Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Arcanorum Ignis.9218

It has been many months since the game was in Beta and subsequent launch, yet throughout that time one of the most requested and useful features for players, and in particular Guild Leaders, is still not in the game…

Now with this update that Guilds have been a huge part of, I seriously think that the devs are refusing on purpose to give us this very small feature that would make a huge amount of difference for GLs. Argument also includes the Friends List.

GW1 had it, so why does an apparently superior in every way game lack such basics?

Have they given us any kind of explanation as to why they have chosen not to add it?

Be sure to add a link to this thread in your signature please.

(edited by Arcanorum Ignis.9218)

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: CapN Biku.6024

CapN Biku.6024

Maybe you should actually describe the feature you’re talking about, everyone might not understand completely just by the title.

Anyhow, I think I know what you’re talking about, and there is already something like that, when a person in a guild is offline you can still see their information in the roster, location, profession, level, crafting professions, achievement points, but after they have been offline for some time (don’t know how long but at least more than a few days, which isn’t really that useful) you can no longer see that information and only see their accountname.
This also exists in the friendslist, if you hover over a friend that has been offline for some time you only see their accountname.

Although I would like to be able to see exactly how long it’s been since they were online, I’m guessing it could be a bit inaccurate during the first hours, like in the Trading Post.

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: lensor.9684


What he is talking about is how you in GW1 (and many other games) could see directly in the guild roster when the person was last logged into the game. Extremely useful for larger guilds with a membership spread over several time zones so might not run into each other in game all the time.

Right now, if someone is offline on your roster you have to way of telling if you just missed them, or if they been on a 2-month hiatus.

And yes, I would very much like this feature.

As for GW2, the feature should give not only “last online”, but also a “last rep” and maybe even “rep%”.

Bark N Mad [Dii] ~ The Order of Dii Guild Officer ~ Jade Quarry

(edited by lensor.9684)

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


the answer is of course, “because they haven’t made it for the game yet”

I hope they do. This was an excellent guild management tool for GW1, and it allowed everyone to manage at their own discretion.

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


Guild management tools as a whole are lacking, to put it mildly.

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

The way I see it, the reason there is no last online feature is because it is a pointless and useless feature. Just because someone is online doesn’t mean they’re representing your guild, therefore their online status tells you nothing about their contribution to your guild. What you want is their last representing status, where being offline is concidered not representing. Then you would actually be able to note the last time.

What you also want, since that still doesn’t give a proper indication of activity, is a way to see specifically how much influence they have accumulated for the guild. That way when you see they last represented an hour ago, because they flicked on represent then flicked it back off, you can also see that they haven’t actually accumulated anything for the last couple days and probably haven’t been participating.

That is, if you care about such things.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Pointless and useless? It would be one of the most useful things in the game if it were added. Having a ‘Last logged on’ and a ‘Last represented’ feature for guilds would be nice, but ‘Last logged on’ is by far the more necessary.

It just sucks that the mods keep dumping my threads about this in the ‘Graveyard’ section where most good threads go to die. They really should give the ‘Suggestions’ forum it’s own subforum, one for ‘Stupid ideas’ where all of the threads about mounts etc. would go, and leave the normal forum for good ideas.

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Arcanorum Ignis.9218

I want them to add a Last online feature.

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I agree to it Arcanorum. This has been suggested multiple times and it’s a true shame they are just ignoring it.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


Tons of threads asking for this.

A way to show when a player last logged in or represented a guild. How are guild leaderships able to manage a guild if they have no idea how many active members they have or when to start recruiting?

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

To answer the question presented in the OP, I’d say it’s because ANet’s view on guilds is that they are not some ingame corporations, and as such, you do not wish to kick people based on their efficiency in the guild, but rather some other reasons, such as not fitting in the community you provide.
Kinda similar why there are no inspect feature or damage meters for dungeons.

Well, that is just my theory, but to me, it looks like ANet wants everybody to have fun with their product, not stress about logging in or getting kicked out of their favorite guild.

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Well, some guilds are maintaining control on it already.
My guild is going to launch a control system. Everyone who comes online and represents within a month gets promoted to the new rank. Everyone who doesn’t come online gets demoted to inactive and kicked at the end of the month. This is, so far, the only viable option I’ve come across to make sure you don’t kick active members while cleaning up your ranks.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bron.9647


To answer the question presented in the OP, I’d say it’s because ANet’s view on guilds is that they are not some ingame corporations, and as such, you do not wish to kick people based on their efficiency in the guild, but rather some other reasons, such as not fitting in the community you provide.
Kinda similar why there are no inspect feature or damage meters for dungeons.

Well, that is just my theory, but to me, it looks like ANet wants everybody to have fun with their product, not stress about logging in or getting kicked out of their favorite guild.

It’s more a matter of knowing if people have stopped playing the game (or rarely play at all), so you know if it’s ok to kick them for inactivity, in order to make room for new members who might actually be active.

