Whips-New weapon idea
What do you mean the most whips you’ll see is 2? Two whipping actions? two whips? two bones in the rig?
I know her weapon is a sword part of the time, i brought it up for conceptual reference because someone said whips were boring.
Like i said, look at tailed animals, or heck! look at the banners that flap in the wind. They could animate a whip, they could find a way.
There are already at least 2 whip animations in the game. The Nightmare Court uses whips, and main hand Dagger Elementalist first Air power is Lightning Whip or some such.
It would be neat to have a whip for my ranger! I am on board with this idea.
It would be neat to have a whip for my ranger! I am on board with this idea.
woot! =3
The whip animation is already in game, so the animation/rendering is not an issue. The Nightmare Court attacks with a whip sometimes.
I would love this weapon to be added, and I definitely would want it on my mesmer.
Sea of Sorrows
although i wouldent MIND a whip i think there are far better weapons that could be added first
More weapon variety would be awesome, why not start with Whips. In the case of Necromancer, being all dark and gloomy, a whip whose skill set really focus on ‘punishing’ the enemy and keeping the many (actually, very few, very lame) minions in line!
would be awesome if whips would be implemented! Would be even awsomer if Rangers could Dual Wield Whips
Whip would be a very NICE mesmer CONTROL weapon.
Whip would be a very NICE mesmer CONTROL weapon.
ikr! really good for some hardcore cc skills.
I would absolutely love a whip. They had them in EQ2. And after seeing nightmare court mobs with it, I was sad players didn’t get to have one. I would like to see it on elementalist, mesmer, and necro at a minimum.
I would absolutely love a whip. They had them in EQ2. And after seeing nightmare court mobs with it, I was sad players didn’t get to have one. I would like to see it on elementalist, mesmer, and necro at a minimum.
honestly yes i would love to see not only whips added but there are also other kinds of weapons that i would like to see as well, glaives, 2h axe are some.
Yes to whips for thief & elementalist (maybe rangers, necros and mesmers).
Yes to whips for thief & elementalist (maybe rangers, necros and mesmers).
Replace maybe for a must and we agree.
Yes whips are already in the game as pick-up weapons for some hearts and the nightmare court are known to use them, I would hope that Anet would hold off and implement in the future and not straight away just to satisfy our whims. Let them spend a few months developing it and bring it out with an expansion. Notable examples of whips in other games, (yes they are difficult to animate but not entirely difficult with thought put in), Castlevania or Onimusha 3, both games almost centred around the use of the whip as its central weapon so it is completely plausible to be included somewhere in the future, fingers crossed.
+1 for this thread.
Yeah whips are indeed there already and they’re pretty cool. I’ve thought many times that the Thief profession would benefit from this as an additional weapon, as that profession really lacks weapon variety (and I can’t think of any of the existing weapons being appropriate).
When a problem comes along, you must whip it.
i love the idea, but i dono if would like this even more:
whips are amazing but make it profession specific, as i have never seen a scyth drop (EVER) i am pretty sure it is only for necros, there should be ONE weapon for profession, and that weapon is what make it unique and nice
so to cont.
Necros: Scyth
Mesmer: Gunblade
Warrior: 2h Axe
Gaurdain: Glaive
Engineers: Rocket luanchers
Rangers: Whip (no matter how you think about it, whips are for rangers)
Thief: katana
Elementalist: Tomes
all weapons are 2h, so there will be no differentiation between professions
i love the idea, but i dono if would like this even more:
whips are amazing but make it profession specific, as i have never seen a scyth drop (EVER) i am pretty sure it is only for necros, there should be ONE weapon for profession, and that weapon is what make it unique and nice
so to cont.
Necros: Scyth
Mesmer: Gunblade
Warrior: 2h Axe
Gaurdain: Glaive
Engineers: Rocket luanchers
Rangers: Whip (no matter how you think about it, whips are for rangers)
Thief: katana
Elementalist: Tomesall weapons are 2h, so there will be no differentiation between professions
Exactly! If they were to add new weapons, they should be ones that are profession-unique and 2-handed.
i love the idea, but i dono if would like this even more:
whips are amazing but make it profession specific, as i have never seen a scyth drop (EVER) i am pretty sure it is only for necros, there should be ONE weapon for profession, and that weapon is what make it unique and nice
so to cont.
