This is an examination of the sister classes when compared to the Engineer (I play all three only in PVE BTW) Please refrain from turning this thread into a “engineers are fine what are you talking about” thread. We all know they are not, and the items listed below are how I believe they can improve the class overall.
Traits are the largest problem imo. Traits exist for Thieves and Rangers that simply don’t exist for Engineers adding to the problems Engineers face.
General Improvements for the Engineers Traits
First let’s move some things around to make it easier to trait.
- Critical Damage —> Firearms
- Condition Damage —> Explosives
- Condition Duration —> Tools
The minor traits (those that are never chosen are very much different for the engineer then they are for the thief and ranger).
- Example: Opening strike/Serpents Touch. Both damaging affects. Engineer gets stuck with Evasive powder keg. While fun, this trait is impractical and weak.
- Example: Alpha Training/Lotus Poison vs Reserve Mines. Again engineer must use a defensive ability. One that doesn’t directly improve anything nor is it useful while attacking. Doesn’t improve overall damage output in the slightest.
- Example: Precise Strike/Exposed Weakness vs Steel-Packed Powder. We finally see a slight improvement on the engineer tree but it only inflicts vulnerability. Vuln doesn’t function the same way it used to at launch and many have stated that it’s basically a waste of time trying to trait for this. What we need is a direct damage bonus like 10%.
Traits that should be added which are missing
Better Damage Bonuses – As I mentioned before, there are clear differences between the kind of bonuses to damage Engineers enjoy and those enjoyed by the sister classes. The bonuses for engineers are not only lower, they require special conditions to activate. For example: Empowering Adrenaline, get a 5% damage bonus when endurance is not full. This to me should be more like Dagger Training which has no restrictions. Some might argue that it’s more like Steady Focus, however what they fail to realize is that every bow in the game gives the ranger and thief dodge abilities so they don’t have to use their endurance and can thus keep their bonus. These naysayers will also fail to realize that Rangers get a 10% bonus while Engineers get a 5% bonus. Something here is not like the other.
Some might argue that Engineers have plenty of bonuses, I’m sorry but they’re wrong. The class does have bonuses to damage however, there is a dramatically lower initial damage output, and hardly any direct damage bonuses after the 50% mark. For example: some will argue that Target the maimed is plenty, however 5% hardly matches 10% and also must contend with a single condition damage, whereas Exposed Weakness gives it’s benefits no matter the condition. Last I checked that improves it’s chances of activating.
Some would say we should continue to use the toolbelt skills and allow these bonuses to continue to slip thru our fingers or let them be turned off in certain situations while the other two sister classes enjoy their bonuses without restrictions. I say no, it should be a completely level playing field. Engineers should have a bonus to initial damage like the sister classes.
A similar problem exists not just for burst damage builds but also for condition builds. Other classes have a non-tooltipped initial burst of damage from using skills that are designed to apply conditions that the engineer doesn’t see. You can easily see this by making a trap ranger or a Staff Mark Necro and using their skills recording them side by side with the engineer and playing the video back. There’s an initial damage output of these skills BEFORE the conditions start ticking. I’ve yet to find traits that do this on my Ranger’s traits it just occurs.