What's killing the game, and possible solutions

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaGe.9834


I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, in fact I expect to see a lot of “just suck it up”s but these are the issues that bug me about this GAME and ones that I’ve seen people directly (or for some issues, indirectly) complain about. Most of these issues are in direct conflict with one another, fix one you’ve probably fixed 2 or 3 others most of these are merely tweaking the numbers tweak a few numbers and problems are solved, also I’m not going to talk about balance that’s very well known, and I get it, it’s hard to pick out and the meta has to settle first so I’m gonna deal with the main issues that have ‘real’ fixes.

A huge one, and one I’ve seen in other MMO’s and hated it, this is why.
It’s too subdivided, it forces me to do things that I may not necessarily want to do, because tokens force me to do a single dungeon, fine you want me to do a single dungeon for an armor set, make it so that finishing one path opens up certain pieces for gold to buy them or finishing all 3 paths opens up the vendor just don’t force me to run the same dungeon some 4-18 times for 1 piece (armor or weapons) this then follows with…

It’s a game let us do what we want, without being forced!
because of diminishing returns I’m punished for doing things that I do want to do I’ll use for example Ascalon Catacombs (AC) lets say I like this dungeon, first run 60 tears, 2nd run 20 tears… 1/3 of the reward just because i want to do the same path twice in one day, Yes I get it, you want me to explore other stuff, that’s fine but don’t punish me a huge amount for it why not…. 50 tears or even less 40 and have it stabilize at that so that instead of having to move on because I get no reward I’m merely encouraged but not REQUIRED, so if I want to play the dungeon a second time, I can get appropriately rewarded, or if I want to farm an event chain I can, I get that this is to prevent cheating and exploiting systems so fine reduce the rewards, just don’t drop those numbers to 1/3, 1/5 or -.- 1/10 like I said earlier cut it appropriately so that I’m encouraged to move but not forced.

Scaling rewards
When we move to a lower level area, our level is reduced to keep the content “relevant” so why then, aren’t the rewards. If we want to go fight off that big centaur attack on Shaemoor garrison, let me and let me be rewarded appropriately, this will encourage those dead zones outside of Orr, the dungeons and WvW to be alive because people will have something to do there other than

(this is the only one that I don’t know how to fix other than providing a way to get crafting materials much much easier, or making a buff so if you have a lvl 80 you’re experience gain is doubled/tripled across the board)
I’m sorry but I came from gw1 and quite honestly when you said “we’re going to remove the grind” I hoped like gw1… it would take me 3-5 days (~20-40 hours) as oppose taking me 80hours (or 80 hours worth of grinding for that gold that’s just ridiculously hard to get because of…

Gold Sinks
(this is only necessary IF the economy isn’t converged, if you do that keep these values as they are, except waypoints get rid of that)
Are fine, they make the economy go, but there’s a few too many from the tax on the TP, to the cost for waypoints (I’m not going to lie I hate this one it NEEDS to go, or at the very least needs to be cut to 1/10th) to armor repairs, gathering tools, to salvage kits, they’re just a bit too prevalent they make the game more like real life, I can either walk to my friends house 4 km away or I can drive and pay for the gas, and the insurance. It’s a video game I want to play walking AND paying take away from my fun time if it was 30 copper instead of 3 silver it would be fine and I assure you, you would not have a sudden economy collapse.

No dungeon finder
We know you can do it, it would be an amazing addition that would take away from us wasting time trying to find teams and let us actually play the game -.-

-Remove waypoint cost (seriously it’s absolute bs and makes everyone angry, I’m not kittening kidding)
-Add dungeon finder
Plus one of the following:
-Combine the fractured economy(tokens, karma, gold) into 1 or 2 (gems & glory are excluded)
-Remove or at least limit diminishing returns
-Scale rewards(up) as well as levels in lower level areas
-Find a way to (Severely) reduce leveling time for alt characters(require 1, 2 or even 3 characters to beat Final boss before) I don’t care if it costs 4000 gems/ea (hint hint)

What are you a jock?…. get out, This is nerd landia, where nerds gather!