Necros: Scyth
Mesmer: Gunblade
Warrior: 2h Axe
Gaurdain: Glaive
Engineers: Rocket luanchers
Rangers: Whip (no matter how you think about it, whips are for rangers)
Thief: katana
Elementalist: Tomesall weapons are 2h, so there will be no differentiation between professions
when i read unique for prof i wasnt sure but when u said gunblade for mesmers you got me =3
1000 views, and counting, so many support.
whips very soon, very very soon.
I sincerely hope not. Since I’ve replied to the Unique Weapons thread, I’ve been doing my best to ignore this one, but since it’s back up near the top of the first page…
1) Denial, repeatedly bumping your own thread by agreeing with everyone that agrees with you is really just crap. If I was a dev, I’d mark your suggestion down just for that!
2) The whip is not a weapon. As any fule (probably) knoe by now, I’m a medieval martial artist. Whips have their uses. Like the focus does for the classes that use it, if you want to have it, with some cool animation on the skill, I might (as if “I” is going to be taken any notice off by Anet! ) accept your justification. But the whip is, flatly, NOT a weapon. Forget Indiana Jones (it’s a film), forget all your other fantasy sources (the authors have little, if any, understanding of combat), forget D&D (see previous bracket).
A whip works because it inflicts pain. Anyone who has the ability to act through pain, instead of being driven by it, will ignore its PHYSICAL effects. If you hit me effectively with a whip, I may flinch, but I think I could drive through it and close on you regardless (at which point, the whip is utterly useless).
But you have to hit me somewhere where it hurts. Even the light armour in this game will be thick enough that a whip blow will go unnoticed except to bare flesh. The only place it would be really dangerous would be is if you hit the eyes, a minute target, even assuming the head is unarmoured.
I am certain that a whip blow is extremely painful. But a single whip blow is not very dangerous. I am also certain that I would far rather be hit with a whip blow than with a blow from pretty much any other weapon. They will do real damage, where the whip will merely hurt. Argue that it should be introduced as a symbolic weapon, a la the focus, for classes such as the Mesmer or Necromancer, and I can probably rationalise that. For other classes? No. How does a whip PHYSICALLY harm a dragon? Answer me that one!
As for unique weapons, there’s another thread for that discussion, and my opinions are well known, if you’ve read it!
(edited by Raedwulf.3712)
^ so make it a main hand weapon and stick a gun or whatever in the off-hand, blind/vulnerability with the whip- finish with what ever you have in the other-hand?^
But seriously this is a game not real life, it does not need to be accurate- when last did you see someone cast meteor-storm or anything really in RL?
I am 100% behind the idea of whips as a weapon choice, sadly I just can’t make up my mind as to which professions should have them.
If I had my way everyone would except for the heavy armour guys.
When I saw this thread the first thing I though was Thief!
I play a Mesmer and I would kill to have one
I sincerely hope not. Since I’ve replied to the Unique Weapons thread, I’ve been doing my best to ignore this one, but since it’s back up near the top of the first page…
1) Denial, repeatedly bumping your own thread by agreeing with everyone that agrees with you is really just crap. If I was a dev, I’d mark your suggestion down just for that!
2) The whip is not a weapon. As any fule (probably) knoe by now, I’m a medieval martial artist. Whips have their uses. Like the focus does for the classes that use it, if you want to have it, with some cool animation on the skill, I might (as if “I” is going to be taken any notice off by Anet!
) accept your justification. But the whip is, flatly, NOT a weapon. Forget Indiana Jones (it’s a film), forget all your other fantasy sources (the authors have little, if any, understanding of combat), forget D&D (see previous bracket).
A whip works because it inflicts pain. Anyone who has the ability to act through pain, instead of being driven by it, will ignore its PHYSICAL effects. If you hit me effectively with a whip, I may flinch, but I think I could drive through it and close on you regardless (at which point, the whip is utterly useless).
But you have to hit me somewhere where it hurts. Even the light armour in this game will be thick enough that a whip blow will go unnoticed except to bare flesh. The only place it would be really dangerous would be is if you hit the eyes, a minute target, even assuming the head is unarmoured.
I am certain that a whip blow is extremely painful. But a single whip blow is not very dangerous. I am also certain that I would far rather be hit with a whip blow than with a blow from pretty much any other weapon. They will do real damage, where the whip will merely hurt. Argue that it should be introduced as a symbolic weapon, a la the focus, for classes such as the Mesmer or Necromancer, and I can probably rationalise that. For other classes? No. How does a whip PHYSICALLY harm a dragon? Answer me that one!
