Why Skin Wardrobe should be a high-priority
This system already exists to some degree in sPVP. I full support this thread and it should be carried over into PVE.
I support a skin bank in whatever form possible even character bound. Just give me a way to easily store them.
I support this! Please Anet, make it happen!
It’s also a very neat idea for the (clunky) transmutation stones!
I’ve stopped getting skins because of space, Please Anet make this happen!
This sounds like such a great solution to a problem that is holding the endgame back.
One of the things I looked forward to when I leveled my main was to collect as many awesome skins as possible but I soon realized that it was simply not possible with the limited bank space. A wardrobe would fix this and give me a really fun new goal to strive for.
Agree, as long as exotics have the highest stats.
Definitively need this. Even brought it up 2 months ago myself. If you need a model to follow, DCUO has THE best wardrobe system I have seen. It was a blast collecting new skins all the time, and just mix and matching outfits together. With the in-depth dye system, adding this feature would give an endless amount of possibilities for character looks. Adding a barber would also be nice, but THIS is definitively needed.
Here is the topic I posted 2 months ago about this: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Allow-us-to-wear-previously-equipped-styles/first#post180176 , has a few different ideas on how to go about it.
Signed. This is an ingenious idea and would definitely make PvE content feel less like mindlessly wandering at some points. Nothing wrong with the proposed idea at all…just more prettiness in an already pretty game!
The competition for space in my bank limits how many skins and costumes I can buy, and believe me, ANet, I want to buy them! At the very least, please let us store a full costume in a single bank slot.
I think this is a great idea. As someone who loves the cosmetic aspect of the game, and who has already run out of bank slots due to all the armor skins I have in there, I agree wholeheartedly with a lot of what has been said. I really hope Anet at least considers implementing some of these ideas in some way.
I definitely support this idea. There are a few ‘issues’ in your prototype I’d like to address though (not sledging, just considering):
-Items destroyed when added to the gallery: Not many people would want to destroy their legendaries that they’ve strived so hard for in order to add the skin to their library. Maybe learning the skin soulbinds the item so they cannot resell it.
-Anet could possibly add a ‘rarity’ requirement as well, so that alts in white/common armour aren’t walking around like they could pwn the kitten out of anything. (this is a thought, not certain i like my own idea)
-Unlimited remodelling and costly ‘learning’ of the models seems to go against anet’s “gem store is not mandatory” idea- If I want to collect the 500 or so skins I shouldn’t have to buy ~5000 gems (based on your idea of legendaries and rarer items costing a ton) as this removes the accesibility of the mechanic of players who don’t use the gem store. Perhaps the charge should be sustained when remodelling your items from the library. This would mean Anet still gets a constant flow of people buying the stones in order to dress up all their characters, but it doesn’t lock out players from getting every skin.
As I said, though, this is a great idea and it should be a given (considering the ‘dye’ tab works similarly).
(edited by Djjl.1752)
I support this idea! I would also really, really love more skins. So many more skins. My poor ranger only has 2 outfits I like, and they are both Norn cultural. So more space to store them, and MORE SKINS PLEASE!!!! (would even buy them in the cash shop if I could Dx)
This NEEDS to happen. You can’t add a wonderful system such as the collectibles tab for PvE and for PvP, and not expect to expand on it and its applications. If this isn’t in game within the next few months considering the code for this is technically already in the game and only needs to be slightly modified or expanded upon, I don’t think we are doing our best as a player base to support amazing ideas when we hear them.
We know you hear us Anet, your too good not to be paying attention. Just do us a favor and let us know you’re on the same page as us.
If you want us to go for skins you have to give us a way to do so.
i very much with for this also
I support this! Though I believe the last thread proposing something similar eventually died, and makes me sad.
Hmmmmm it’s a good idea indeed! I would love to have a set to change, since all I can do with no time to farm all dungeons gears is change the color of my amor everyday! XD
Makes sense to me! I wholeheartedly support this.
I fully support this idea.
Not only would it let me be a lot more creative with my outfits by allowing for easier mixing and matching, it would also breathe a much-needed life back into other zones of the game if unique armor sets were dropped randomly, and rarely, in certain zones. I would definitely devote all my time and resources to collecting every skin.
SUPPORTED!! this is something i’ve always had in mind and would love to have. : )))
mentioned it another old thread before.. just thinking out loud again.
