Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Get rid of ascended. Hate those stuff.
I would cleans the forms with fire and make the Ignore Posts system work.
Any way so is this the desperate attempt to make your self feel better about not liking ascended and finding out that most players DO like them?
The gear is coming out and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Please stop acting like its not and bring up this every time they add in new bits of it.
I would cleans the forms with fire and make the Ignore Posts system work.
Any way so is this the desperate attempt to make your self feel better about not liking ascended and finding out that most players DO like them?
The gear is coming out and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Please stop acting like its not and bring up this every time they add in new bits of it.
Someone needs to read the thread topic better.
I would read into the current way of doing business to make as smooth a transition into my new role without breaking company tradition. Nothing’s worse than a new manager who thinks he can change everything. No you can’t, you’re there to make the game grow according to continuity design.
I would institute a difficulty option on Dungeons to make them more accessible to all players. More experienced/skilled players could play on the harder setting with slightly higher drop chance while those of us that don’t have time to spend hours studying every nuance of the game would have a setting where we could still have a chance to succeed.
Some people think Dungeons are too hard, others think they are too easy.. the best way to solve that is to let people choose the level of challenge they want.
I would then put the daily challenges back like they were since they weren’t broken to begin with and start working on ways to bring underpowered classes (Ranger, Necro) up to the level of classes like the Warrior and Guardian.
I would make a meeting to discuss raids
(a lot of people want it so at least I would look at the options)
I would make a meeting to discuss raids
(a lot of people want it so at least I would look at the options)
I would cancel said meeting since it does not fall within the manifesto. Not many people want it, the discussion is a vocal minority as per the forum stats (the 500 post thread is 90% by 3 people). Therefor, implementing raids and the implied gear grind is in the worst interests of the community.
1. Restructure the Q&A dept.
2. Contract DaoC RvR devs to consult with the WvWvW team.
3. Contract a CFA to consult on BLTP markets.
4. Direct the Comm. Liason to preempt other venues with releases.
5. Front row parking for the art team and dismal science Chair.
6. Assign Legal coverage of the Havok PLA, re design-defect remedies.
7. Raise proofing in-game copy a priority level.
I would make a meeting to discuss raids
(a lot of people want it so at least I would look at the options)I would cancel said meeting since it does not fall within the manifesto. Not many people want it, the discussion is a vocal minority as per the forum stats (the 500 post thread is 90% by 3 people). Therefor, implementing raids and the implied gear grind is in the worst interests of the community.
can you give me a link to that thread mate ?
i would like to make my vote then (nr. 4)
1. Make it so to kick someone from a party, all other party members should agree. If someone is offline for more than 5 mins, auto kick them from party.
2. Make is so everything drops something, even if it is junk.
3. Remove DR on drops (but keep it for event/dungeon rewards)
(edited by wildcode.5403)
I would unequivocally say that Ascended Gear is the LAST tier ever.
I would then begin to roll out:
2 things
1) makes risen xxxxx part of the xxxxx genus., not part of the risen genus., same with icebroods etc. That way when you kill a Risen pig it counts a pig and not a risen for kills.
2) Fire myself, so i could play more.
Remove DR and all farming nerfs
Give everyone a precursor for free.
Monthly reward system (you get rewarded for each day you login, get gems etc.)
Remove RNG.
Break thief.
Fire the QA testers and release a PTR.
Must i go on?
Please do… in fact I’ll do it for you.
Strip the Armani suits off the TP brokers
Remove all pre-made Legendaries from the TP
Give Zommoros an acid trip so he’ll be delusional enough to spit out precursors from white and blue items
Make dyes accountwide
Make a turbo-mode for faster travel across zones, or better still..
Abolish waypoint fees
Surgically remove the lead lumps off the Anet employee’s tongues… open communication people, that’s what the community wants y’know.
open up crystal desert… man i wanna wander around there
Amen brother!
I would make a meeting to discuss raids
(a lot of people want it so at least I would look at the options)I would cancel said meeting since it does not fall within the manifesto. Not many people want it, the discussion is a vocal minority as per the forum stats (the 500 post thread is 90% by 3 people). Therefor, implementing raids and the implied gear grind is in the worst interests of the community.
can you give me a link to that thread mate ?
i would like to make my vote then (nr. 4)
Hypothetical thread. I always see the same names pop up in those ‘I want this game to be WoW’ type of threads. I’m pretty sure CM department has tools to break these threads down into numbers such as ‘real number of posters’, number of unique IPs and correlating these to a subset of elitist keywords (mounts, raids, progression, trinity…). By doing so, I would make it a priority to filter out the vocal minority and focus on what the players really want.
