.

Yeah, please don’t do that.
Anet already clarified what they meant by using the environment long before the game released. If you were expecting otherwise, I say that’s on you for not looking into it. Its not that they failed to deliver, you just drew assumptions based on the small amount of information you collected on the game and were disappointed when your guess wasn’t right.

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ringinki.4382


1. In response to the exploiting of level geometry, it’s not even about the fact monsters cant get up to you but the very basic that because the monster is below you and you’re at a higher platform you just cant hit it. For example in the Catacomb dungeon when you fight the boss, you just go up the stairs and from their you were capable from attacking but now you cant; if the monsters follow you they too can easily walk up the stairs and attack you. Yet they prevent the use of that advantage. So I truly believe exploiting heights to your advantage is a must, it would also give particular classes great value in dungeons and so forth making every class useful in some form.
Example: An elementalist and a mesmer in a party go to a higher ground, mesmer can use their portal skill on the higher platform, jump down to the floor and gather a mob of enemies and then port back to the top and start farming. This is how old MMO’s used to work, find yourself a hell spawn that spawned mobs continuously and farm them, never used to have dungeons or any of those. And it makes the farming more enjoyable and XP would be shared with everyone in the group. If anyone here has ever heard of Pristontale not 2 but the first one, in the oasis there was a big boulder you can walk on and then start using your range skills on all the mobs bellow, occasionally you would have the smart AI sneak their way next to you and start attacking, and then you either try killing it or jump down below into the mobs and escape and shake them of your tail to do it again. All of this was fun.

2. About the jump puzzle bit, the skills dont have proper placements, for instance if I try using blink or some other form of teleport, the target will be below not flat ontop, so that in itself would prevent you from a successful teleport. Therefore still a fair game to have teleport be much more useful in jumps especially when you do an annoying tab jump but always manage to overstep on the next successful leap. These are all overlooked and make the use of these skills limited. Or when you are being chased by mobs or players in pvp and you try to escape by jumping off the cliff and teleport to the nearest land you see with your range rather than dieing, or you can jump and teleport back to the land you jumped from but say on the other side where it curves in your range, or you can target a wall and teleport to that location and drop to whatever is below it. All the possibilities with the teleport skills.

3. And for the removal of level requirements on armour, sure you will have players at low level wearing exotics or whatever but the balance comes from the level of the character since you need to level up to get traits, skill points for skills, and the dungeon restrictions. So really there isn’t that much of a problem with low levels running around with end game gears since they still wouldn’t have proper traits or skills on that point, maybe be just a bit tanky at most. However they will surely die if they try going to areas where monsters are like 3x their level so I still believe level requirement on the gears meeeh. And trasmutation items are no good, can you imagine how much you would be wasting because you will constantly be changing your armour at lower levels until you reach level 80, and there is only soo much transmutation circles you get aside from getting them from the TP.

(edited by Ringinki.4382)

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: melonLord.8712


1. I have no Idea which AC boss you’re talking about. Please specify. I dont see how your will to farm without risk of death (again, making the already easy combat simply trivial), makes this a must. I would also like to point out that if someone else starts combat and you are on higher ground, as long as your spell can reach them you can still attack mobs but if the person who originally aggroed them dies then the monster resets instead of trying to aggro to you. so its possible to have this high ground advantage you seek in many situations.

2. This sounds like some kinda bug you’re experiencing lol. Teleports are supposed to end at the end of the platform you’re jumping from. Unless you’re talking about teleporting upwards which would trivialize both Jumping puzzles AND many vistas. I don’t see what your argument is supposed to be for jumping puzzles. Its fair game because it could make hard parts easy? What?

3. You actually get a VERY significant amount of your stats from gear. You would be more than “tanky”, you would have stats of someone 2-3 times your level. Letting level 1’s walk around with 80 armor would make PvE triv-wait, I’m noticing a pattern here…

Im sorry but it really sounds like you just wanna find the easy paths (even if they border on being exploits) to just blow through content and are dissappointed that GW2 doesnt allow for them (not saying the game is hard but still).

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Obed.8093


they should also give the environment more interactivity.

I was excited when I heard about the combo mechanic, and how GW2 would let you use the environment as a weapon, but ANet failed to deliver. Give waterfalls, rivers and ponds constant Water Fields. Give campfires and lit torches a Fire Field. Let us actually interact with the environment


Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ringinki.4382


1. I have no Idea which AC boss you’re talking about. Please specify. I dont see how your will to farm without risk of death (again, making the already easy combat simply trivial), makes this a must. I would also like to point out that if someone else starts combat and you are on higher ground, as long as your spell can reach them you can still attack mobs but if the person who originally aggroed them dies then the monster resets instead of trying to aggro to you. so its possible to have this high ground advantage you seek in many situations.

2. This sounds like some kinda bug you’re experiencing lol. Teleports are supposed to end at the end of the platform you’re jumping from. Unless you’re talking about teleporting upwards which would trivialize both Jumping puzzles AND many vistas. I don’t see what your argument is supposed to be for jumping puzzles. Its fair game because it could make hard parts easy? What?

3. You actually get a VERY significant amount of your stats from gear. You would be more than “tanky”, you would have stats of someone 2-3 times your level. Letting level 1’s walk around with 80 armor would make PvE triv-wait, I’m noticing a pattern here…

Im sorry but it really sounds like you just wanna find the easy paths (even if they border on being exploits) to just blow through content and are dissappointed that GW2 doesnt allow for them (not saying the game is hard but still).

1. The final boss in AC who spits the minions and all, he recovers instantly and loses aggro regardless of who attacked it still existing. As for the risk of deaths, what I mentioned is to avoid death through other measures, called using things to your advantage, why settle for less? The main goal is to stay alive, no one does something to die, this isn’t trivial it’s a fact. People exploit their skills, and as a ranger or someone with far range attacks, you would best be to avoid close combat, thus higher platform. And playing necro or ele or mes, being squishy classes this is a great advantage to them and solo farming. There is nothing trivial there.

2. Skills again, no this isn’t making things easy but more fun, using skills through other means. They dont necessarily need to be for short cuts, as i mentioned. You can do a lot with teleporting on platforms that aren’t connect to the floor. Nothing trivial here either.

3. And as for gears, no you still would die when you go to higher levels. If you get killed going into a lvl 80 zones with end gear and you’re a level 80 character and still manage to die a lvl 3 with end gear will die easily.

These changes dont make the game easier, it makes it more versatile rather then putting limitations.

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: AielloA.1629


Yeah, please don’t do that.
Anet already clarified what they meant by using the environment long before the game released. If you were expecting otherwise, I say that’s on you for not looking into it. Its not that they failed to deliver, you just drew assumptions based on the small amount of information you collected on the game and were disappointed when your guess wasn’t right.

So, apart from being an kittenhole to me about my lack of information gathering (I’ll freely admit that I didn’t do too much research into GW2 before it came out, other than races and classes, but there was no need to be a kitten about it), do you even have ANY valid reason to not do that?

ANet seemed to want us to use the environment as a weapon. As it is now, we can’t. I gave a suggestion on how to do that.

“We fight because we can. We win because we must.”

Valid Reason for Changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ringinki.4382


Agree with Aiello, they did sell the game as to use the environment as an advantage not just the new “combo” mechanic. This would be false advertisement not the lack of Aiellos reading up on the game.

I just read up that they also had nerfed AOE skills? Not sure how long this has been but that is sad… Especially since you can only manage to hit 5 people at max, not good for farming mobs, and really pathetic in WvW especially when you get ganked by more then 5 people which is usually the case… AOE should go back to their full potential as well as another suggestion to this game.

(edited by Ringinki.4382)