(edited by RaGe.9834)

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Things I agree with that need changing:

No Dungeon finder
DR’s in the open world. (Dungeons I’m not so worried about, but when you’re trying to farm common items like leather from enemies that should have leather in abundance and you can’t because it stops you after the fifth or sixth kill then it becomes a serious issue. There is no skinning so what are we supposed to do?)
Scaling Rewards: (You said you wanted us to explore the world well, when we are in a level 30 zone and we happen across a champion with a chest, give us the level 75-80 rewards for finding that chest.)
Economy: To me the dungeon tokens aren’t the issue, it’s charging people gold for items that should cost Karma that’s the problem. Right now the racial armors and the runes of holding cost enormous amounts of gold, it’s not economical to buy gems and convert them to buy these items, why are these costing gold when this isn’t a good system of getting gold in the first place?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaGe.9834


Economy: To me the dungeon tokens aren’t the issue, it’s charging people gold for items that should cost Karma that’s the problem.

Perhaps make it optional? They do it with PvP armor anyway so why not with other things?
What about as someone else suggested,
Gear Set Swapping
They already essentially do this for pvp, maybe let us have this option for pve? what about WvW too?
and while we’re at it lol
Make it so we can change these free of cost, that was one thing I loved about GW1 and HATED in games like WoW (which was a horrible game, sry wowfans but ur game sucked)

What are you a jock?…. get out, This is nerd landia, where nerds gather!

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: LemonTwist.7983


I completely agree with up scaling drops/chests in lower lvl areas hands down as an 80 running around Queensdale with a friends new alt or something I want to be rewarded with items I could really use or scrap from mats.

The waypoint issue I wouldn’t go as far as free, but scale it to have a set cost based on distance from said waypoint and the lvl range of that area or even make it like the cities as long as you’re in the area its free, but to port there thats when you’ll pay.

Epic skins for Engineer kits and/or turrets: it doesn’t matter how sick my pistols look when I’m all most always running around with my grenades and flamethrower I’d just like a way to look a tad awesome when using said skills.

Also since launch its been irking me… where oh where are the 2h axes?

Went from TF2 to GW2 Engineer… not much of an adjustment :p

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaGe.9834


Epic skins for Engineer kits and/or turrets: it doesn’t matter how sick my pistols look when I’m all most always running around with my grenades and flamethrower I’d just like a way to look a tad awesome when using said skills.

Also since launch its been irking me… where oh where are the 2h axes?

Maybe have the skins of the turrets/kits change from weapon to weapon? although that would require a huge artsy change that I don’t want to force on them, it’s a good idea though maybe a cool expansion for later?
2h axes could just be a couple greatsword or hammer skins tbh, no real game mechanics needed? I like axes as much as the next guy, but I’m not sure how a completely new weapon would affect the games balance either way good suggestion as well.
as for waypoints, I’m a gw1 player, I would definitely go straight down to free or at the absolute least 1/10th of what they currently are, I absolutely abhor the cost of waypoints. It’s not needed and serves no real purpose except as a goldsink or to waste play time, niether of which are needed!

What are you a jock?…. get out, This is nerd landia, where nerds gather!

(edited by RaGe.9834)

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hateborne.7942



A huge one, and one I’ve seen in other MMO’s and hated it, this is why.
It’s too subdivided, it forces me to do things that I may not necessarily want to do, because tokens force me to do a single dungeon, fine you want me to do a single dungeon for an armor set, make it so that finishing one path opens up certain pieces for gold to buy them or finishing all 3 paths opens up the vendor just don’t force me to run the same dungeon some 4-18 times for 1 piece (armor or weapons) this then follows with…

What? I don’t understand where this was going. Sorry :-\

It’s a game let us do what we want, without being forced!
because of diminishing returns I’m punished for doing things that I do want to do I’ll use for example Ascalon Catacombs (AC) lets say I like this dungeon, first run 60 tears, 2nd run 20 tears… 1/3 of the reward just because i want to do the same path twice in one day, Yes I get it, you want me to explore other stuff, that’s fine but don’t punish me a huge amount for it why not…. 50 tears or even less 40 and have it stabilize at that so that instead of having to move on because I get no reward I’m merely encouraged but not REQUIRED, so if I want to play the dungeon a second time, I can get appropriately rewarded, or if I want to farm an event chain I can, I get that this is to prevent cheating and exploiting systems so fine reduce the rewards, just don’t drop those numbers to 1/3, 1/5 or -.- 1/10 like I said earlier cut it appropriately so that I’m encouraged to move but not forced.

There are a few reasons for this one that one could theorize.