I wouldn’t cater to GW1 fans either (even though I’m a huge GW1 fanboy). This game is not GW1, it is not WoW. As a lead designer it would be up to me to make sure GW2 remains unique.
“Study Wow’s Alterac Valley”
That is the worst idea I have seen in this game. Alterac valley is kitten. I played quite afew timeas and everytime the players just drive past each other and spend the entire time doing pve instead of pvp. Do you seriously want to study this to get good idea because should just be a pve dungeon because that what is mostly is.
“Study Wow’s Alterac Valley”
That is the worst idea I have seen in this game. Alterac valley is kitten. I played quite afew timeas and everytime the players just drive past each other and spend the entire time doing pve instead of pvp. Do you seriously want to study this to get good idea because should just be a pve dungeon because that what is mostly is.
Used to be pretty epic in Vanilla. WvW is what Alterac Valley should have been.
Some of the things that WvW could borrow from AV are:
- summoning the huge elemental
- air/ground support
- a destroyed wall should remain destroyed for a while
The summoning of shaman, and allying to centaur doesn’t seem to have a real effect on the game. Getting those things to join you should really turn the tide of the battle, with a steady stream of veterans attacking a key supply camp and tower for your team.
I’ll assign more resource on class balance and bug fixes. Have one designated person / team for each profession, MAKE them go through the bug lists on this forum and work on the items one by one.
Turn the focus away from instancing to dynamic events that span days, or even weeks, with improved loot, e.g. extra laurels.
make an Oculus rift version of the game…
buy the dev kit arena net.. its only like 400 bucks lol
This, oh yes!
Change ascended items to have the same stats as exotics. Infusions only affect agony.
Apologize to the players and promise no lvl increases and gear stat increases ever.
Adjust open world drops to be even with dungeons.
Make champions drop at least green items and reduce their health by ~20%.
Make dragon and large boss fights more dynamic.
Change Orr so you have to get the events in the first map up to a certain point to get to the next one – multi zone event chain.
Improve client performance and add server side checks for movement.
Just the few i can think of the top of my head.
1) Make a giant, open world area as hard as GW1 DoA and introduce DoA armor.
2) Reitroduce FoW/UW with their armor.
3) Remake Tomb of Primeval Kings and Urgoz.
4) Reintroduce hard mode.
5) Introduce crafting quests to get mats.
6) Have at least 3 GMs on each server (8 hour shifts) to costantly wander the game invisible to catch bots.
7) Remove stats difference from Exotics and beyond, replace with agony resist, then spread agony to all difficult content so that +tiers only benefit PvE.
8) Give difficulty levels to all dungeons; people with different levels can play and still get some progress toward next level (introduce difficulty progress UI bar).
9) LFG tool.
10) Allow texture mods and ENBs.
1) Replace “supply” with wood, stone and gold. Wood is needed to build siege, stone for fort upgrades/repairs, gold to hire/improve NPCs.
2) Make siege movable, dismantable or carriable by dolyaks; also, any siege placed will last 24 hours.
3) Introduce siege towers that work like golems but hold at least 5 players who can shoot from the top while taking little damage.
4) Replace obsolete server-based system with district system like GW1. To WvW people simply pledge to an House and battle with other Houses.
5) Make stealth visible (i.e. transparent, like allies see you) but not targetable; so noobs stop crying about us Thieves.
1) Create for each server a huge, new zone divided in 50 or so provinces each as big as Queensdale where everyone is FFA PvP except guild members; guilds can build towers/keeps and other buildings, conquer lumbers/mines, hire NPCs etc and that’s how GvG will be done.
2) Create at least 1 new skill for each skill in the game.
3) Make a “complaints” section on this forum and move all the complains there.
4) Give all classes some skills to block zergs (similar to Guardian’s wards) and reduce pvp-only damage of AoEs; this to prevent zergs exploit AoEing their feet to make anyone meleeing them insta-death.
