Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!

Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Madsalty.6570



  • Make waypoint travel free for all points in a given zone once the zone is 100% completed.
  • Allow Karma to be converted into coin. X amount of Karma can be converted to X amount of copper, etc..
  • Provide more data on TP for those looking to attempt to craft for profit. People who max a crafting skill can offer a service to those who have yet to max it. There is a problem with the current TP in that it does not show the seller what is selling. A simple rank column (as in popularity/number transactions) for all TP items would be an easy solution. It’s good for buyer and seller to know how popular an item is. Only knowing how many are available does not provide this data.
  • Seed the Gems to coin rate to match to going price, set by the gold seller sites. This will not be popular. However, the gold selling market is not going away. For every gold farmer banned, 2 more pop up. The only way to deal with this problem, is to marginalize their efforts by making it, so they can’t compete. As long as there is a demand for buying gold, there will always be service to supply that demand. It might as well be Arena Net!
  • Refund all who purchased the Commander’s Compendium and require the book to be purchased by Badges of Honor instead. This will make it so that people actually have to have a large amount of WvW experience in order to become commanders.
  • Allow us to specify the supersampling resolution we want to use internally instead of just giving one option.
  • Allow for more customization in crafting. Allow higher level Insignias to be paired with lower level gear to create better low level gear. Allow low level Insignias to be paired with higher level Insignias to make better level 80 gear. Allow each race to have their own unique recipes, only purchasable by said race, to create some uniqueness.
  • When you are defeated, add a “Black Out” option. If picked, you wake up in the nearest uncontested settlement, and a small fee (what you’d usually pay to travel to a Waypoint) is taken from your money if you have any.
  • Add a “Reset” option that could reset: Achievements and Story Mode.
  • Add a Barber Shop or allow people to recustomize their avatar for X amount of crystals.
  • Preview gear and weapons on the trading post.
  • Allow Badges of Honor to be treated as currency to buy PVP type of gear.
  • Add a token collection tap in the bank. They clutter up the inventory.
  • Let us know who the party leader is and let us transfer leadership if possible.
  • Option to sell back karma gear and weapons, dungeon armor and weapons if the wrong item was bought by accident.
  • Add a LFG and Trade channel.
  • Add a notification when an item sells on the trading post.
  • Add First person perspective.
  • Add the trading post fee to the total selling value rather than having to manually do it.
  • Add difficulty options to dungeons and adjust the rewards accordingly.
  • Add a dungeon finder that is cross server, and cross regional servers as well.
  • Add target to target option. We should be able to see HP of mobs as numbers and in %.
  • Add option to see own name and HP bar
  • Give us the ability to duel other players.
  • Add raiding dungeons sometime in the future. 10man, 20man, etc.
  • Add 2 more skill slots on our bar, increasing it from 10 to 12. One unlocks at 40, the other at 80. Allow us to put any skill in those slots, including mini pets.
  • Mail / Trading: Remember last person sent to; COD (Cash on Delivery); Player to player trading in person

Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Madsalty.6570



  • Future upgrades:
    - Mounts
    - Diplomacy/Reputation system similar to Vanguard Saga of Heroes.
    - Alternate Advancement system at level 80, to help create unique avatars.
    - Player Housing. Guild Halls; allow Guild Halls to be upgraded into mini cities. Offering their own custom gear, quests, etc..
    - Skirmishes / Chronicles at level 80.
  • WvW Major Overhaul:
    - The ability to donate for upgrades instead of having one person purchase the entire thing. A bar can appear showing how much has been donated before the upgrade is purchased.
    - Reward players who have purchased or donated for said upgrade with experience once said upgrade is completed.
    - Allow players to queue up for all WvW zones at the same time.
    - Give an estimated queue time
    - Reward points for killing other players, for example 1 or 2 points.
    - Reward points for reviving players.
    - Create a WvW overflow server. Give all players, from all servers an option to join the overflow server. Automatically place said player on either Blue, Red or Green team. Instead of points acquired; Experience, Badges of Honor and karma can be acquired while playing in the overflow server.
    - Create a curve system. For example is Server A has 100 people and Server B has 80 people, then when Server B captures a point, structure, etc., gets a 20% bonus in points. Also server B gets a 20% point increase to all their structures they currently hold.
    - Allow two sides to create a temporary ceasefire agreement to last 3, 6, 12, or 24 hours. Can be tied into my diplomacy idea, see above!
  • Add crafting gear to the game similar to Vanguard. Crafting gear gives special bonuses. Allow players to obtain recipes to make said gear or better gear. Create a new trade profession called Siege Weapons. Allow this profession to make siege weapons blueprints to be used in WvW.
  • Add more clothing items to the store, to be bought with gems. Level lock all bags and add bags to the store to be purchased with gems. For example, if at level 10 I can make a ten slot bag, then at the same level, I should be able to purchase a 20 slot bag for gems.
  • Show other servers population in numbers, activity level of said players, broken down by hour. Also show the server guild information and WvW queue times. This will help us when making a decision on what server to transfer to.