  1. Exploit Farming
  2. Other Player’s Opinions
  3. Content (a.k.a Dev’s Feelings)

1) If a dungeon has any exploit available (i.e. complete in half time through geometry exploits), it gets exploited to hell and devs knee-jerk crucify the rest of the player base. If a dungeon is completed in a MUCH shorter time, it becomes WoW in the sense that everyone just chain farms the fastest dungeon for rewards. Why bother doing the others if you just want tokens and DungeonABC takes 15min less than the rest?

2) Maybe you LOVE the dungeon AC. Maybe it is just the greatest thing in the world for you, but Bob and Sarah want to do Arah (different paths). This may affect the desire for others to group on other dungeons as everyone may get in the groove of farming one or two dungeons indefinitely (or until certain rewards are earned). Also, see number 1.

3) The developers spent PLENTY of time working on content. It would likely hurt their feelings if you didn’t at least show it some love. Even just a wipe once in awhile.

Scaling rewards
When we move to a lower level area, our level is reduced to keep the content “relevant” so why then, aren’t the rewards. If we want to go fight off that big centaur attack on Shaemoor garrison, let me and let me be rewarded appropriately, this will encourage those dead zones outside of Orr, the dungeons and WvW to be alive because people will have something to do there other than

Why bother leaving the zone (or even the place you are currently standing)? If the rewards scaled, it makes it 10x easier for people to do nothing and be rewarded for it. Hell, I could build a working macro using just the Quick Macro feature on my keyboard. Botting aside, generally the zones get harder. The point of harder content is to force the player to adapt and improve. If a player spends 80 levels in the first three zones, when it comes to Arah (or something equally fast-paced), he/she is going to be ABSOLUTELY worthless. Spending so long in lower areas, their skill and understanding of the game is probably significantly lower than one who has…say…played through the zones in order. :-)

(this is the only one that I don’t know how to fix other than providing a way to get crafting materials much much easier, or making a buff so if you have a lvl 80 you’re experience gain is doubled/tripled across the board)
I’m sorry but I came from gw1 and quite honestly when you said “we’re going to remove the grind” I hoped like gw1… it would take me 3-5 days (~20-40 hours) as oppose taking me 80hours (or 80 hours worth of grinding for that gold that’s just ridiculously hard to get because of…

Leveling isn’t bad. City of Heroes was bad. Warhammer Online was really bad. Everquest was horrific (but still bloody fun). I understand that it may seem slow, but take your time and enjoy the view. If you don’t, you are going to rush to 80, complain about lack of content, and likely quit.

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hateborne.7942



Gold Sinks
(this is only necessary IF the economy isn’t converged, if you do that keep these values as they are, except waypoints get rid of that)
Are fine, they make the economy go, but there’s a few too many from the tax on the TP, to the cost for waypoints (I’m not going to lie I hate this one it NEEDS to go, or at the very least needs to be cut to 1/10th) to armor repairs, gathering tools, to salvage kits, they’re just a bit too prevalent they make the game more like real life, I can either walk to my friends house 4 km away or I can drive and pay for the gas, and the insurance. It’s a video game I want to play walking AND paying take away from my fun time if it was 30 copper instead of 3 silver it would be fine and I assure you, you would not have a sudden economy collapse.

The cost of waypoints is crap. World of Warcraft had some brutal travel costs. Add on the fact that one needed to first find the nearest travel destination, then pay the toll, then watch the flight animation. The fact that it’s less than 5 silver to cross the game doesn’t give me reason to worry. I’m a facerolling guardian that constantly blows money on making ANOTHER exotic set of armor…yet I always have the money for waypoints. If they are getting too expensive, you are using them FAR too often. Try walking a little bit (like you mention later in this paragraph) instead of ‘driving’ everywhere.

The repair costs are always trivial. I am only in full exotics right now, so maybe I am missing out on some high dollar repair costs. I don’t know if the full karma or some other set costs a ton yet, but it’s not expensive yet.

Gathering Tools are fine as they are the balancing agent by letting a player have ALL the gathering skills in the game. If they are too expensive for you, use level appropriate tools (i.e. not use Ori tools in a 1-15 zone).

Salvage Kits are not required. You take them up to breakdown gear and increase the likelihood of getting crafting materials to speed your progression. If you are aiming for the Globs, then it gets a bit pricey but only in the sense that you are destroying rares for a chance at Globs. If you are salvaging every single item you find, that may be part of your problem. Try selling everything except those you ABSOLUTELY need (i.e. 76+ rares).

As for the wanting to do this and that, …no. I want my Guardian to have a ranged weapon that isn’t trash, but we can’t all get what we want.