As for unique weapons, there’s another thread for that discussion, and my opinions are well known, if you’ve read it!
well, to reply this i could start saying i couldnt care less if you are medieval martial artist or the pope himself, this is a Fantasy MMO as far as i know even those shiny awesome art some GreatSwords have wouldnt do squat in real life, not even the first Greatsword skin would work in real life because its almost the same size of a human, so you can go with your “logic” in GD and start rambling about the non-sense of GW2 weapons.
I bump my own thread in hope to get more attention to the suggestion itself because it goes into the very deep of suggestions in a blink of an eye and everytime i bump it or someone else bumps it gets a lot of support, so if i or someone else broke any ToS it could have been marked down long time ago, thank you anyway for sharing your knowledge about medieval weapons, in any case, ive never saw in a film a whip with scrap of metal attached to do slashing damage and cause bleeding /sarcasm.
i do wonder with your statement up there and i can ask you the same thing.. how does a GreatSword harms a dragon? ive never fought a dragon but it seems you have or have read in your medieval books (wich are not fantasy).
(edited by Denial Of Service.5732)
I am fully aware that this game is not real life. It nevertheless does conform to real life in many aspects. Therefore I, personally, do not like the thought of stuff being introduced “because it’s a game & we can do anything we like, even if it looks dumb”. I think I’m not the only player that like a garnish of plausibility on his huge slice of fantasy!
I could live with a whip being some kind of magical focus. The Ele lightning whip previously cited is NOT a whip attack. It’s a magical attack that results from being in Air attunement with a certain weapon (which is not a whip) being equipped. I’m OK with that. It’s magic. I am not OK with the notion of someone physically whipping an earth elemental to death. That’s plain stupid!
well, to reply this i could start saying i couldnt care less if you are medieval martial artist or the pope himself, this is a Fantasy MMO as far as i know even those shiny awesome art some GreatSwords have wouldnt do squat in real life, not even the first Greatsword skin would work in real life because its almost the same size of a human, so you can go with your “logic” in GD and start rambling about the non-sense of GW2 weapons.
I bump my own thread…
Well, I can’t be bothered to reply to you at all, because it’s quite obvious that you’re only interested in replies that say what you want them to, which is, equally obviously, “Oooo! Great! Gief uz wot Denial sez.”
Happily, I think the Anet dev’s are rather more discerning than that.
Mesmer? Whips?
Too bad they didn’t keep the skill lines from GW1. I can’t think of a better Domination weapon.
sorry dude but it seems my life its so dull, please, PLEASE which country do you live? i mean, if this game conform to real life in many aspect what am i doing with my life? i need to go where you live so i can grab my weapons and kill some risen, craft armor with blood, and cast fireballs from the sky.
to be honest i dont get whats the hate about a new mechanic introduced in the game and as i stated before logic and fantasy games are not in the same page, i feel i can almost quote everything of your reply and tell how silly you sound.
- “I am not OK with the notion of someone physically whipping an earth elemental to death. That’s plain stupid!”*
i guess stabbing an elemental with your knife or killing him with your bow doesnt sound stupid to you.
whats the hate
There’s part of your problem. Where did hate come into it? Oh, but if you characterise opposition as hate, you can just dismiss the argument without bothering to offer a counter-argument. Ad hominem. It never goes down well over the internet. For some reason, the phrase “pester power” also comes to mind with regard to your conduct in this thread. “I want, I want, I want!” You might need to google it to get the full negative implication of what I’m pointing out.
i guess stabbing an elemental with your knife or killing him with your bow doesnt sound stupid to you.
Yes it does. But I can rationalise it. After all, it is a fantasy world. Some fundamentals are rooted in the world, but there’s also magic involved. Hitting an elemental, I can explain away. I’m chipping away at its substance, or if I can penetrate it’s substance, I can hit some internal spot that magically disrupts it. But a whip does none of those things. I CAN offer you a much better rationalisation for introducing a whip than “I want it, {darn (geez!) the stupid profanity filter!} would it not be cool”, but I’m not going to. Why don’t you have a go, instead of throwing a tantrum just because someone doesn’t agree with what YOU want?