- this wardrobe could perhaps be implemented in our home instances to increase people frequenting back to these gorgeous cities that ANet has created. though for convenient’s sake, might be a better idea to have it in the hero menu
- at the same time, adding on to the idea of having it in the home instance, i once envisioned an armoury, plus a weapons rack.. and as you gained more skins, you could choose a few sets to display on a mannequinn (sp?), mix and match and “show-off” your skins collected. same with weapons you could hang ’em on the wall, mount them, etc.. and this is kind of just for fun, you can invite others to check out your displays as long as they are in a party with you and you trigger the instance. they will only be able to look and not interact with your armour / weapon skins.
- skillpoints or other “currencies” could be used to get more display options, have your “armoury” become more embellished, etc. just another fun, vain thing to work towards – of course, your wardrobe (perhaps, as per the PvP locker rooom) will always be available, so these armour / weapon displays and upgrades would be purely optional, but awesome to have!
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
(edited by akamon.2769)
I have a feeling the high cost of getting more bank space is probably why it happens the way it does. But I guess maybe if they figured they could make more with transmutation rocks or something.
I already have a second tab JUST to store things like siege equipment (soulbound, so different chars=different stacks), dungeon tokens (max stack is only 250), etc.
You have my axe.
Yes, i agree with the OP but similar ideas have already been suggested by many players including myself with no reaction on Anet side. Chances are Anet is not wiling to make this change even if it benefits both sides. Maybe because it takes too much to program or they stubbornly thinks their original transmutation idea is good or they think they will make less $ from this system.
Supported! I like this idea very much too. If ANet still wants to tie the system to Transmutation Stones so as not to jar the economy too much, they can make it so that you need to pay Transmutation Stones to an NPC in order to apply a new look to your current armor.
I do like the concept of this system.
A few sugested changes:
Make it character based, it makes for armours not to be cluttered for those that couldnt use them anyway (as others have mentioned). It also means that players will keep going to places, rather than just unlocking the skin and never going to that dungeon/area again on any further characters.
It also stops people wearing armour of a faction (Vigil, Whisper, Priory) they arent actually part of.
Gem bought items should unlock the skins for all characters.
As I mentioned in a different post, to minimise the changes of code simply have transmuting an item to look like a skin, would unlock said skin (you can actually transmute an item thats the same as itself by choosing all its properties and none of the other item). Note this soulbinds the item and would only need a trigger added to the code with no other changes needed (on the transmutation stone code end anyway).
We dont realy need a higher cost in transmutation stones given there are 19 different weapon types and each armour set has 6 pieces, for 18 armour pieces. Multiply that by the number of skins.
Just on basic weapons alone there are atleast 5 skins (Ascalon, Steam, Glyphic, Basic and plant, possibly more I cant recall) and then the legendary/unique/faction skins.
So if we assume just those skins thats some 95+ basic transmutation stones(the 1-79 stone) used and 19 of the normal ones (the 80 stones), before we take into account armour (which has many more skins sets than weapons).
If made per character (like dyes, as its basically the same concept), that makes for allot of used transmutation stones.
I’m sure few people would use even close to that amount of stones in the current system. (I personaly would be lucky to have used 5 stones total and I have used only one basic stone).
akamon’s idea of the armoury is a nice concept too akin to the Hero Armour sets in the Hall of Monuments for GW1 (though with more function).
Personaly as a programmer I can tell you that given they have the basic system in the game already to change skins, that it would be far less programming (atworst the same amount) than would have been needed than for the lost shores event and no additional art resources would be needed.
It’s posible for them to achieve. I’m sure allot of people would forgo a single event for this to be done too.
(edited by Loswaith.3829)
Great idea,signed.
Could use the hall of monuments style thing as well its already in game.
I support this and should’ve been implemented on release.
I definitely support this idea. There are a few ‘issues’ in your prototype I’d like to address though (not sledging, just considering):
-Items destroyed when added to the gallery: Not many people would want to destroy their legendaries that they’ve strived so hard for in order to add the skin to their library. Maybe learning the skin soulbinds the item so they cannot resell it.
-Anet could possibly add a ‘rarity’ requirement as well, so that alts in white/common armour aren’t walking around like they could pwn the kitten out of anything. (this is a thought, not certain i like my own idea)
-Unlimited remodelling and costly ‘learning’ of the models seems to go against anet’s “gem store is not mandatory” idea- If I want to collect the 500 or so skins I shouldn’t have to buy ~5000 skins (based on your idea of legendaries and rarer items costing a ton) as this removes the accesibility of the mechanic of players who don’t use the gem store. Perhaps the charge should be sustained when remodelling your items from the library. This would mean Anet still gets a constant flow of people buying the stones in order to dress up all their characters, but it doesn’t lock out players from getting every skin.