Lastly on gold sinks, they are a necessary evil and part of what drives us to continue playing. If a player were to cap out in a week (level), then gear up in another…why would said player continue playing? Assuming the player has nothing better to do, he/she could buy up three character slot expansions, level every class, gear every class, and be done with the game in less than 4 months. Albeit that is an absurd amount of effort, the journey to being a demi-god is the fun part. If you are just handed goodness, what is there to strive for? (And, on a petty note, look at what that mentality has done for WoW)

No dungeon finder
We know you can do it, it would be an amazing addition that would take away from us wasting time trying to find teams and let us actually play the game -.-

Aww, hell. You got me. I agree here. Point awarded.


What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: marianitten.1247


“diminishing returns I’m punished” LOL.. are you from the past?

> -Remove waypoint cost (seriously it’s absolute bs and makes everyone angry, I’m not kittening kidding)
Lol WHAT? That Is CHEAP. You have a instant teleport.. to ANY PLACE, with no TIME…. and you complain? With 1-3 DE you can have your silvers agains.

> -Add dungeon finder
I agree with that. But not the WoW DF.

> -Combine the fractured economy(tokens, karma, gold) into 1 or 2 (gems & glory are excluded)
NO. If you want the dungeon stuff, do dungeons.

-Remove or at least limit diminishing returns
> Just go to another place…

-Scale rewards(up) as well as levels in lower level areas
> Nope.. if they do that.. how you will get low level mats? Use good magic find gear.. a lot of lvl 80 gear is dropped already.

-Find a way to (Severely) reduce leveling time for alt characters(require 1, 2 or even 3 characters to beat Final boss before) I don’t care if it costs 4000 gems/ea (hint hint)
- Lol.. this is hillarious… leveling in this game is one of the most easy thing to do.

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaGe.9834


What? I don’t understand where this was going. Sorry :-\

Ok I’ll explain, after being a gw1 player for as long as I played it, I view this economy as broken, it’s more of a WoW-like economy which was blatantly kittened having a singular economy means that money from everywhere is useful and you don’t see things like “oh karma is useless” you instead see, ok it takes me 3 hours to make 1g 12s therefore to get this piece of armor it would take me 12 hours and concise singular economy eliminates pointless complexity which doesn’t contribute to the overall game experience.

There are a few reasons for this one that one could theorize.

  1. Exploit Farming
  2. Other Player’s Opinions
  3. Content (a.k.a Dev’s Feelings)

1) If a dungeon has any exploit available (i.e. complete in half time through geometry exploits), it gets exploited to hell and devs knee-jerk crucify the rest of the player base. If a dungeon is completed in a MUCH shorter time, it becomes WoW in the sense that everyone just chain farms the fastest dungeon for rewards. Why bother doing the others if you just want tokens and DungeonABC takes 15min less than the rest?

2) Maybe you LOVE the dungeon AC. Maybe it is just the greatest thing in the world for you, but Bob and Sarah want to do Arah (different paths). This may affect the desire for others to group on other dungeons as everyone may get in the groove of farming one or two dungeons indefinitely (or until certain rewards are earned). Also, see number 1.

3) The developers spent PLENTY of time working on content. It would likely hurt their feelings if you didn’t at least show it some love. Even just a wipe once in awhile.

I’m not talking about exploit farming that makes the dungeon go faster I’m talking about the diminishing returns from multiple runs I also suggested keeping it but as the example was given a lesser degree (eg. run 1, 60token, run 2, formerly 20tokens, now 40tokens)
Players opinions ARE factored in, in fact this was the main drive, if they want to do Arah and have more fun doing that, but if they want to have say CoF armor and they absolutely HATE doing CoF then why should they be forced to spend days and days doing something they regard as NOT fun.

Why bother leaving the zone (or even the place you are currently standing)? If the rewards scaled, it makes it 10x easier for people to do nothing and be rewarded for it. Hell, I could build a working macro using just the Quick Macro feature on my keyboard. Botting aside, generally the zones get harder. The point of harder content is to force the player to adapt and improve. If a player spends 80 levels in the first three zones, when it comes to Arah (or something equally fast-paced), he/she is going to be ABSOLUTELY worthless. Spending so long in lower areas, their skill and understanding of the game is probably significantly lower than one who has…say…played through the zones in order. :-)

I honestly doubt that would happen and even then, crafting directly contradicts your argument, a person with a large amount of real world money can buy all the crafting materials make it to lvl 80 and be as you said “worthless”, but considering your point perhaps leave the experience stable and scale only the monetary incentives?