Thanks for your time and thank you Arena Net for making a fun MMO that is unique and has great potential! Let’s hope!

Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draeka.5941


Trolly title is trolly….

But in all seriousness, a few of these won’t even help the game. For instance, requiring that Commanders pay in badges means that certain classes (i.e., Guardian) that do poorly at racking up the badges means that ranged-proficient classes (Ranger) will dominate the scene. I would say require a payment of karma, rather than badges.

Also, allowing for a conversion of karma to gold is ridiculous, considering that there is no “gold booster” currently in-game, unless you count the broken magic find as such. Adding in this conversion makes inflation highly likely, and thus defeat the entire (presumed) purpose of the system.

The only thing ANET has to worry about with gems is making sure that the conversion rate is not high enough to cause a significant gold loss on recipes utilizing the mystic stones. By pegging the exchange rate to third parties, ANET is giving up a significant amount of control over the ingame economy, which is very, very bad. They are, so far, intent on limiting inflation across the economy (see: mystic chests), so I see no need for such a system. If someone is selling/buying gold, ban them. Perhaps get a bit more aggressive at it, but banning is the best option. Don’t give horrible people who don’t care about the state of the game more power than can be helped.

And really, just harkening back to GW1, I’m perfectly fine with the limited skillbar. Elite skills need to be tweaked a bit more, methinks, but there’s no reason to add more skill slots on the bar. It would only serve to make balancing even harder, which, again pointing to GW1’s numerous false-steps, is something to be avoided. New skills and tweak old ones, don’t add in more slots.

Most of the other things I mostly agree with; for some reason, companies don’t seem to understand that when you include new currencies, it’s best to make them not take up inventory space. Dungeon tokens and badges need to be either bankable or treated like money/karma currently is. Agree on new items to the store, more dungeons etc etc…but since the game is still relatively new, I think I’ll sit back and see what they have in store.

Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arius.7031


Trolly title is trolly….

But in all seriousness, a few of these won’t even help the game. For instance, requiring that Commanders pay in badges means that certain classes (i.e., Guardian) that do poorly at racking up the badges means that ranged-proficient classes (Ranger) will dominate the scene. I would say require a payment of karma, rather than badges

While I feel for guardians, the bigger picture is more important here. Karma is not restricted to WvW, making it Karma would allow people who have never done WvW to become Commanders, which is possibly detrimental to the server and in my opinion people who haven’t done WvW don’t deserve the title. Yes, commander can be used in PvE, but it’s almost entirely useless in that setting. It’s very important to WvW, and can really harm a server if too many people get it (not to mention we don’t want billions of commanders running around).

