[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I added an quick mockup version of myself to the text how it could look like!

Rawr Mooseborne have designed a little example how that could look like… So, I didn’t find the time yet to design something by myself, so here is his version, that should give you an idea how it could work!

I would love to see something like this. As an Elementalist I often stick to the same weapon since it’s cumbersome to swap via inventory all the time.

Someone wanted a quick mockup? Anet would obviously come up with something nicer.
Set the weapons from a new tab in the hero panel: http://i.imgur.com/mRpnB.jpg
Choose the sets: http://i.imgur.com/aT6Vm.jpg

One could possibly also have small icons next to swap button near the skill bar, for easy access.

Thank you for that Rawr :-)


TL;DR? Just read the bold text! :-)

probably not every class is experiencing issues with too many weapons in the inventory and usability issues when talking about weapon changes out of combat, but at least my warrior would be thankful if he had more usability concerning weapon changes…

Currently you have to watch out for the specific weapon and make sure you put it in the right hand! And if you replace two 1-handed weapons with a 2-handed weapon, at least one of your 1-handed weapons is ending somewhere in your inventory and the next time you need it, you have to search it again or probably sold it at the next vendor by mistake!

So, I’m thinking about specific [weapon set] slots for each possible weapon combination that you could place your weapons in. This could be a own register in the hero menu just for all these weapon combinations (=sets) that your class is able to handle. (like http://i.imgur.com/7mwoo.jpg)
Then make those selectable like you select your utility skills out of combat (the little arrow above those skills). (like http://i.imgur.com/dQTc4.jpg)
Now, if you have placed weapons in (all) your [weapon set] slots, you could just click the little arrow (probably placed on top of the weapon swap icon) when you are out of combat and you get a pop-up with all possible weapon sets as icons (like the skill icons or so), exactly the same way like the utility skill pop-up is working! Select the weapon set of your choice and it replaces the currently activated weapon set…

Additional to that, if we would have those specific weapon sets, it would be great if the weapons wouldn’t take any place in the inventory as long as they are placed in those slots. But that would just be a little bonus! :-)

So, with both of this, you would have a more clean inventory and primary more usability!

Hope that was understandable and reasonable, if not, don’t hesitate to ask :-)


Side note:
For those that don’t know about what the warrior has to carry around for most flexibility:

2 axes (main-/off-hand)
2 swords (main-/off-hand)
2 maces (main-/off-hand)
1 shield (off-hand)
1 warhorn (off-hand)
1 hammer (2-handed)
1 greatsword (2-handed)
1 rifle (2-handed)
1 longbow (2-handed)
= 12 weapons you have to keep track of between all the other items in your inventory

Anyway, that isn’t the main part here, for me it was more the thing with the weapon changes out of combat and the usability for everyone, not just a single class!

(edited by Replect.3407)

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rage The Numbers.7943

Rage The Numbers.7943

I like your concept. I would further like to see a mock up. Everyone loves a good mock up!

I think that equiping that many weapons and getting it out of the inventory would be great and convenient idea.

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(edited by Rage The Numbers.7943)

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


This sounds like a very solid idea to me.
I just hit 80 on my Elementalist, and I have played about 90% of that time with a staff only.

There are 2 reasons why I did that.

1. To me using a staff on a caster seems the most natural, but I do like the other options as well.

2. The weapons swapping, I find it to be a chore to have to swap weapon on the character, unlike on my ranger.

I’m not saying the Elementalist should have weapons swapping like the ranger, but having to carry around the different types of weapons my character can use takes up allot of valuable inventory space, and that space is limited.

I would really like to see a system where I can put in the different weapons, not have then take up space in my inventory, and be able to swap them out when I feel like.
And the suggestion here is the best I have heard on the subject so far.

With the current system I eventually gave up carrying around the additional weapons and just went for the staff for these reasons

- I found it took too much space to carry them,
- I found it to be too much of a chore to swap them out when I wanted to do so.
- I found I accidentally sold those weapons on several occasions to a vendor and didnt notice until much later when I wanted to swap, at which point it was too late to buy them back.

In short I support this idea, its a sound idea and does not appear alter the current system in any way.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Requiem For Dawn.5284

Requiem For Dawn.5284

+1 for that
I find it very annoying to keep changing weapons in the H menu because double clicking sometimes won’t change weapons properly and drag&drop is a very slow mechanic

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


+1 for something this, for me, maybe just a 3rd and 4th “pair” and the ability to rotate through them instead of just swapping between A and B?