And there it comes. The greatest game of our century. dreams
(edited by Red Falcon.8257)
Restore loot rates and issue a public apology.
(edited by Moderator)
update the game with DX11
Flowing Capes
Player housing
and MORE Emotes
The question is … what would you do as a lead designer. It isn’t … What do you want the lead designer to do.
Loot rates aren’t nerfed for 99% of the player base and a public apology is not necessary. Don; t give in to the vocal minority.
I would, instead, make a blog post about the specific mechanics of DR and a breakdown of the players affected.
- 7% are bots
- 1% with an average /age of 16 hours a day since launch
- 92% not affected
I would also make a percentile graph of players vs time spent in game on average.
- 50% plays less than 2 hours a day on average
- 40% plays between 2 and 6 hours a day on average
- 8% plays between 6 and 9 hours a day
- 2% plays more than 9 hours a day
With a blog post about how tries to cater to the 90% that play less than 6 hours a day.
[Moderator note: removed quote from a post that was infracted and removed.]
(edited by Moderator)
Hire more people.
Release bug fixes more frequently.
Start a DevBlog like Eve Online has.
Hire more people.
Release bug fixes more frequently.
Start a DevBlog like Eve Online has.
Again … your talking from a player’s perspective. What you say is simply not that easy to do.
As a Lead Designer you don’t have the rights to hire people nor should you do so if it’s not financially feasible. But you could send it up the command chain as a suggestion to management.
2. Contract DaoC RvR devs to consult with the WvWvW team.
Oh, yes please. Prior to launch, watching all the vids, I so thought this was what I was getting.
And yes to flushing DR, I am so tired of being impacted by an unacknowledged bug.
Hire more people.
Release bug fixes more frequently.
Start a DevBlog like Eve Online has.
Again … your talking from a player’s perspective. What you say is simply not that easy to do.
As a Lead Designer you don’t have the rights to hire people nor should you do so if it’s not financially feasible. But you could send it up the command chain as a suggestion to management.
Read the Gw2 Reddit every day for easy bug fixes and exploits.
Releases smaller patches more frequently for bug fixes.
Start a small devblog to encourage player feedback and settle unrest in the community.
Pull ascend gear asap.- No treadmill
remove dr and all effects
institute full HP and no VP
make precursors not RNG
redo the gem shop with things people want
redo the economy to remove manipulators and pre/legend
Give love to WvW and redo that area.
bring in some people to work on Spvp and to a level needed.
it goes on and on there is so much wrong and so bad that it would take a very very long time fix this game to the way it should have been.
Quick start. Roll back to Nov 15 and remove all DR – that would be a kitten good start.
Hire more people.
Release bug fixes more frequently.
Start a DevBlog like Eve Online has.
Again … your talking from a player’s perspective. What you say is simply not that easy to do.
As a Lead Designer you don’t have the rights to hire people nor should you do so if it’s not financially feasible. But you could send it up the command chain as a suggestion to management.
Read the Gw2 Reddit every day for easy bug fixes and exploits.
Releases smaller patches more frequently for bug fixes.
Start a small devblog to encourage player feedback and settle unrest in the community.
That’s more like it. However …
1/ bug fixes aren’t necessarily easy. If you have programmed anything in your life, you should know.
2/ In early GW1 it had patch day wednesday (on thursday …). I liked that.
I’d remove the kitten DR.
High level:
(edited by scerevisiae.1972)
I’d go on holidays, isn’t that what they do?!
Seriously i would pull all the possible resources into introducing new sandbox pvp mods into the game before losing more pvp players.
I’d use the current maps we already have (to start with and have it delivered faster), stuff like conquer/defend; capture the quagon; death matches for 5v5 and 3v3. add dueling option.
after that the resources would be split again and have one team building new pvp maps and the other teams working as they are atm they are doing a gj IMO.
Its just the pvp that needs urgent attention before more and more pvpers leve…
Release the source code.
Quit and start creating a new game together with two ex-colleagues in my apartment.
Tell Anet to create a public test server where designers can go mad if they want and get things done faster, more complete and all round better instead of experimenting on the actual live servers meaning they implement stuff too cautiously, in parts, unfinished, not to mess the equilibrium but then always mess it up anyway.
