White forum background?!
Oh god, pleeeease this. It’s like reading text off a 60watt bulb.
Turn your screen brightness down if you’re having trouble with it. Black on White contrast is globally used and it is THE best for your eyes. Dark backgrounds make text a lot harder to read and make sites feel a lot less friendly. -_-
I read it on my iPad and yeah it’s bright. I read the other forums sometimes for amusement. It’s a big and unpleasant change coming back to this screen.
Turn your screen brightness down if you’re having trouble with it. Black on White contrast is globally used and it is THE best for your eyes. Dark backgrounds make text a lot harder to read and make sites feel a lot less friendly. -_-
Nice try, but that’s the first thing I do when I buy a new computer, or when I have to use someone else’s computer — turn down the brightness to minimum. And don’t try telling me about gamma, I already use RGB 0.7 0.6 0.5 and sometimes much lower (0.5 0.45 0.4), and white pages are still like staring at the sun. When I look away, it’s burned in my retina.
Dark backgrounds are only to read when the designer is dumb and uses low contrast. You need to make the background as dark as possible and the font as light as possible. Some idiots use “very light dark gray” for background and then “slightly lighter dark gray” for font, which IS very difficult to read. A good designer will make it easy to read.
On my android tablet I read the forum with “Settings – Accessibility – Inverted colors” and it’s wonderful! Pure white on pure black. Easy to read, easy as could be.
how about custom colour schemes for users to select if they wish to change… admittedly this would be ultra low priority but the quality of life improvement is there enough to want to do this..
Hey, vampires, go out sometimes, you might get used to the sun and see black characters on white pages!
lol, turn brightness down…
Having to do that just for a quick nosey at the forums, then changing it to play/view everything else ;p
Anyhoe, grab Firefox (may work chrome, never used it & enjoy.
Grab the addon Stylish & ta da
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
This is something that WoW…
Wow is Dark but I don’t agree is easier to read. GW2 is clean and bright and I love it. Maybe ask for an option to change the background.
Yeah, The forum is too bright, and hurts my Eyes, I can not stay so much time because my eyes hurt in my head.
Devs just slight dark the background color and the problem is solved. Try rgb(214, 214, 214) is enogh.
Agreed, keep the white background, its usability friendly.