+1 to this btw…

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faryz.8497


Not to necro, but this is indeed a feature I am also very much looking forward to have…guild management is a pain right now…

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Please, by all means necro all you want. I’m sure it will intrigue some other passers-by to come take a look around the graveyard of ideas that is the ‘Suggestions’ sub-forum.

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


This is a pay to play game. It is very likely that people will wander away for a couple of months and still come back later to play. When they do come back they should be able to pick up where they dropped off — including inside their guilds.

You can have up to 500 member slots in your guild. I’d love to hear how many guild leaders are actually at capacity and needing to free up slots… I’m betting it is very few. But, if you are at capacity please suggest or argue for alliances so that you can expand by actually growing instead of asking for this feature that only allows players to be singled out for removal from the guild.

Sorrows Furnace

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: munkaybiznaz.8067


It’s possible that this is something that they are planning to implement but is not a priority which is why threads like this are getting trashed. Just saying its possible.

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


This is a pay to play game. It is very likely that people will wander away for a couple of months and still come back later to play. When they do come back they should be able to pick up where they dropped off — including inside their guilds.

You can have up to 500 member slots in your guild. I’d love to hear how many guild leaders are actually at capacity and needing to free up slots… I’m betting it is very few. But, if you are at capacity please suggest or argue for alliances so that you can expand by actually growing instead of asking for this feature that only allows players to be singled out for removal from the guild.

So you’re saying it shouldn’t be up to the guild master who belongs to their guild?

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


Be sure to add a link to this thread in your signature please.

Actually this thread should probably be merged with the thread from 5 months ago

It’s easier for the devs to gauge the level of player interest if we keep the discussion of one particular suggestion in one big thread instead of creating a bunch of new ones.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aye.8392


This is a pay to play game. It is very likely that people will wander away for a couple of months and still come back later to play. When they do come back they should be able to pick up where they dropped off — including inside their guilds.

You can have up to 500 member slots in your guild. I’d love to hear how many guild leaders are actually at capacity and needing to free up slots… I’m betting it is very few. But, if you are at capacity please suggest or argue for alliances so that you can expand by actually growing instead of asking for this feature that only allows players to be singled out for removal from the guild.

So you’re saying it shouldn’t be up to the guild master who belongs to their guild?

If you are a guild leader you have the option to admin lower ranks. Everyone in your guild is there at your pleasure, whether this tool exists or not, that is the fact of the matter. If there is someone who you don’t want to have in your guild then kick them. You sure don’t need this to give you that ability.

Sorrows Furnace

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eona Lilith.2350

Eona Lilith.2350

Bump! I agree this feature is totally needed!

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


This is a pay to play game. It is very likely that people will wander away for a couple of months and still come back later to play. When they do come back they should be able to pick up where they dropped off — including inside their guilds.

You can have up to 500 member slots in your guild. I’d love to hear how many guild leaders are actually at capacity and needing to free up slots… I’m betting it is very few. But, if you are at capacity please suggest or argue for alliances so that you can expand by actually growing instead of asking for this feature that only allows players to be singled out for removal from the guild.

It not ONLY about capacity in large guilds, if you are a new/small guild just starting out, it can be EXTREMELY hard to get ppl to stay if a lot of members are rarely if ever seen, yet if you dont have a lot of officers etc yet can be hard to figure out who is actually inactive, and who just happen to log on at times the leaders are not online

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stridle.3981


This would be a great way to keep active guild with clean rosters. Similar to other mmos of the past.

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


This is a pay to play game. It is very likely that people will wander away for a couple of months and still come back later to play. When they do come back they should be able to pick up where they dropped off — including inside their guilds.

You can have up to 500 member slots in your guild. I’d love to hear how many guild leaders are actually at capacity and needing to free up slots… I’m betting it is very few. But, if you are at capacity please suggest or argue for alliances so that you can expand by actually growing instead of asking for this feature that only allows players to be singled out for removal from the guild.

So you’re saying it shouldn’t be up to the guild master who belongs to their guild?

If you are a guild leader you have the option to admin lower ranks. Everyone in your guild is there at your pleasure, whether this tool exists or not, that is the fact of the matter. If there is someone who you don’t want to have in your guild then kick them. You sure don’t need this to give you that ability.

Strawman argument.

The discussion was having the ability to know when somebody in your guild has last logged on. Has nothing to do whether or not you want them in the guild.

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chasind.3128


It makes no sense why Anet didn’t add this in the 1st place, unless they simply ‘forgot’
I mean guild wars 1 had it- why not guild wars 2?

Why is there no 'Last online' feature?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shirou.4098


To answer the question presented in the OP, I’d say it’s because ANet’s view on guilds is that they are not some ingame corporations, and as such, you do not wish to kick people based on their efficiency in the guild, but rather some other reasons, such as not fitting in the community you provide.
Kinda similar why there are no inspect feature or damage meters for dungeons.

Well, that is just my theory, but to me, it looks like ANet wants everybody to have fun with their product, not stress about logging in or getting kicked out of their favorite guild.

If that is true then why did they limit guilds to 500? They should have knew better it will get full sooner or later and we will have problems knowing who we can kick or not.