As I said, though, this is a great idea and it should be a given (considering the ‘dye’ tab works similarly).
Thanks for the positive reply, and for constructive criticism – I’m always happy to discuss it.
- Well, I suggested that the item is destroyed on skin-saving just so that you can’t buy an item on TP, get the skin from it, and then resell it. Soulbinding it is definately a viable alternative. Also, loosing a legendary sword when you get the skin from it is really no big deal. That’s just a value of a couple gold, since it uses the same stats as exotics. So you can get the skin from Twilight, destroying it in the process, then go buy yourself any exotic sword with the stats you want, and slap that skin on it, and BAM, you’ve got a new Twilight.
- Sorry, I didn’t really understand that second suggestion of yours.
- Yes, that seems to be the most debatable thing about this suggestion. For me personally, it’s not a dealbreaker. Although I still believe it’d be better as a one-time fee, instead of per-use. The main reason – psychological. It feels better to pay a one time fee for unlimited use, instead of paying every time you want to use something, that you’ve already worked hard on getting, and that is already yours.
SUPPORTED!! this is something i’ve always had in mind and would love to have. : )))
mentioned it another old thread before.. just thinking out loud again.
- this wardrobe could perhaps be implemented in our home instances to increase people frequenting back to these gorgeous cities that ANet has created. though for convenient’s sake, might be a better idea to have it in the hero menu
- at the same time, adding on to the idea of having it in the home instance, i once envisioned an armoury, plus a weapons rack.. and as you gained more skins, you could choose a few sets to display on a mannequinn (sp?), mix and match and “show-off” your skins collected. same with weapons you could hang ’em on the wall, mount them, etc.. and this is kind of just for fun, you can invite others to check out your displays as long as they are in a party with you and you trigger the instance. they will only be able to look and not interact with your armour / weapon skins.
- skillpoints or other “currencies” could be used to get more display options, have your “armoury” become more embellished, etc. just another fun, vain thing to work towards – of course, your wardrobe (perhaps, as per the PvP locker rooom) will always be available, so these armour / weapon displays and upgrades would be purely optional, but awesome to have!
Great suggestions, completely agree with all of the above!
I already have a second tab JUST to store things like siege equipment (soulbound, so different chars=different stacks), dungeon tokens (max stack is only 250), etc.
Thanks for you support! A pro tip in return: you can actually transfer siege equipment between your characters, and even between your friends. This is how you do it. Log in on your alt, get a friend, and go to WWW. Take out a schematic (so that the box appears in your hands) but instead of pressin 1 or 2, press the little green arrow that drops the bunde you’re carrying. Now your friend can pick it up, and then you can log in on your main, and he can do the same process to give it to you. It’s clunky, yes, but it’s the only workaround available.
Funny story about this actually. The way I discovered this, was when fighting some guys, I ran behind enemy lines to destroy some siege, and saw a guy carrying a box, about to build something. So I started nuking him, he panicked, and instead of putting the schematic away by pressing 2, he must have hit the switch weapon button, and dropped the bundle. Which I than picked up after killing him, and ran happily home carrying a trebuchet box in my hands)
I do like the concept of this system.
A few sugested changes:
Make it character based, it makes for armours not to be cluttered for those that couldnt use them anyway (as others have mentioned). It also means that players will keep going to places, rather than just unlocking the skin and never going to that dungeon/area again on any further characters.
It also stops people wearing armour of a faction (Vigil, Whisper, Priory) they arent actually part of.
We dont realy need a higher cost in transmutation stones given there are 19 different weapon types and each armour set has 6 pieces, for 18 armour pieces. Multiply that by the number of skins.
Just on basic weapons alone there are atleast 5 skins (Ascalon, Steam, Glyphic, Basic and plant, possibly more I cant recall) and then the legendary/unique/faction skins.
So if we assume just those skins thats some 95+ basic transmutation stones(the 1-79 stone) used and 19 of the normal ones (the 80 stones), before we take into account armour (which has many more skins sets than weapons).
If made per character (like dyes, as its basically the same concept), that makes for allot of used transmutation stones.I’m sure few people would use even close to that amount of stones in the current system. (I personaly would be lucky to have used 5 stones total and I have used only one basic stone).
