What would like to see in dailies?
i would like to see them removed, and instead to have a set number of treasure chests, discoverable in different zones every day, different for every person.
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
I would like to see anything but Fractals tbh. :/
Edit: monthly not daily, sorry
I troll because I care
(edited by Obsidian.1328)
With daily variations coming up, what dailies would you like to see. Here’s some I thought of:
- Kill XX amount of Minotaurs/Imps/Wind Riders (some nice choices since they are quite scattered all over the world)
- Collect XX Globs of Ectoplasms (there are ways to acquire them and would be a healthy injection into the market)
- Craft XX items (though I think this should be implemented when you can choose your dailies)
There are a lot more, but I’d like to hear what other players can come up with.Also, during the livestream it was mentioned that among the new achievements, rezzing and rallying are candidates. I don’t know about these two, it feels like it encourages players to “lose” fights more than it encourages them to work together, if you know what I mean by that.
I feel there are better potential for teamwork achievements out there. Some of my ideas:
- Finish XX combos in an ally created field
- Complete XX DEs while grouped
- Do XX mini dungeons
- Defeat a zone boss in a group
I don’t think that ressing would be a problem. Don’t recall mass suicide runs on the game’s release so people could get ress credits towards the achievement.
In fact I miss wanting to go ress everything I could. Now, well if a player dies nearby I’ll ress them. Dead npcs I ignore unless I’m just standing there doing nothing. Nothing particularly exciting about it. Was nice having a ress count build towards something.
1. Gather 20
2. Defeat 1 champion in area x
3. Complete 2 DE in area y
4. Collect 1 treasure chest from area z
Now, imo, the key to making the entire world attractive is to randomize x, y, and z on a PER PLAYER basis. So any given day, 5 players could have 5 completely different goals. Maybe it’s a good idea, maybe it’s bad. I like it tho
I’d also like guild missions to be randomized on a per guild basis.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Spend X amount of hours in a 5 person party
Eat X amount of consumables
Buy/Sell X amount of gold through TP
Dive X amount of times/distance with googles
Create/Finish X amount of combos
Capture X amount of objectives in sPvP
Gain X amount of levels (would still work for 80s)
Use the Mystic Forge X amount of times
Gather X amount of items from each tier
I’m not fully behind all of these. Just thing I think could be fun/cool.
Some really great ideas.
i would like to see them removed, and instead to have a set number of treasure chests, discoverable in different zones every day, different for every person.
This I kinda like though.
The idea of having special chests spawn in the world could be brilliant. They’ll have a higher than average drops rate, and have a chance to give players special items only found in them.
These chests can perhaps respawn in different locations say once a week. It would give players incentives to explore the world and to keep on the look out for the select few chests.
Plus, they can be worked into dailies or even monthlies.
I actually made a suggestion back in December:https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Daily-Achievement-Variety/first
Here were my suggestions:
- Complete 2 Jumping Puzzles
- Complete 1 Meta-Event
- Complete 1 Dungeon
- Kill 20 Hostiles of the same type
- Kill 15 Hostiles by Underwater combat
- Salvage 20 Materials
I like the meta event suggestion! I would especially like it if they improve the drops to match time spent in the Meta as well. I know it doesn’t have to be said but the rewards are not worth doing the Meta Event’s which is why no one does them now.
Sell x# of items on the TP.
Buy x# of items thru buy orders on the TP.
Contribute x# influence to a guild.
Forge x# items in the mystic forge.
Complete x# recipes in the mystic forge.
(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)