Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!
in Suggestions
Posted by: Madsalty.6570
- Make waypoint travel free for all points in a given zone once the zone is 100% completed.
- Allow Karma to be converted into coin. X amount of Karma can be converted to X amount of copper, etc..
- Provide more data on TP for those looking to attempt to craft for profit. People who max a crafting skill can offer a service to those who have yet to max it. There is a problem with the current TP in that it does not show the seller what is selling. A simple rank column (as in popularity/number transactions) for all TP items would be an easy solution. It’s good for buyer and seller to know how popular an item is. Only knowing how many are available does not provide this data.
- Seed the Gems to coin rate to match to going price, set by the gold seller sites. This will not be popular. However, the gold selling market is not going away. For every gold farmer banned, 2 more pop up. The only way to deal with this problem, is to marginalize their efforts by making it, so they can’t compete. As long as there is a demand for buying gold, there will always be service to supply that demand. It might as well be Arena Net!
- Refund all who purchased the Commander’s Compendium and require the book to be purchased by Badges of Honor instead. This will make it so that people actually have to have a large amount of WvW experience in order to become commanders.
- Allow us to specify the supersampling resolution we want to use internally instead of just giving one option.
- Allow for more customization in crafting. Allow higher level Insignias to be paired with lower level gear to create better low level gear. Allow low level Insignias to be paired with higher level Insignias to make better level 80 gear. Allow each race to have their own unique recipes, only purchasable by said race, to create some uniqueness.
- When you are defeated, add a “Black Out” option. If picked, you wake up in the nearest uncontested settlement, and a small fee (what you’d usually pay to travel to a Waypoint) is taken from your money if you have any.
- Add a “Reset” option that could reset: Achievements and Story Mode.
- Add a Barber Shop or allow people to recustomize their avatar for X amount of crystals.
- Preview gear and weapons on the trading post.
- Allow Badges of Honor to be treated as currency to buy PVP type of gear.
- Add a token collection tap in the bank. They clutter up the inventory.
- Let us know who the party leader is and let us transfer leadership if possible.
- Option to sell back karma gear and weapons, dungeon armor and weapons if the wrong item was bought by accident.
- Add a LFG and Trade channel.
- Add a notification when an item sells on the trading post.
- Add First person perspective.
- Add the trading post fee to the total selling value rather than having to manually do it.
- Add difficulty options to dungeons and adjust the rewards accordingly.
- Add a dungeon finder that is cross server, and cross regional servers as well.
- Add target to target option. We should be able to see HP of mobs as numbers and in %.
- Add option to see own name and HP bar
- Give us the ability to duel other players.
- Add raiding dungeons sometime in the future. 10man, 20man, etc.
- Add 2 more skill slots on our bar, increasing it from 10 to 12. One unlocks at 40, the other at 80. Allow us to put any skill in those slots, including mini pets.
- Mail / Trading: Remember last person sent to; COD (Cash on Delivery); Player to player trading in person