dual wield attacks

dual wield attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apochalypse.1627


I know that the first 3 skills are dictated by the main hand weapon and the last 2 by the offhand, but for immersion sake, can’t we have our characters hitting with alternate hands in the attack animation.

I play a dual pistol, Charr thief and it looks very strange when I’m auto attacking to only fire with a single pistol over and over. The offhand weapon hangs at my side, making me look downright lazy.

From a game play point of view, I can see that some mechanics will have to be tweaked to accommodate this change as your offhand weapon could statistically proc more from simple auto attacks, but that could be handled with an internal cooldown on most sigils.

I’m sure I am not the only person who would welcome this change.

dual wield attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wraithcaller.2794


Alternatively, for specific circumstances just the animation is changed instead of any of the mechanics. You dual-pistol charr could fire both weapons for the auto-attack, but he would fire at the exact same rate he already does with just one.

“Why are the quaggan babies twice the size of the adults? O.o”

dual wield attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Panda.1967


It would be nice to see animations account for both weapons. No need for any combat mechanic changes when it’s just a visual aesthetic being changed.

Please stop assuming I’m a guy… I am female.

dual wield attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: smokemanjays.1296


just made a topic about this lol i rly 2nd this idea it would make the combat look alot more fluid

dual wield attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apochalypse.1627


With it just being an aesthetic change, I can’t see why A-Net would not implement this. The animation already exists for dual pistols. They could simply take the unload animation, and slow that down till it matches the existing attack speed.

dual wield attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


I’d also like dual wield attacks like dual pistols to have an animation that makes the character shoot from both similar to Dante from Devil May Cry.

dual wield attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathwhispr.8210


2nd this motion as well

Revenge Is A Meal Best Served Cold

dual wield attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Schrii.7064


I also agree with this suggestion, it irks me when the pistol in your offhand does nothing other than look pretty in the ‘auto-attack’ rotation.

dual wield attacks

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiennen.6890


It would be nice to see animations account for both weapons. No need for any combat mechanic changes when it’s just a visual aesthetic being changed.

I would be perfectly happy if my character rotated between his two weapons when auto-attacking.