I very rarely like to us greatsword on my ranger, but a) carrying one all the time and b) swapping to it when I want to use it is just unnecessarily tedious for such a situational even. Right now, I’m forcing myself to use 1hs/horn even though I DESPISE the 1hs animation-lock just because it’s the highest damage output combo for the weapons I have. But there are situations when I’d rather us Axe/horn instead even in spite of the damage loss. But alas, since I’m a ranger I basically have to have a bow at all times so my option is stop, equip, go, finish whatever caused me to want to switch, then swap again manually.

Painful. And it wouldn’t be an issue if the animations didn’t suck so badly on 1hs.

And I’d like to suggest a “build swap” for traits and skills.

Just the ones you’ve unlocked already, I’m not talking about changing how your points are allocated in traits. For that, go pay your fee and change your stuff.

But I’d really like to have an easier way to add “muddy terrain” and switch from traps to signets when I’m in exploration mode on my ranger for example. I have the skills available, but it’s hit H, click traits, move to traits, select drop down, select drop down, select drop down, now switch to skills and/or change them one at a time in the hotkey bar. Then if I run into a combat situation (which WILL happen when exploring) it’s either a) have the “wrong” set of skills queued up and deal with it or b) run out of combat, reset, run back in again.


It’s not “hard” to do, but it’s irritating to HAVE to do it when I should be able to just have my “exploration build”, one click and go explore. And my “combat build” if I run into something that makes me want to kill.

I feel like I have to fight the UI and I really thought that was a no-no for ANet’s philosophy.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


Well, Derpinators words are probably more what build templates would look like, but in general I would really appreciate things that would make it easier to change weapons/traits out of combat!

But to be clear, I don’t want to see that stuff in sPvP, I think the build should be locked there anyway! Whatever, that is another topic…

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zilvoran.6254


Sounds like this would be a very promising concept, there are only so many times you can play ‘hunt that dagger’ before you think to yourself, sod it I’ll stick with a staff.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


Yeah, this way you could change your current active weapon set within a second without messing around with the inventory at all! Sure, just if you have your weapons placed in the specific weapon set slot, but this is something that the game can’t (or actually shouldn’t) do for you! :-)
And if it doesn’t take a slot in the inventory anymore, because you placed it in the weapon set slot of your choice, you don’t have to mess around with a probably full inventory and the “what was my weapon, and what was just fresh loot” stuff that happens.
And it would fit well into the overall usability of the UI in general, nothing out of the way with the little arrow on top of the weapon swap icon out of combat…

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

Out of Combat weapons swap for Engineeer and Elementalist are both very desirable to me.

I like applying this suggestion to all other classes as well simply for egalitarianism.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheVoodoo.4962


nice concept!
i would love to see this ingame

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: leftharted.7102



i understand elementalist and engineer not being able to swap mid fight, but i would like the ability to swap out of combat!!!

just like i already do, only this will speed up the entire process.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: illgot.1056


good idea, and better since I only need 2 daggers and 2 pistols, not 6 daggers and 6 pistols for the various combinations.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


Well, this (the leck of a user-friendly UI for weapon changes) bothers me every day a little bit more and more, if you are changing your weapons quite often depending on the situation, especially if I change from 2 one-handers to 1 two-hander… One of my one-handers gets placed somewhere in the inventory and if that is already kind of full, I have to search for it the next time and make sure that I don’t sell it at the next vendor.

It’s not the biggest problem ever actually, but if you do it quite often, it really starts to get annoying!

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rawr Mooseborne.1780

Rawr Mooseborne.1780

I would love to see something like this. As an Elementalist I often stick to the same weapon since it’s cumbersome to swap via inventory all the time.

Someone wanted a quick mockup? Anet would obviously come up with something nicer.
Set the weapons from a new tab in the hero panel: http://i.imgur.com/mRpnB.jpg
Choose the sets: http://i.imgur.com/aT6Vm.jpg

One could possibly also have small icons next to swap button near the skill bar, for easy access.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tharca.5176


This is a really good idea!
On my warrior i encounter exactly the problem as OP stated and with my elementalist its just a pain to switch weapons in the field between fights. So i usually just stick to the equipped set even if another set would be better for the fights ahead.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I had designed it quite different in my mind then what you came up with, but it’s certainly not that far away!