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

  • No thanks
  • Maybe x to y and y to x amounts, I don’t think 1 karma=1 copper in value; maybe a 50 karma=1copper, but only to keep the chance of inflation low (and similarly, 1 copper=10 karma, to prevent easily obtaining karma items)
  • Not really sure what you’re asking here…
  • No no no no no no no. Do not cater to gold selling sites. Bad idea is horribad. Third party groups should be avoided when basing game stuff. Especially gold selling-related things seeing how thats a bannable offense in the first place.
  • No, per point made by Draeka
  • Not sure what’s being asked here…
  • First: Better low level gear? Pass. Using low level gear skins for high level gear skins? Sure. Even better high level gear? Pass. Race-specific recipies? No – Anet’s made it a firm point to make races equal, or as equal as possible, so that would go against Anet’s philosophy on the matter.
  • Why? What benefit does this have? None. Just select the waypoint you want – as almost every settlement has a waypoint anyways.
  • No point for achievements, not helpful with story (I’d rather have a “repeat mission” button added to the Story panel in the Hero window)
  • Yes, except the crystals part? Surely you mean gemstones?
  • Yes! A preview option for the trading post is definitely a good thing, and the only real good suggestion you’ve given thus far.
  • Don’t PvP enough to comment.
  • Sure, why not. Could also use a Crafting Component box for the things you make from crafting before the actual item
  • As far as I can tell, there is no party leader. Except when going into instances in which it’s a case of “instance owner” and not “party leader.”
  • No complaints, not really needed though. People should be careful when buying dungeon reward items.
  • No point in either – you can simply LFG in /map and there’s no trading in GW2 (it’s all done via trade post) so a trade chat is 100% pointless.
  • No need.
  • Yes please – first person perspective is something I feel is really lacking in GW2.
  • Eh…
  • Nah.
  • Not sure the purpose of this is – perhaps because I don’t play other MMOs often enough.
  • Unnecessary but not harmful.
  • Completely pointless – we can always see our own health, why do we need to see our own name exactly?
  • Eh…
  • No. No no no. Why no? Because no. Well, really, because I prefer the balance and tactical value of the current dungeons. When folks zerg, things get relatively boring, especially when things are designed for zerging – I don’t want something that has 10,000,000,000 health just to withstand 20 players. I’ve never felt the interest in raiding dungeons. And this goes moreso since GW2 is more about effects in their skills than any other games, thus there’s more particles per person, therefore more lag with more people faster.
  • …What’s the point of this exactly? There is none. And it messes with the balance the game has set up already. Far more work for the benefit of: nothing.
  • Eh; unnecessary; TP is good enough.
  • Future updates:
    • No thanks, don’t need mounts.
    • Eh…
    • Eh…
    • Unneeded; Could be useful – but I’d rather have Guild Airships; guild halls into minis cities? No thanks, not in a persistent world; there’s already guild armor and weapons, quests don’t exist in GW2.
    • shrug
  • Gonna ignore WvW pointers, don’t WvW enough to care
  • Sounds like you want Guild Wars 2 to be Vanguard 2. I don’t want “special bonuses” to things – and it won’t happen. There’s a reason why Legendaries are only about cool affects, so unless those “special bonuses” are to appearances, then don’t want.
  • More gemstore items are going to be added irregardless, so no point in suggesting such; I don’t want bags to be forced to purchase via the gemstore – it’s pointless nerfing to crafting.
  • Probably a bit too hard to do.

While I feel for guardians, the bigger picture is more important here. Karma is not restricted to WvW, making it Karma would allow people who have never done WvW to become Commanders, which is possibly detrimental to the server and in my opinion people who haven’t done WvW don’t deserve the title. Yes, commander can be used in PvE, but it’s almost entirely useless in that setting. It’s very important to WvW, and can really harm a server if too many people get it (not to mention we don’t want billions of commanders running around).

I’d agree except for the fact that commanders are not only for WvW, but for directing larger groups in PvE as well.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!

in Suggestions

Posted by: FallenAdvent.5904


Never, Ever go as low as Gold Farming sites. I love some of your ideas, But that one in particular is horrid.

Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arius.7031


Konig Des Todes,

Eh, the problem are these:

1. Nobody really cares about commanders in PvE. It’s not like PvE needs directions anyway.
2. People really really care if you’re a commander in WvW. The masses need a leader, all it takes is a blue symbol above your head and you’re suddenly a general of a massive zerg.
3. Karma is easily farm-able outside of PvP

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Went from: This game is AWESOME to, ehh, maybe come back in a Year!

in Suggestions

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Some decent points, some horrid ones too.

Karma to gold conversion? Are you kittens kidding me? Sounds to me like you really have a hard time getting gold.

“Black out” option when downed really kills the idea of downed/defeated. It works like it does for a reason.

Free travel in zones you have completed? Why, what sense does that make? It’s not like its expensive to travel. It’s on of those things that only lazy people bicker about. All it would do would make farming faster, they want us to experience the zones i.e running between trees and nodes. I prefer how it is. I could see them allowing us to set 1 homepoint that is free to travel too. Thats enough with the currently free system to travel to Lion’s Arch.

Also no, A-net should NOT give into the gold farmer prices. What happens outside the game is not important for those that play the game fairly.

And the commander change wouldnt help, not in that way. Some ranking system in WvW would be the only way to go, something that was even for all classes.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.