Leveling isn’t bad. City of Heroes was bad. Warhammer Online was really bad. Everquest was horrific (but still bloody fun). I understand that it may seem slow, but take your time and enjoy the view. If you don’t, you are going to rush to 80, complain about lack of content, and likely quit.

The “lack of content” is part of the reason why I suggested the scaling change to rewards for the purpose of keeping ALL of that territory open and relevant, personally I think that levels could be scaled a bit lower to make it harder aswell, I’m aware other games (coh, aion, swtor, eq, eve) were bad for leveling but there’s a reason I was a gw1 fan, because the leveling in there was quick, it was only there for the intended design of levels “to help you learn how the game works at the most basic level” and then after that it was pure content where your armor didn’t have to change (once you got your cheap max armor) you didn’t have to grind for experience (1-20 took 1-2 days) obviously this game is more complex so it needs a bit longer I’m not suggesting a major major change to everything a simple numbers tweak to make parts not so grindy or even better make leveling take place almost entirely in the story (like gw1)

What are you a jock?…. get out, This is nerd landia, where nerds gather!

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaGe.9834


The cost of waypoints is crap. World of Warcraft had some brutal travel costs. Add on the fact that one needed to first find the nearest travel destination, then pay the toll, then watch the flight animation. The fact that it’s less than 5 silver to cross the game doesn’t give me reason to worry. I’m a facerolling guardian that constantly blows money on making ANOTHER exotic set of armor…yet I always have the money for waypoints. If they are getting too expensive, you are using them FAR too often. Try walking a little bit (like you mention later in this paragraph) instead of ‘driving’ everywhere.

I’m aware of WoW’s costs it was part of the myriad of reasons I absolutely abhorred that game, and this is a game it’s designed for the purpose of fun, so why shouldn’t I “drive” everywhere. It worked in gw1, there’s NO reason it should in the game.

The repair costs are always trivial. I am only in full exotics right now, so maybe I am missing out on some high dollar repair costs. I don’t know if the full karma or some other set costs a ton yet, but it’s not expensive yet.
Gathering Tools are fine as they are the balancing agent by letting a player have ALL the gathering skills in the game. If they are too expensive for you, use level appropriate tools (i.e. not use Ori tools in a 1-15 zone).
Salvage Kits are not required. You take them up to breakdown gear and increase the likelihood of getting crafting materials to speed your progression. If you are aiming for the Globs, then it gets a bit pricey but only in the sense that you are destroying rares for a chance at Globs. If you are salvaging every single item you find, that may be part of your problem. Try selling everything except those you ABSOLUTELY need (i.e. 76+ rares).

Repairs are trivial, I agree, I’m not saying gathering tools are expensive, I’m not saying salvage kits are required, I’m merely pointing out that there are these in place as other gold sinks and with the relative scarcity of gold(I’m aware you think differently, in gw1 the game that wasn’t WoW had for example armor that cost 1k[some quests gave upwards of 2k] a piece for max armor and everything was appearance based, like I said, not WoW) it wouldn’t hurt the economy at all to remove the costs of waypoints, I admittedly wouldn’t mind if waypoints were more spread out as a subsequent result

As for the wanting to do this and that, …no. I want my Guardian to have a ranged weapon that isn’t trash, but we can’t all get what we want.

That is a balance issue that makes sense to me given how the guardian plays, but nonetheless we’re not discussing balance.

Lastly on gold sinks, they are a necessary evil and part of what drives us to continue playing. If a player were to cap out in a week (level), then gear up in another…why would said player continue playing? Assuming the player has nothing better to do, he/she could buy up three character slot expansions, level every class, gear every class, and be done with the game in less than 4 months. Albeit that is an absurd amount of effort, the journey to being a demi-god is the fun part. If you are just handed goodness, what is there to strive for? (And, on a petty note, look at what that mentality has done for WoW)

You’re still stuck on a wow notion and certainly not a gw1 player in gw1 a player could be in terms of stats maxed out in 2 days from scratch and yet that game lasted 7 years and is still around, I wonder what they did right? Secondly I agree goldsinks ARE necessary, I just argue this game could use 1 fewer (if the economy is not converged into 1 singular economy) I’m not demanding all HUGE HUGE changes, just minor one’s that make the game a little bit more fun.

What are you a jock?…. get out, This is nerd landia, where nerds gather!

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaGe.9834


“diminishing returns I’m punished” LOL.. are you from the past?