Your quick mockup is moving in the right direction! Well done…!

It’s currently hard to find time, but I always had in mind to create a visual example by myself!

So, are you ok if I take your example for the moment in my OP? :-)

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

I was also thinking that in addition to a graphical button to click, you could pull up the weapon swap menu with a double tap on your weapon swap key ( ` by default).

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kira.8695


Agree with the OP, this would be a wonderful fix.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I was also thinking that in addition to a graphical button to click, you could pull up the weapon swap menu with a double tap on your weapon swap key ( ` by default).

Well, this probably goes already quite far into detail, I just wanted to present the overall idea (that would fit in the UI in general) and hope that ArenaNet will come up with something like that :-)

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rawr Mooseborne.1780

Rawr Mooseborne.1780

So, are you ok if I take your example for the moment in my OP? :-)

Oh of course. I am not a fan of that specific layout myself, I just thought I’d visualize the idea. Anet would definitely come up with something better. :-)

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


So, are you ok if I take your example for the moment in my OP? :-)

Oh of course. I am not a fan of that specific layout myself, I just thought I’d visualize the idea. Anet would definitely come up with something better. :-)

Well, I’m not very talented, but this is kind of how I had it in mind, not very different, if at all!

Weapon set menu point: http://i.imgur.com/7mwoo.jpg
Weapon set selection: http://i.imgur.com/dQTc4.jpg

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackhand.3654


I really like this idea, but for Anet to make this good for them as well. Lets say that every character has one weapon set available, then each additional weapon set costs like 400 or 600 gems or something, that way Anet can get some profit from it. I am not sure if this was brought up but I think with each weapon set you can also reset your traits to match up with the weapons you choose. That way if you have a trait build set for Greatswords and rifles, switching to sword/shield and longbow combo doesn’t kitten you effectiviness wise.

“Wizards First Rule: People are stupid;
given proper motivation, almost
anyone will believe almost anything.”

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Very good concept indeed. They really need to add this in the game. I play a warrior and I always change weapon seats to develop different weapon master achievements alternatively

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407



Well, your suggestion wouldn’t work with what I had in mind, at least not that easy.

My suggestion includes that you have every single weapon combination in this weapon set menu… So, not just additional general weapon sets, actually weapon sets for each weapon combination that your class is able to handle… So, each weapon set menu would look different depending on the class!

But probably with a little tweaking ArenaNet could do something like this for gems… Anyway, that is something ArenaNet has to decide, I’m just hear for the idea in general!

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


As I change weapons a lot between fights, I could really use this.

This would also get rid of this annoying behavior when you switch to a 2h weapon while having 2 1h weapons equiped, an invisible bag and an equipment box: One weapon will go to the invisible bag, and the other all the way to the equipment box, and you have to look for the other weapon and put it back in the invisible bag, rearranging the inventory every time.

No exceptions!

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


Yeah, just yesterday I sold one of my 2 axes by mistake because of the fact that one axe moved into a inventory slot the day before yesterday when I swapped weapons!
I didn’t expect something I want to use in there and just realized it too late when I wanted to swap back two 2 axes again! What a mess…

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Johnny Whoa.8126

Johnny Whoa.8126

I would VERY MUCH like this. As a Ranger I always use three weapon sets at any given time, and I hate having to go into my inventory to swap them out. The only reason I don’t use FOUR is because that’s cumbersome enough.

In addition, I would love as an Engineer to be able to swap out to a different weapon set on the fly. Weapon kits are awesome and all, but I still would like another set up with standard weapons for when I don’t use a kit.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomgrin.8359


It is simple: your skills are determined by your equipped weapons. The game is about simplicity and flexibility being merged. More weapon options give flexibility. The elegance of the system is hampered by the inventory/equip mechanics. Time to update!

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


I love this idea!

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


It gets really tedious if you change weapons out of combat, especially if you un-equip your 2 one-handers for 1 two-hander. I’m doing that quite often now in WvW and it’s really a bothersome thing to do with the inventory.
And additional to that I see players doing that quite often now in sPvP for a quick swiftness or such things while running over the map… This should be locked anyway, but if they really want to keep it that way in sPvP, then please, give us a decent UI for that stuff! Hmpf…

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


It would be cool if they made a new npc (with a ui similar to the recipe discovery or forge) that combines 2 1h weapons into a set that takes 1 inventory slot so you can easily equip and unequip sets and give it the ability to use the same weapon in multiple sets. They could even add these to a new tab in the inventory or to the character panel.