Also tell designers multiple reward systems only create frustration, confusion, anger and that the they had a great idea with karma until most such rewards are relatively mediocre compared to dungeon tokens, WvW tokens, fractal relics, laurels and even gold.
(edited by joneb.5679)
Gather my team and brainstorm the best way to turn WvW into a more strategic and skilled game instead of the numbers > all zergfest that it currently is.
Probably start by removing the AoE cap limit and instead introduce WvW specific utility spells that can protect an area from AoE for a limited amount of time to prevent it from becoming who can spam the most AoE on the choke point.
“Study Wow’s Alterac Valley”
That is the worst idea I have seen in this game. Alterac valley is kitten. I played quite afew timeas and everytime the players just drive past each other and spend the entire time doing pve instead of pvp. Do you seriously want to study this to get good idea because should just be a pve dungeon because that what is mostly is.
I enjoyed AV a ton more than WvW. WvW is so boring, each time I step into it, I fall asleep or want to drive nails into my head.
Ofc if AV was played in a manner not intended, like you explained, it is quite boring. Though weird as the countless hours I played that map, that never happened to me. Must have been your server. If the game was played as intended, it was super fun. In fact, it was one of the most popular PvP modes in WoW.
Now, I did say “study”, I did not say make a carbon copy of it. That’s just a disgrace and would throw it in Anets face. I want them to study what made it so fun and learn the pitfalls it had.
I guarantee you that if Anet were to release a FUN pvp mode of CTF, AV style attack/defend, or whatever other mode there is….WvW would be a wasteland.
Get rid of all player trading and the TP. Items and currency cannot be transferred between accounts in any way. The economy is essentially now a single player game.
-> No more bots, no more RMT.
Make all skins and items much easier to get. You should be able to get everything within the timeframe of a singleplayer RPG (ie. 120 hours or so.)
-> No more legendary QQ.
Put a major focus on WvW and PvP, developing all the missing features, like ladders, matchmaking, oberver, etc.
Add competitive features to PvE like ranking mode, hard mode, survivor mode maps, etc.
Add some sort of worldwide metagame where Guilds compete against each other to win control over areas of the world, like EVE.
-> Competitive gameplay is the only sustainable way to get long-term replayability.
Make basic sPvP a free-to-play downloadable game. You can pay money to upgrade to full GW2.
-> Increase the playerbase for PvP.
Change the combat gameplay to become like action games, such as Devil May Cry or Dragons Nest.
-> MMO-style combat was a necessary evil in times of bad internet. These days, pings are low enough to have proper combat.
Institute a formalised balance schedule, with regular “seasons” ending in balance patches, etc.
-> People want to know that balance fixes are always on the horizon.
Add modding features into the game. Players can create custom PvP matches with some limited scripting and upload them to the servers. Balance values, locations of props, match rules, etc can be modded.
-> When balance teams can’t work fast enough, players will do the job faster and better.
(edited by Rieselle.5079)
Focus on developing the core of the game further, focusing on the open-world:
- Weapon Skills 2 – 5 can now be chosen from a select pool (this is to facilitate balancing). Skills, however, will have to be ‘captured’ from mobs before they’re unlocked. Skill 5 will be able to house an Elite Weapon skill, which is only obtainable from the toughest foes.
- The buff / debuff system will be improved upon to give skills additional effects. This may lead to the introduction of Profession-Specific debuffs and buffs, such as Deep Wound for Warrior to take advantage of.
- We’ll continue to develop the Dynamic Event system. Our main aim is to not have events confined our as separate entities, but different events working in tandem to provide a challenge for players. We’ll also use our Fractals system to develop a system where Events get progressively harder a) the more times you complete them and b) the more players that get involved. The Centaurs weren’t successful last time, so this time they brought Shaman’s to attack from a distance. If you fail to stop this event, then this raiding party will also meet up with another, adding difficulty to that event. The higher the difficulty of the events, the more you are rewarded.
- Dailies will no longer be Account Bound.
- The Legendary process will be improved. This will include: Adding lore to weapons with is unfolded in Questlines reducing the Resource Grind required, add achievement requirements in their place. In order to keep the process as player-unique as possible, some aspects will be randomised (such as the location of certain items) so the player can’t follow a walkthrough. Implemented with this will be the pre-cursor hunt involving materials that the player cannot buy on the TP.