Account-bound skins would mean you need to collect them only once, that’s true. But I truly can’t imagine a person collecting all skins on his main, then switching to his alt and starting to collect all skins there. Only because it’s such a huge undertaking (consider the legendary skins). 99.99% would just focus on the main, and for the alt they’ll just get one or two skins they like the best. So that doesn’t really add anything to replayability. But it does take away from player happiness.
I suggested a higher cost on transmutation stones just in response to those, worried about ANet loosing money on this (which I don’t believe they will, even if it costs 1 stone per 1 unlock).
Thanks for all your support, guys. Some great constructive criticism from many of you, and I really welcome it. Keep it coming, as I’d love to debate some more on this.
I’m very aware of a few other similar threads that had great ideas in them and died (some were mentioned here). Let’s not allow this to happen. I really want ANet to aknowledge this problem, and tell us their vision for it. So bump this thread from time-to-time, ask this question on the AMA’s and QA’s the devs from Arena often hold, send this question to game talk shows and podcasts.
So cheers guys, and thanks again!
I love this entire idea. I would so love this especially for town clothes. Having different ones in different zones would make perfect sense. If you want a more tribal looking town clothing you’d have to go to norn zones, or more lady like nobility human zones etc… I also like the idea of using transmute stones to unlock them so that i could have a cool skin and play an alt. one of the fun things in guildwars2 is exploring alt stories.
Plus i was a big fan in world of warcraft of collecting mini’s and mounts this would fill that same desire which right now only really collecting dyes has done for me. I don’t count guildwars2 minis since they aren’t really collected around the world like wow’s are.
I love this idea too! That would be wonderful, but I guess there should be some exceptions (like legendaries) that couldnt be “saved” and applied to a different weapon
I love this idea too! That would be wonderful, but I guess there should be some exceptions (like legendaries) that couldnt be “saved” and applied to a different weapon
Why do you think so?
Awesome idea. I’m loving it. A.net make it happen !
Awesome idea! They could probably add an outfitter NPC in the home instances “selling” your unlocked skins in exchange for transmutation stones.
Some sort of skin collection needs to be implemented. The current state of storage for armor sets in this game is a joke, considering progression is supposed to be entirely cosmetic. Make it happen ANet!
Brilliant, consider me a big supporter.
I also am in full agreement.. A++ to the OP for bringing this up.
Anet need to pop over to DC Universe Online and see how they handle it. Works a treat. But to save the skin rather than just equip like in DCUO you use a transmutation stone.
Look at this guys array of outfits (keep in mind its not full costumes but parts of ) and yet not one single bag space is used. Except actual gear. All the styles are saved and can be changed at anytime.
(edited by Lutharr.1035)
Agreed, wardrobe is needed for endgame. A very simple option for the time being: copy the PvP locker to PvE (I assume some sets will need to be added), and you’re done, seems to me. Whether it’s account-wide or character-based would be up for discussion.
Also, add a costume tab please. That’ll help people who don’t want to buy costumes due to limited inventory space ^^. Further functionality can be added later (eventually, an actual wardrobe in our bought house would be nice. )
Awesome idea!
I would love to have some place to put all my armor sets. Right now i have 2 sets on my warrior, 3 on my necro and 2 on my engineer. Currently working on 1 more set for both my warrior and engi.
All that takes ALOT of bagslot that i would rather use on something esle.
Having a UI to put them and pick from is exactly what i want now.
+9001 for this idea!
While I absolutely love this idea, I doubt it will happen for one simple reason – ANet stands to make more money from bank slot and bag slot expansions than it does from selling more transmutation stones. As long as people are using bank space for weapon and armor skins, ANet’s winning.
While I absolutely love this idea, I doubt it will happen for one simple reason – ANet stands to make more money from bank slot and bag slot expansions than it does from selling more transmutation stones. As long as people are using bank space for weapon and armor skins, ANet’s winning.
But since you can have unlimited toons in theory but your bank space cant ever go past a certain point people will be left having to make choices to save or destroy items. When that happens people will not be happy. better a good system now before it goes belly up.
While I absolutely love this idea, I doubt it will happen for one simple reason – ANet stands to make more money from bank slot and bag slot expansions than it does from selling more transmutation stones. As long as people are using bank space for weapon and armor skins, ANet’s winning.
I got all bank slots and I still need more space.
And I would not mind having to pay to unlock collections for PvE skins, costumes, rare materials, ingredients, ingredient-consumables, crafting components and other stackable items.
At least from me they’ll be earning more.
I support this idea.
Great idea… really think this would be an awesome addition.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
I support this suggestion!