> -Remove waypoint cost (seriously it’s absolute bs and makes everyone angry, I’m not kittening kidding)
Lol WHAT? That Is CHEAP. You have a instant teleport.. to ANY PLACE, with no TIME…. and you complain? With 1-3 DE you can have your silvers agains.

> -Add dungeon finder
I agree with that. But not the WoW DF.

> -Combine the fractured economy(tokens, karma, gold) into 1 or 2 (gems & glory are excluded)
NO. If you want the dungeon stuff, do dungeons.

-Remove or at least limit diminishing returns
> Just go to another place…

-Scale rewards(up) as well as levels in lower level areas
> Nope.. if they do that.. how you will get low level mats? Use good magic find gear.. a lot of lvl 80 gear is dropped already.

-Find a way to (Severely) reduce leveling time for alt characters(require 1, 2 or even 3 characters to beat Final boss before) I don’t care if it costs 4000 gems/ea (hint hint)
- Lol.. this is hillarious… leveling in this game is one of the most easy thing to do.

Read the non shortened version

What are you a jock?…. get out, This is nerd landia, where nerds gather!

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wreckdum.8367


Agree with removing dungeon diminishing returns. If I have a free day to play all day I should be able to run dungeons as much as I want and not be penalized. I get that some people exploit and knock out a dungeon in 15 minutes… OK so put a 1 hour DR. That way I can go do something else and come back and run it again. Some of the dungeons are just plain not fun so saying run all of them is a silly suggestion. I log in to do what I want to do with my friends. When we hit DR we log out. If you want people to stay logged in to your game let us play without being penalized like we’re bot farmers.

Rex Smashington – 80 Norn Warrior <Tyrians United Retard Division> Yak’s Bend
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


I disagree with the first statement…

Tokens make the armor worth it, if you could BUY your armor then anyone can…

50 dudes running around with same armor, while slackers buy gems for gold to get their dungeon armor….

Actually I completely disagree with OP… except one thing…

He does sound like he’s crying.

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayden.3085


I’ve gotta agree on the Waypoint costs being removed, there is really no need of it. I know some people are able to make lots and lots of cash in the game, but thus far I and others I know personally are not them. Seeing people running around already with 300-400 gold weapons when I’m struggling to get 10 gold in the bank is frustrating.

The trait system would be SO much nicer if we didn’t have to pay to reset our traits and we could have more flexibility to play around with it. That’s what made GW1 so nice, was it allowed us to customize our own abilities.

I don’t have a problem with repairs/gathering tools, but the prices for the Superior Runes is insane. I have the ability to make the 20 slot boxes but can I? No, because the runes cost so much.

One other adjustment I feel should be implemented. I bought an extra bag slot on a character, not a big thing mind you, but then if I log on another character do I have to buy it again for that character, when you can buy panels in storage to share. Every time you unlock a bag slot it should be account wide.

Also, I really wish you would change the dye system to account wide instead of character base. With how many dye are possible in the game, holding onto so many extras to switch them back and forth between characters is ridiculous. Once a dye is unlocked, should be unlocked for the account.

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


I completely agree with up scaling drops/chests in lower lvl areas hands down as an 80 running around Queensdale with a friends new alt or something I want to be rewarded with items I could really use or scrap from mats.

The waypoint issue I wouldn’t go as far as free, but scale it to have a set cost based on distance from said waypoint and the lvl range of that area or even make it like the cities as long as you’re in the area its free, but to port there thats when you’ll pay.

Epic skins for Engineer kits and/or turrets: it doesn’t matter how sick my pistols look when I’m all most always running around with my grenades and flamethrower I’d just like a way to look a tad awesome when using said skills.

Also since launch its been irking me… where oh where are the 2h axes?

I would and it already cost set on distance. I am tired of spending 3s going from Malchor’s leap to Lion’s Arch. Map travel in GW1 was free, it should be in gw2. I too am tired of the ridiculous amount of gold sinks. If they got rid of the fee on the waypoints the rest would be tolerable.

Together we stand in the face of evil!

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cleru.8609


I’m not sure what would be accomplish by removing way point cost.
It is not like you ever ran out of money in this game. Also taking out gold sinks won’t make your character any richer.