- While the Dragons still pose a threat, each of the races still have their own problems to contend with. As such, a notice board with Job Offers will be placed in each of the Racial Cities for their races. These tasks will be limited to that cities Race, and will allow the player to earn a bit of extra gold on the side.
- Blim the Bard is also looking for heroes to tell tales of their adventures for him to sing about. He’s handing out books for you to fill in with tales of epic battles and dangerous delving, which can be exchanged for some rare items. The more adventures you bring him, the more he’ll give you in return and the rarer the items available.
- Amaranth the Traveler is on her journeys across Tyria. As such, she’s always in need of supplies, and always questing for curious objects. Speak to her, and she’ll give you a (player-unique) list of items. In exchange for your troubles for hunting these items down, she’ll give you a bag of items she has collected from all across Tyria. Be quick though, while she’s here this week, she’ll be somewhere else the next!
- The Orders are also busy. So much so, they’ll be sending you Missions as and when they arrive. Completing these Missions will raise your Rank with the order, giving you access to cheaper armour, weapons and materials used for crafting. Missions will be in keeping with the theme of the Order.
- Crafting Professions will now have the ability to swap out one stat for another on the appropriate piece of equipment. A system will also be put in place for players to be able to offer this as a service to players who don’t have that particular crafting profession. Also, more unique skin recipes, including named weapons, will also be added to the World for you to hunt down.
- Mercenaries will be available for hire for Story Mode dungeons only. While we aim to have Explorable modes for organised groups, we don’t believe anyone should miss out on lore simply because they can’t get a group together.
I agree at all of the idea’s . also the one for a legendary weapon with lore around itself that would be awesome , these could be missions on their own.
I’d stop doubting my own game’s design and go into full-blown production mode to expand on the event system.
Remove PvP from the game and enjoy the new found freedom to actually balance and bug fix classes.
Lower ascended gear stats down to exotic and make infusions only give agony resists. Infusions is a temporary fix while I think of a better mechanic then agony.
Give Ranger pets agony resist.
Add waypoints, hearts, events (including a major dragon level one) to Southsun Cove.
Add a Storyline where Magnus the Bloody-Handed gets killed and the rest of the Lionguard suddenly realise they aren’t actually the Lion Guard nor is this Lion’s Arch and the other races turn against them for taking the Centaurs side in the war.
Add a storyline where the Charr suddenly realise celebrating mass genocide and hailing murderer as heroes isn’t that great of a thing to do actually.
Other general changes to stop the Charr from being a mary sue race.
Add an open group system.
Add a new legendary shortbow.
Make dungeon’s storyline modes soloable.
1) grouping tool
1.5) have i mentioned grouping tool?
2) remove critical damage stat from gear, traits 30% can remain.
3) re-curve precision so it will be capped at 30% on level 80 , 50% with fury.
4) re balance sigils and consumables proc around new precision
5) add healing power on existing ascended jewelry and make ascended items to have exactly the same stats as exotic but with infusion slot for agony resistance only
6) allow heals to crit
7) allow conditions to crit (burn, bleed, poison)
8) don’t ever ever implement ascended armor and weapons or any other higher stat gear.
9) add more structured PVP map types i.e. capture the flag, lunatic inquisition aka last man standing, etc etc
10) increase CC duration (cripple, immobilize, chill, stun) in PVE instead of nerfing dungeon encounters, people should meta game around control rather than DPS race.
11) remove completely magic find or make it average evenly for each member of the group i.e. if in 5 member party one player has 100 magic find, one have 30 magic find and three have zero magic find, the effective magic find on each of the members will be 130/5= 26% magic find. this is only fair.
12) the dragon lieutenant events (undead, frost and shatterer ) should impact the map on failure, if the event is lost the map should be drastically changed until the event is won. the event should not occur more than once per day, loot should reflect the difficulty.
13) when you completed the map, you should see all the events on the map not just the close ones in the vicinity.
I’d remove stealth.
Then I’d roll back ascended gear.
I’d implement a “One fractal group a day” limit to get players out of crappy instanced content and back into the world.
I’d halt all development on more instanced content and encourage the team to brainstorm potential emergent systems, ones that don’t rely on scripted content.
I’d re-implement the inter-player trading from GW1 as well as retaining the BLTP. It may or may not kill a stream of revenue, but at least I’d be showing my players some respect and removing some potential for scamming.