(edited by Raedwulf.3712)
whats the hate
There’s part of your problem. Where did hate come into it? Oh, but if you characterise opposition as hate, you can just dismiss the argument without bothering to offer a counter-argument. Ad hominem. It never goes down well over the internet. For some reason, the phrase “pester power” also comes to mind with regard to your conduct in this thread. “I want, I want, I want!” You might need to google it to get the full negative implication of what I’m pointing out.
i guess stabbing an elemental with your knife or killing him with your bow doesnt sound stupid to you.
Yes it does. But I can rationalise it. After all, it is a fantasy world. Some fundamentals are rooted in the world, but there’s also magic involved. Hitting an elemental, I can explain away. I’m chipping away at its substance, or if I can penetrate it’s substance, I can hit some internal spot that magically disrupts it. But a whip does none of those things. I CAN offer you a much better rationalisation for introducing a whip than “I want it, {darn (geez!) the stupid profanity filter!} would it not be cool”, but I’m not going to. Why don’t you have a go, instead of throwing a tantrum just because someone doesn’t agree with what YOU want?
Ok this is going to be hard for me as English is my second language so let me see if i can explain myself better.
i do like to see time in time well tought counter-arguments, but sadly this is not the place for you to offer well based counter arguments.
1- this thread is about suggesting a new weapon in this case its a whip wich you with all your medieval martial artist knowledge thinks its useless IRL so again in a fantasy world it should be too. as stated above, Fantasy world.
2 your counter arguments always involve the use of something in the fantasy world wich should work better than the weapon im suggesting for the fantasy world, as stated above Fantasy world.
3- its not that i in anyway i throw a tantrum because some random martial artist probably x miles away from me thinks my suggestion stinks, its because like you defend your point of view i can defend mine.
yes its like i want, i want, i want because i love this game and i love that weapon like many of the one who have posted do (and of course some dont like it, like you and some that have post here too) and if those 2 things are together the game i like + the weapon i like it would be really really awesome.
you know what comes to my mind? if someone doesnt agree with your point or if in any case someone suggest something that you, with your “knowledge” about medieval weapons wich cant be proved because in internet i can be a fireman astronaut, buts that another point, you bakitten down, lets see, if someone else suggest to include flails because they/he loves flails and would love to use them in a game, who am i to disregard his suggestion? how a flail can kill a dragon, risen, x elemental, minotaur, no one knows.
because its a fantasy game like ive stated in almost every post, no one is suggesting a magical frying pan wich i find hilarious but not in the context of this game, sadly i cant prove nor negate that you can be a very smart guy/girl irl, probably you have spent lots of years studying about medieval weapon and how they work but none of that knowledge can be placed in a fantasy game where bows shoots rainbows, get my point now?
(edited by Denial Of Service.5732)
Yep, that’s a better argument. Thank you for making the effort. I never assumed that English was your first language (I never do; been on the internet too long!), but you were a bit hostile & dismissive in the earlier reply. I’ll sit on answering this till Saturday; I started early on the cider & you got kittened a bit by the stupid filter ; so I want to take a better look at it. I think I still largely disagree with you, but there’s always room for opinions, provided both sides will agree to it. You were a bit “My way is the only way”, and I still think bumping your own thread repeatedly is a bit crap, but hey! That’s just an opinion, right?
Assuming I think anyone cares, I’ll get back to you…
Yep, that’s a better argument. Thank you for making the effort. I never assumed that English was your first language (I never do; been on the internet too long!), but you were a bit hostile & dismissive in the earlier reply. I’ll sit on answering this till Saturday; I started early on the cider & you got kittened a bit by the stupid filter
; so I want to take a better look at it. I think I still largely disagree with you, but there’s always room for opinions, provided both sides will agree to it. You were a bit “My way is the only way”, and I still think bumping your own thread repeatedly is a bit crap, but hey! That’s just an opinion, right?
Assuming I think anyone cares, I’ll get back to you…
Ill eagerly wait for your response and no sarcasm included, i really like to debate and you have done a good job there and we clearly have different PoV so better yet for an extensive debate, im drinking orange juice because im recovering from a hangover perhaps thats why i was aggressive first so i apologize.
lol i have been laughing at the argument hat has been going on in this thread, but lets get to down to deal
1:- lets firstly spreate the games from the reality, because in games you can create what ever weapon in any specifaction you want, (for example Ivy’s whip from Soul culibar, a sword whip ), if we get back to reality, i studied all weapons in old history
so when you say that the whip does not do a lot of damage, true i agree, i does make you bleed fast, BUT, that is your run of the mill whip!!!
now what does whip’s excelle over?? everything except range weapons, as they have a higher range, and can disable anyone that gets in close range and inflect more pain.