If you want to upgrade one of the weapons in the set with a new one you would go to the new npc again and swap it and it will change it to the new weapon for all the sets that had the weapon you replaced in it. The npc could also have a remove weapon from sets option to completely remove a weapon from all sets so you can sell it.

They could make a new gemstore item for this so you start off with the ability to make 1 or 2 sets and pay 100 gems for each extra weapon set. Adding and swapping weapons in sets would cost gold depending on weapon level and/or quality. Removing weapons from a set would be free. Weapon sets would be hidden so they can’t be vendored or used at the forge until you remove the weapons from the set.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cotosh.4862


i, as an elementalist, share this pain.
let we switch off combat, but let we switch.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


That would still force you to mess around with the inventory, or did you mean something like that mixed with my suggestion?

In the meantime I’ve salvaged my next weapon (I sold one before) by accident, just because it was between my loot (because of replacing 2 one-handers with 1 two-hander it was placed there) after a dungeon run…

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: celsodantas.5970


I really think this idea ia must have. It’s really annoying having to find another weapon in my bag. I’d love to be able to pre-save some weapon set templates and change it out of combat.

it’s a really welcome idea. loved it.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


We additionally could have a separate weapon set menu for PvE/WvW and sPvP, so that you don’t have to mess around with your PvP-weapons in the inventory when creating your build, at least not that much.
Probably you could even have access to all weapons and runes/sigils/amulettes (the 0 glory equipment from the vendors) within that menu for sPvP, but I’m not sure if that is something that ArenaNet wants, if they want you to run to all the vendors by purpose when creating your build…

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


This is how I think it should be:

Weapons should have an equipment mode, like armor and town clothes.

  • First, remove the weapon slots from the usual equipment view.
  • Second, create a third inventory view ‘mode’ you activate with an icon next to the armor icon.
  • Activate the weapon view, and instead the armor lots, you get a list of all pairs of weapon equipment slots you have to the left, and slots for the water weapons to the right, using all space armors and accessories had. The stats would still appear in the same place on the same top-right position, the water weapon list under them starting from where the accessories were in armor view.
  • Also, in this view the ragdoll will have the combat idle animation (weapons in hand) instead the standing idle animation (weapons stored away).
  • Each weapon slot pair will have two chekboxes on each side: One selects the pair as primary, and the other as alternate set. Those two sets will move to the top of the list while selected, and go back to their own positions while not selected.
  • You’ll start with 5 pairs of ground weapon slots (+1 underwater lot per available weapon), and you’ll be able to get 5 more pairs of ground weapon slots with gems (125…200 gems should be enough) up to 4 times, up to 25 pairs of weapon slots (warriors need 21 to have all possible combinations but with 10 they’ll be able to keep 1 of each 2hand and offhand and either hand). To acquire 5 more slots, double click n the lock icon on the last set, just like with bank and bag slots.
  • If they ever add extra underwater weapons, extra underwater sots would be automatically added for free to all professions.
  • While out of combat, the weapon switch button would appear always, and the quick-switch command would always work (even if you are elementalist and engineer), letting all professions switch quickly the primary and secondary sets with each other while out of combat (primary becomes secondary and vice-versa), with the very short cooldown it has now for switching professions.
  • Also while out of combat, you’ll be able to right click the quick-switch button to show a quick panel similar to the pet selection panel, that shows all pairs of slots with weapons on them showing their item tooltips when the mouse hovers over them. Left click an icon to set the pair as current, right click one to set it as alternate weapon. The current primary set will have a border of one color and shape around it, and the other one a different color and shape (so they can be quickly recognized by those who are colorblind).
  • During combat, the quick switch button would disappear for professions that can’t switch weapons (elementalist and engineer); and for the rest, right clicking on it would have no effect, behaving like it already does now.
  • Switching to a slot pair that has only main hand or offhand will try to switch only that. For example, if you have two maces in one and switch to one that only has a shield, the offhand mace will be replaced by a shield, but the main hand mace will stay. But if you have a 2h weapon in one and offhand weapon in the other, the 2h will will be replaced by the offhand alone.
  • PvP equipment would not be affected and will look like it does now, as you are supposed to set your equipment in the Hearts and stick with that in combat.
No exceptions!