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RaGe.9834


I’m not sure what would be accomplish by removing way point cost.
It is not like you ever ran out of money in this game. Also taking out gold sinks won’t make your character any richer.

removing waypoint cost would allow me to move around more freely without any concern for money at all, which as expressed several times, is more of a hindrance to my gameplay, that being said not saying removing all goldsinks, just the one really, basically pointing out that that particular one is just a bit overboard in regards to all the goldsinks, which I forgot to mention how things being soulbinded actually removes a boatload of cash from the economy by itself, but like i said, just removing that one wouldn’t harm the economy of the game, and it would make the game more fun because we’d be more free

What are you a jock?…. get out, This is nerd landia, where nerds gather!

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Removing waypoint cost would allow me to move around more freely without any concern for money at all, which as expressed several times, is more of a hindrance to my gameplay, that being said not saying removing all goldsinks, just the one really, basically pointing out that that particular one is just a bit overboard in regards to all the goldsinks, but like i said, just removing that one wouldn’t harm the economy of the game, and it would make the game more fun because we’d be more free

This yes, it would allow people to travel about and socialise more, it’s just stupid charging for waypoints, it’s broken the game down to a single player game.

We have plenty of reasons to walk if we need to, farming materials etc, why would we want to spend ages walking to meet friends etc, I just don’t know what Anet was thinking this would achieve, please tell me.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

(edited by Solid Gold.9310)

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


I completely agree with up scaling drops/chests in lower lvl areas hands down as an 80 running around Queensdale with a friends new alt or something I want to be rewarded with items I could really use or scrap from mats.

The waypoint issue I wouldn’t go as far as free, but scale it to have a set cost based on distance from said waypoint and the lvl range of that area or even make it like the cities as long as you’re in the area its free, but to port there thats when you’ll pay.

Epic skins for Engineer kits and/or turrets: it doesn’t matter how sick my pistols look when I’m all most always running around with my grenades and flamethrower I’d just like a way to look a tad awesome when using said skills.

Also since launch its been irking me… where oh where are the 2h axes?

I would and it already cost set on distance. I am tired of spending 3s going from Malchor’s leap to Lion’s Arch. Map travel in GW1 was free, it should be in gw2. I too am tired of the ridiculous amount of gold sinks. If they got rid of the fee on the waypoints the rest would be tolerable.

Going to Lion’s Arch or any of the other cities is free.

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

“Going to Lion’s Arch or any of the other cities is free.”

Is a workaround, ArenaNet probably did’t think of people using that one.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hateborne.7942


Ok I’ll explain, after being a gw1 player for as long as I played it, I view this economy as broken, it’s more of a WoW-like economy which was blatantly kittened having a singular economy means that money from everywhere is useful and you don’t see things like “oh karma is useless” you instead see, ok it takes me 3 hours to make 1g 12s therefore to get this piece of armor it would take me 12 hours and concise singular economy eliminates pointless complexity which doesn’t contribute to the overall game experience.

Thank you, that does explain a bit better. I did not play Guild Wars 1, so I cannot honestly contribute here. Keep in mind though that Guild Wars 2 is a continuation of the overall feel of Guild Wars 1, not a note for note copy. :-)

I’m not talking about exploit farming that makes the dungeon go faster I’m talking about the diminishing returns from multiple runs I also suggested keeping it but as the example was given a lesser degree (eg. run 1, 60token, run 2, formerly 20tokens, now 40tokens)
Players opinions ARE factored in, in fact this was the main drive, if they want to do Arah and have more fun doing that, but if they want to have say CoF armor and they absolutely HATE doing CoF then why should they be forced to spend days and days doing something they regard as NOT fun.

I know you were not talking about exploit farming. I am explaining reasons a dev might have for putting such systems in place.

As for the spend days farming something, that is part of the MMO grind. Yes, I understand that it was supposedly a selling point to have a lesser/small grind…but this is an MMORPG. There has to be some places where a small time sink is involved to weed out the children from the players. I hate to keep harping on WoW, but it is the biggest and most sorely obvious source of experience for many of us (a.k.a the common ground). The removal of certain “devotion spots” accelerates the player’s journey to the top. While some of us like this, it opens the door to lazy “I WANT I NOW” players that make the game less entertaining for everyone. Yes, admittedly it will massively swell the active player base. It will also massively swell our desire to detach from our fellow server mates.

I honestly doubt that would happen and even then, crafting directly contradicts your argument, a person with a large amount of real world money can buy all the crafting materials make it to lvl 80 and be as you said “worthless”, but considering your point perhaps leave the experience stable and scale only the monetary incentives?