I’d seriously look at increasing duration of crowd control effects, reducing cooldowns and removing immunity from bosses. I’d encourage the programming team to find some way to get monsters to dodge incoming attacks in the same way players do, with their own endurance bars. That way they can still attempt to avoid a certain amount of CC, but it doesn’t feel cheap.
I’d completely remove the Fear crowd control effect from the game. Taking control away from players is a cardinal game design sin.
I’d change Confusion so that it affected a certain number of skill activations rather than being time-based.
I’d remove armour repairs from WvW.
I would attempt to find some way of legitimising gold farmers and botting. We obviously can’t beat them, so we should integrate them. Separate zones for botters, a 2 way gemstore where gems can be converted back to cash, storefronts for individual sellers, that sort of thing, all subject to an ArenaNet handling fee.
I would remove all other forms of currency except gold and karma.
I’ll stop now.
Change the monthly achievements so, like the dailies will be, there is a choice in which to complete.
THEN, I’d remove WvW from the map completion requirement.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do?
Honestly, probably this. Because as a community, we didn’t used to be so entitled. I can’t imagine it’s terribly rewarding any more. At least, I bet they have to look inward and internally to feel rewarded.
And I’m not talking about the rose-tinted “games were so much better when…”, because I happen to be an older gamer who ‘remembers’ complaining 15 years ago, and a lot less now. I like the evolutionary (not revolutionary) pushes that WoW and GW2 made to make playing more fun. Corpse runs, de-leveling, forced grouping to do anything, spawn camping (and fighting over it), node stealing, mob tagging. Ugh. I love where we’re at with GW2. I hope we see more of it in future games. Especially the open world “we’re all just kinda in one big party” thing, it’s the way it should be. A ‘party’ is a mechanic from a by-gone era that related itself to a ‘party’ in DnD so we could relate to it and rally behind it.
I’m talking about our general attitude, and I’ve fallen into this trap myself. We’ve all become jaded and unappreciative. Because we’re expecting to be given some sort of ‘rebirth’ of the genre to make us feel like we did when we first were playing UO and EQ (before we realized there was nothing fun about de-leveling and corpse runs and all that other stuff). “Holy cow! It’s like I’m playing DnD online with 100s of people at the same time without a DM!” Yeah, those were exciting times.
Now, not so much. The developers are tired and we’re tired and honestly, 15 years ago, it would have been awesome to be an MMO developer. Today? It doesn’t seem like it’s any better than working your tail off to get a project done for a business client only to have them ask if their screen could be made of ice cream, because they like ice cream, but they don’t want it to melt, and it should be pink, but only when they feel like looking at pink, and it should just know when that is.
I ‘love’ this game. Some days I feel like I’m the only one. I also like some other new games, and when I visit those forums, again, I feel like the only one. It’s not specific to this game, it’s a disease that seems to have spread around and gotten ‘really’ noticeable in MMO forums over the past, say, 3 years. It’s unfortunate.
I would completely rework the reward system:
1) More dailies that people can choose from. Meaning a daily for each playing style and you can pick a maximum of x daily quests each day.
2) Throw out monthly achievements and bring in weekly achievements instead.
3) Dungeon tokens can be exchanged for a single currency. The lower level the dungeon the more tokens it takes to exchange (to laurels for example).
4) Reward all activities. The laurel system can be used for this in general. Also people who level or do DE’s should get rewards that can be used to buy laurels.
5) Add better looking gear that can be collected.
6) Add full set of ascended gear.
7) Add more and better rewards for Karma.
8) Throw out DR and MF. People should be rewarded for playing the game not for using gimmicks and then being punished for it. So take the cause out with the punishment. MF will be a higher percentage that applies to all equally.
9) Down leveling should be stricter so higher levels are more on equal footing with low levels. As a reward better drops/rewards when playing low level areas.
10) Downgrade the rewards for FotM. People should be rewarded no matter where they are and not driven like cattle into one place with a big carrot. The carrot should be everywhere.
There is so much more that this game needs and I decided that reworking the combat system would be too much to describe here, but I would fix the reward system first though. Less emphasis on TP and Gems and more focus on better and nice in game rewards and a better reward system as such.
Make everybody’s characters into Chauncey von Snuffles III.
+1 for diminishing returns!
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