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


so let me try to understand it: it’s not a change in the weapon mechanics, just a quality of life change for people that carry multiple sets on the inventory? because if so, i back this up. being able to more easily replace any of my current sets when out of combat would remove some hassles.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

This is a great idea. I frequently switch weapon sets between combat to keep fighting from getting stale or adapt to a new situation. It’s annoying though to have to stop what you are doing, open the Hero panel and rummage around, find and place the new weapon sets, then close Hero panel. It’s cumbersome. In Guild Wars 1 we had 4 weapon sets readily available. It’s a step backward to restrict us to 2 in this manner. At least allow us to switch easily when not in combat.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khalisto.2615


I support this idea, there should be a UI change that would include a new window where we can store all appropriate profession specific weapons for us to change once we are out of combat instead of searching all over our bags for it. I believe GW1 had something similar, by pressing F1 and F2 you could swap to another weapon set, GW1 even had the option to save different types of “Build” and it even went further to actually link your build to a friend from any text window and he will see how exactly your profession was made up, even to the point of saving that build so he can load it up later and experience the same game style. GW1 had a ton of great ideas that I wish GW2 would adopt in the near future.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


I like the idea of having a setup for sets of weapons you use together to make it easier to swap out. Currently on my Ranger, I use a short bow, which I swap mid-combat to my ax/horn as the mobs get closer into my space. I carry around a long bow for those times I need more range and better aoe capabilities than my short bow offers. And I also carry around a torch when I want to use fire w/my ax throws.

I currently have to consider if I am going to use my long bow before I enter into combat in order to equip it in place of my short bow. Similarly I have to consider whether or not to use my torch instead of my horn with my ax.

This is annoying as I really hate to carry around several extra pieces of weapons just in case, as it clogs up my inventory.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


so let me try to understand it: it’s not a change in the weapon mechanics, just a quality of life change for people that carry multiple sets on the inventory?

Overall that is my goal…
In combat, there wouldn’t be any difference.
Out of combat, you would most likely have a much better experience when talking about weapon changes and inventory management (because the weapons in those weapon sets wouldn’t take any space in the inventory anymore)!

(edited by Replect.3407)

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I’m still annoyed when I change from 2 one-hander weapons to a two-hander, especially when my inventory is already quite full with loot… It’s really easy to loose track of that 1 one-hander that gets placed somewhere in your inventory then, with the potential risk to sell/salvage it because you forget that it’s between your actual loot later on if you get involved in something before you have been able to move it back to your other weapons bag…

(edited by Replect.3407)

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I know that this is off topic, but this is the second thread that just ran into an issue with the URL…

If I select the thread in the suggestion area, I get moved to: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Weapon-set-slots-for-each-weapon-combination-changing-out-of-combat/page/2#post542705 I just get an empty thread with that… And likely everyone.
Change the URL to
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Weapon-set-slots-for-each-weapon-combination-changing-out-of-combat/page/1#post542705 and it is working…

That happend with the first thread with that behavior until there really was a 2nd page…

(edited by Replect.3407)

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


I can confirm that changing the #2 to#1 works …wish they would just fix this issue. We should not have to be technicians to view or browse threads on their webpages.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


I liked how in the original gw we had 4 weapon sets we could place on our UI that we could we could just click on. I am actually suprised they didn`t go with that same system since there is more weapon variety here then in the original. I`d like to see the 4 slot UI tabs brought back.

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MeneerZondervan.5943


@Replect.3407: This issue is known, they are working on it. You should read this post regarding this issue.

I definately like this idea, would indeed be handy for Elementalists.
But it can also have a reason why there are no sets (for Elementalists).
It was intentional to make Elementalists unable to swap their weapons, so why would they make sets for it?
If we’ll have to go for full sets (armor & weapons):
I don’t use multiple armors on my character(s) so there’s, in this case, no need for sets.

(edited by MeneerZondervan.5943)

[Weapon set] slots for each weapon combi (out of combat)

in Suggestions

Posted by: exionn.8152


good idea, or they could just enable macros and extra icon slots.