2: if you want into gaming design, oh god, you can create any whip, from your standerd whip, chain, lighting, (beam for some fans fans ) thorns, bladed, and the list goes on, you can be one dimanshanal, and say " OH NOES, it wont do damage" , if you played ninja gaiden, the most powerful thing in the game was the wooden sword once it was maxed.
over all, what people are asking for is prof specific weapons, if you dont like it, or you think it would be better for another class voice your opinion in a respectable mannor
Bumped for whip lovers show us your support. =3
@Richter Belmont +1
i would love too see a two hand axe. that’s the only weapon where missing.
Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.
only if they include candles as offhand
Totally agree with this new weapon. It’s a very cool and unique idea. This and bringing back scythes (for necros for example) would be awesome.
I totally agree with this
also on the notion that ‘whips don’t do a lot of damage irl’ I will point you toward scorpion whips. They are whips with little hooks on the end intended to tear your flesh and cause you to bleed. Though honestly I could only see whips as a one handed weapon.
Also I’d like to point out guns actually do very little damage unless you hit a vital organ and even then people can still push through the pain and survive.
I like this idea for a future expansion.
Whips and guns? Now if I can just make a human that looks exactly like Indiana Jones….
A R Y T O . S HA D E S T A L K E R
If being a “cabbage head” had been the OP’s “thing” then the OP would have known that whips are already used in the game by players and NOT just NPC’s. I’m a Sylvari Necro and near the beginning of my personal story I used a whip on the wardens when I broke out of prison (I won’t spoil details). It’s been awhile and I don’t remember the exact skills used but I do remember one being a skill that wrapped around enemies and tripped them. The very first time I got a chance to crack that whip I said I wanted one to use permanently. So I will give this thread a +1.
/signed by cabbage head who’s cracked the whip in GW2
there will be whips and scythes in any expansions made ive seen enough clamour and anet knows. the gamers have spoken.
there will be whips and scythes in any expansions made ive seen enough clamour and anet knows. the gamers have spoken.
indeed the gamers have spoken =3
I’d like to see Rangers, Thieves, and Mesmers use whips, but Necromancers and Elementalists not so much.
Necros and Eles are casters, where solid mediums like staves or daggers fit better.
Whips are highly dynamic which is something that suits the other three more eloquently.
Concept-consistency is very important, and should not be ignored for individual subjective opinions. Why? Because that’s how big companies think; they have to focus on the big market, not just niche thoughts or ideas that will only draw 10 more customers and puzzle 5000 others.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
A whip that looks like a vine would be cool on my sylvari.
as soon as i saw the nightmare sylvari who used whip attacks, i immediately wanted one for my very own. Please add whip as a player weapon!
I’m throwing money at the screen, but it’s not giving me any whips. What gives?
I’m throwing money at the screen, but it’s not giving me any whips. What gives?
hahahahahaha this never gets old. +1
@DreamOFAcure: indeed consistency is a very big deal filling some niches wont draw many customers, but ive never been a fan of specific profession weapons, i think its a stale concep and coud be change.
im not saying that Elementalist should use GS, but why not? i mean its harder for Devs to make 100 more skills to let everyone wield any weapon but i guess if whips are for at least 3 profession of the ones i listed would please many many people.
Even assuming it is very hard to animated the whole whip polygon, Whips can be awesomely animated by creating a predetermined “whiplash” visual effect, without actually moving the polygon itself.
Imagine the hilt+guard remain visible, while the whip length is replaced by the above visual effect.
Endurance 2.0 || Attributes, Traits and Conditions || Skill Variants
(edited by Nurvus.2891)
Hmm. I think I seen a whip user in this game. It’s in the Syvalrian area.
xD! For level 15-25. it was a DE event. The unseen hunter?
Yeah, the same ol typical weapons are kinda mundane, so I am all in for whips.
I got to thinking about the kind of damage a whip could do to a heavily armored opponent irl (not much) but suddenly a character came to mind that i had not thought of for many years: Quistis Trepe.
Additionally, using a whip to kill a dragon makes as much sense as causing a stone elemental to bleed…