And your scaling rewards directly contradicts your statement about crafting contradicting mine. If the rewards are scaled, a player could easily salvage the items right into level 80 crafting components. If things are scaling, then the bloods/fangs/claws/etc might also scale. Further removing any reason to leave the zone. Even if those did not scale, but everything else did, then there is little reason to leave the zones. Some of the rewards do scale, but not everything. I would prefer to keep this as it is.

The “lack of content” is part of the reason why I suggested the scaling change to rewards for the purpose of keeping ALL of that territory open and relevant, personally I think that levels could be scaled a bit lower to make it harder aswell, I’m aware other games (coh, aion, swtor, eq, eve) were bad for leveling but there’s a reason I was a gw1 fan, because the leveling in there was quick, it was only there for the intended design of levels “to help you learn how the game works at the most basic level” and then after that it was pure content where your armor didn’t have to change (once you got your cheap max armor) you didn’t have to grind for experience (1-20 took 1-2 days) obviously this game is more complex so it needs a bit longer I’m not suggesting a major major change to everything a simple numbers tweak to make parts not so grindy or even better make leveling take place almost entirely in the story (like gw1)

As I said earlier, Guild Wars 2 is a continuation of the overall feel and story of Guild Wars 1. It is not, and should not, be a carbon copy of the first one. If you believe it should, then releasing GW2 instead of another expansion would have been foolish. :-)


What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hateborne.7942


I’m aware of WoW’s costs it was part of the myriad of reasons I absolutely abhorred that game, and this is a game it’s designed for the purpose of fun, so why shouldn’t I “drive” everywhere. It worked in gw1, there’s NO reason it should in the game.

If you want rewards, you should put forth effort. If there is no strife, there can be no victory or sense of accomplishment. If the cost of waypoints goes, I believe that the waypoints should only work AT THE OTHER WAYPOINTS.

Repairs are trivial, I agree, I’m not saying gathering tools are expensive, I’m not saying salvage kits are required, I’m merely pointing out that there are these in place as other gold sinks and with the relative scarcity of gold(I’m aware you think differently, in gw1 the game that wasn’t WoW had for example armor that cost 1k[some quests gave upwards of 2k] a piece for max armor and everything was appearance based, like I said, not WoW) it wouldn’t hurt the economy at all to remove the costs of waypoints, I admittedly wouldn’t mind if waypoints were more spread out as a subsequent result

I don’t think one can classify optional gold sinks are something that needs to be fixed. They are optional and accelerate the speed of progression at a cost. It’s a very steep cost if one considers both the price of the tools and the cash lost by not selling the items to vendors. I am aware you liked Guild Wars 1, but this just isn’t it. Price wise, the cost of the waypoints, repairs, and tools are trivial. They have no effect on the economy unless you are salvaging EVERYTHING, fast traveling more than walking, and buying Ori tools for low level zones. The only thing that it would affect is the effort required to buy them.

I will say this, if they added a quest&crafting chain to create an unlimited Ori pick, sickle, or axe…I would totally be in favor of that (so long as it is sufficiently difficult).

That is a balance issue that makes sense to me given how the guardian plays, but nonetheless we’re not discussing balance.

Hehe you missed the joke here. I was merely remarking on your statement saying you WANT to be able to drive anywhere, but not wanting to pay for it. I jokingly stated that I would like to have a guardian ranged weapon too, but I cannot always have what I want. Apologies for not making that clear enough. :-)

You’re still stuck on a wow notion and certainly not a gw1 player in gw1 a player could be in terms of stats maxed out in 2 days from scratch and yet that game lasted 7 years and is still around, I wonder what they did right? Secondly I agree goldsinks ARE necessary, I just argue this game could use 1 fewer (if the economy is not converged into 1 singular economy) I’m not demanding all HUGE HUGE changes, just minor one’s that make the game a little bit more fun.

I use WoW (as stated above) because it is the common ground. One could also say that YOU are still stuck in a Guild Wars 1 notion. I understand that it is a bit different than what you are used to, but I cannot agree with pretty much any of them. (Except the Dungeon Finder, we need one!) These posts may seem trollish, but I am trying to debate you in a civil manner.


What's killing the game, and possible solutions

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Epic skins for Engineer kits and/or turrets: it doesn’t matter how sick my pistols look when I’m all most always running around with my grenades and flamethrower I’d just like a way to look a tad awesome when using said skills.

Absolutely a must for me too, it shouldn’t look like a pile of junk from the movie Labyrinth sitting on my back at level 80.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!